Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 901: Boil the Emperor to become the Empress Dowager 91

Meng Yunniang's eyes widened in surprise, but she didn't expect it to be so fast.

She left contentedly.

Su Yan lifted her eyelids and lightly brushed away Duchuan's hand.

"Duchuan, do you have nothing to say to this palace?"

Du Chuan was stunned, and quickly lowered his eyebrows, walked quietly to Su Yan's side and knelt down.

"Poison is given by slaves, but slaves will never harm the master. If... if the master is not happy, then punish Duchuan, and Duchuan will never complain!"

He pursed his lips and refused to look up.

Su Rou tutted softly, raised her eyebrows and leaned over slightly, her index finger lifted his chin lightly.

Seeing the other party stubbornly pursing his lips, a pair of innocent and beautiful eyes were stained with grievances, and their eyes were red.

Looking so pitiful.

Su Yan was amused, "If you come here with Ben Gong again, you're sure that Ben Gong is soft-hearted, right?"

Du Chuan pursed his lips and carefully tugged at the corner of her skirt.

"The master obviously doesn't like the emperor, but the servant helped you out of anger, and he will never come to disgust you again in the future, isn't it bad?"

Just the two of us, living a quiet life.

After the last sentence, he turned around in his heart and swallowed it back in his stomach.

Su Yan wanted to laugh or not, "Is that really the case? Just for the sake of this palace?"

Her eyes are too bright, and when she looks over with a smile, she seems to be able to bring out the ugliest things in people's hearts. Du Chuan nodded uncomfortably and said seriously, "Yes, yes."


Su Yan folded her hands, her eyelids drooping.

The meaning pointed: "It seems that Duchuan is very satisfied with the current life?"

she said casually.

Du Chuan was a little dazed, but he was used to pretending, and he was sure that Su Yan couldn't bear to punish him. He raised his head pretending to be innocent, blinked his eyes, a pair of beautiful eyes that were as bright as stars, cute and soft.

"As long as I can be with the master, Duchuan is happy no matter what."

"Oh? That's how it is—"

Su Yan raised her eyebrows, "Then Ben Gong has nothing to say, but your self-assertion behavior still makes Ben Gong very angry."

She lowered her face and said to Du Chuan, "In that case, go to the small kitchen and burn the fire for two days. You are not allowed to come to the main hall for two days!"

Duchuan felt a chill in his heart.

He suddenly burst into tears and asked cautiously, "Master, can you just take a long time?"

If he can't see her, he doesn't think it's interesting to do anything.

I'm afraid Du Chuan didn't realize it himself, he became more and more attached to Su Yan. And sometimes, he will forget that Su Yan is his master. Of course, it is also possible that he did it on purpose.

Du Chuan is a smart person. He knows that he is beautiful, and Su Yan has no resistance to his coquettish and aggrieved appearance. So I often take advantage of this to try step by step where Su Ro's bottom line is.

"Three days."

Su Roan rested her chin in a relaxed manner and shook her fingers.

"Would it be a good day then?"

Du Chuan's eyes were red, he kept his voice soft, and the tail sound seemed to be coquettish.

"Four days, then a month after bargaining."

Su Yan hooked her red lips and threatened slowly.

Du Chuan was in a hurry, "Two days is two days, and the slaves are obedient!"

He was very lost, and felt that the master didn't seem to care about him as much as she had shown.

Yes, he's just a slave.

Du Chuan was like a dejected dog, dragging his head with heavy steps, and moved out step by step.

Before going out, he was still hoping that the other party would stop him from behind.

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