Male God, a Little Su

614 How to teach a scumbag to be a man 3

This feeling is really new.

04 stood in the system space, felt her emotions, and slowly revealed a small smile.

The reason why he said that Su Yan has become cheerful is not because Su Yan understands that he does not understand the meaning of words.

In the past, Su Rou was the arrogant daughter of the sky, and she was held high by the stars, so she put herself very high from the beginning. She doesn't lack anything, she has what she wants at her fingertips.

But after entering these worlds, what she wants, she has to fight for and integrate.

Those who were more or less flawed, just made up for the missing piece in her heart.

It's just that Su Yan didn't realize it yet.

04 took a last look and saw that she had integrated into this body, so she turned and went offline and left the system space.


The scrolls on the computer screen slowly unfolded to both sides along with the light and ancient music.

【Fantastic Dreams】

The four large ink characters slowly bloomed, and an ink butterfly flapped its wings, and finally stayed on the 'fate' of Qimeng Xianyuan.

Lastly, is the page for choosing a role.

Xie Mengmeng had done his homework a long time ago, and as soon as he entered, he immediately chose a cute and short loli, with long black hair and two furry ears on the top of his head. There is also a big fluffy tail behind the butt. When the little loli is standing still, she will make faces at will, or jump up and flutter the butterfly.

Xie Mengmeng held his chin and stared at his freshly baked daughter with love, and the corners of his mouth were almost drooling.

On the top of the little loli's head, there are three green fonts: Munchiki.

The id of almost all the games that Xie Mengmeng plays are called this.

She finally saw enough, turned to look at Su Rou, but found that she was still stuck on the face pinching interface, the light on the screen fell on her porcelain white face, which was clean and beautiful.


"Rouge, I didn't expect you to like this type?!" Xie Mengmeng looked at the female character established by Su Yan with indescribable words.

It was an adult woman, with an S-shaped curve and a thin waist and a high chest. It is the kind that is called the devil's figure in reality, and it is even worse.

Two people stood together, Xie Mengmeng was embarrassed.

She watched her little loli jumping and jumping, not as tall as Su Yan's female character's thighs.

"Does it look good?" Su Yan didn't answer, she turned her head, blinked her eyes, and looked innocent.

Xie Mengmeng: "Cough... It's beautiful!"

Su Yan seemed to believe it. She rolled her eyes and said sincerely, "Your character is also quite cute, but... a little short."


After that, the two started to work.

Su Yan had never played online games, so she was not used to it at the beginning. Anyway, she didn't plan to become a powerful boss. As long as the fish is hooked, just play

Xie Mengmeng was excited to do the task with Su Yan at first, but later found that she was too slow, holding her cheeks and taking a sip of her drink from time to time. How comfortable and comfortable it must be, I don't know, I thought she was on vacation

In the end, Su Rou was mercilessly abandoned by Xie Mengmeng.

Yutian was an internal beta player before, and he has played several occupations that he is interested in. Today's public beta, he first created an account to level up.

Novice tasks, generally let players run back and forth, familiar with the map. This game, whether it is a copy or a pvp big world boss, can only be played at full level.

Yu Tianbai did a few tasks boringly, and found that the adult female character following him was quite interesting.

He stopped, walked over and clicked the other side to take a look.

This game is empty, don't take the right seat! Combined with the few online games that Brin has played, I got the name blindly~

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