Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 908 Boil the Emperor to become the Empress Dowager 98

This has become routine recently.

Every day, one or a few ministers died of grief and anger outside the Golden Palace.

They all hoped that Xiao Qinghe could give up the idea of ​​building a prayer platform and comfort the people first.

In fact, the people don't care who is the emperor at all. They are too far away from that world to imagine.

They only know that they have enough to eat, clothe and drink, and their wives and children are on the kang head.

But now, even the most basic living can't be solved.

They have no home, and their families are dying and scattered. Some drowned in the flood, and some were swept away by the flood.

Ancient times are not as convenient as modern times, and sometimes once they are separated, it is a lifetime.

In the autumn, the border crossing came, and Su Jun went to the border crossing.

Su Muzhi broke his leg because of riding a horse and had to rest at home for at least several months, so he did not go with Su Jun.

In an eventful autumn, Su Muzhi closed his door to recuperate, and no one saw him.

Even if the courtiers objected again, the person sitting in that seat was still Xiao Qinghe, so the construction of the prayer platform was in full swing when it was still in the beginning of autumn.

In the palace, Xiao Qinghe raised hundreds of Taoist priests from all over the country.

Every day, the catchment of the palace is covered with a layer of black smoke.

The whole palace was full of smog, and the voices of those gods and chanting spells could be heard all day long.

Su Yan knew that the time was almost up.

The day before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Su Yan got up and went to Cuihua Hall.

There were people standing outside the hall, but there was one less figure on the main seat.

"Niangniang, it's filthy inside, you should wait outside, right?"

"You are guarding outside, Ben Gong go in and take a look."

There was a burst of pain that was higher than a while, accompanied by Wen Po's anxious voice.

"Oh! It's not good, it's not good, Concubine Rong's blood has collapsed, go and get the imperial doctor!"

The bursts of orders, as well as the hot water brought out by the palace people, made people's eyelids jump.

That's right, the person who is pregnant and giving birth is Concubine Rong.

Years ago, that night in Ganquan Palace, she was lucky.

After discovering that she was pregnant, she has been reclusive and never made a public appearance. This made Su Yan suspicious, and after being checked, she suddenly laughed.

So, does this mean that God is helping her?

She looked back and gave Du Chuan a light look. He nodded slightly and turned to leave the Cuihua Hall.

All the attention of everyone was on Concubine Rong, and naturally they didn't see it.

When Su Yan walked in, she saw Concubine De Si sitting on a chair outside the palace, twirling the beads with her eyes down.

Su Yan was funny, she walked in with her lips hooked.

Concubine Rong's painful cry did not affect her in the slightest.

"Concubine De and Concubine Rong are really like sisters. Such a deep relationship is really enviable for this palace."

She lightly sat down beside De Fei.

The Buddha beads in De Concubine's hand suddenly broke.

She suddenly got up and plopped down to Su Yan. She has seen everything that has happened over the past year.

It was because she saw it that she knew how terrifying the person in front of her was.

With the power of one person, without costing a single soldier or soldier, it will destroy the high-spirited and high-spirited person.

I'm afraid Xiao Qinghe didn't realize that the current imperial palace is no longer named Xiao!

"Huh? What is Defei sitting on?"

Su Yan raised her eyebrows and looked at her with a leisurely smile.

Concubine De closed her eyes, "The concubine begged the Empress to spare the life of Concubine Rong's sister."

It turned out that she thought that Su Yan's plan this time was to go to her mother and keep her son.

"What do you mean by Concubine De? So in your mind, Ben Gong is such a ruthless person?"

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