Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 828 Boil the Emperor to become the Empress Dowager 20

The library was silent.

The three Su family's father and son, Su Muzhi's character, is most similar to Su Jun's.

As for Su Jingzhi and Su Yan, their personalities have escaped since childhood, and Su Yan is even more domineering. The two of them play the best and are the most similar.

Compared with the former, Su Jun and Su Muzhi's love for Su Rou is much more restrained.


Su Muzhi slowly squatted down in front of Su Jun's knees, raised his head and said solemnly: "I don't think what Jingzhi said is unreasonable, of course, I don't mean treason, but... we also have to Think about it for yourself."

Throughout the ages, those princes and generals who have been hidden by all the birds. Which one ends well? All of them were casually charged with a crime, and they were all copied and executed.

"Dad knows it."

Su Jun raised his voice, his hoarse and uncharacteristic voice startled Su Muzhi.

"Sometimes my father wonders if it's right to be this general. Why don't I pay a tiger talisman and cultivate myself at home. In this way, I won't arouse suspicion from the emperor and harm your sister."

When they came back all the way, they all saw how much Xiao Qinghe cared about that woman.

My heart has been secretly worried.

Who would have thought that this day would come so soon. The woman who had no background, sat beside the emperor openly, occupying the position of the imperial concubine.

The master of the dignified harem could only be subdued.

One is ignorant, the other has no conscience.

When Su Muzhi heard that Su Jun had been persuaded, he smiled, "Of course I listen to my father. In fact, Jingzhi has a good heart. Moreover, he is smarter than me. If he were to pursue an official career, it would be too early. It's just an official."

It's just that the Su family has already made the royal jealous.

If Su Jingzhi shines again, the emperor will not give them a chance to grow up again, and he is afraid that he will directly attack the Su family.

Therefore, the wise Su Jingzhi chose the lowest quotient.

Just looking at the huge sums of money he earned back, you can see how good his brain is.


These are all later stories.

It is only said that Su Ro was supported by Jiang Ma and entered the Weiyang Hall. Su Ro, who was in a drowsiness and staggering all the way, suddenly stood up straight.

She waved her hand, pinched her eyebrows and walked towards the main hall.

In the Weiyang Palace, all of her people belonged.

It was sent by the Su family, so Su Yan was very relieved here, and didn't have to worry about being betrayed.

Mammy Jiang was stunned for a moment, and when she reacted, she couldn't help laughing and crying, "Niangniang, so you are pretending to be drunk?"

Originally, she was still wondering, when Su Yan was at home, she often drank with her brothers. When did the drink get so low?

But it turned out that she wanted to come back, so she deliberately pretended to be drunk.

The earth dragon in the main hall was burning extremely vigorously, and Su Yan was sweating profusely shortly after walking in. She took off her cloak and kicked off her embroidered shoes.

Just wearing socks and stepping on the ground.

"Ouch my mother-in-law—"

Mammy Jiang was instantly angry and funny, picked up the cloak after her, put the embroidered shoes away, and urged her to sit down quickly.

"Don't go barefoot, even if you burn the earth dragon! Does the lady not know the reason why Han starts from the soles of her feet?"

Su Yan pouted, her eyes were curved, and she smiled slyly.

He rushed to the maid next to him and said, "Xia Nuan, pour a cup of hot tea for this palace."

In front of Mama Jiang, she was like a child, her voice was soft.

"I'm hot~"

Mammy Jiang glanced at her helplessly, "This is not an example."

She wet her handkerchief and wiped Su Yan's hands.

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