Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 919 Boil the Emperor to become the Empress Dowager (End)

"Oh, now the master doesn't want to eat it, don't give it away!"

Dong Nuan was at a loss, she hadn't warmed up for a while, and was dragged out by Chun Nuan again, and she stared angrily, "Why don't you eat it again? The master has no appetite? How can you not eat, neither do you. I know how to persuade! Don't pull me, I'll go in and see."

"Hey hey hey-"

Chun Nuan wanted to pull but couldn't pull it, Dong Nuan went in holding the Tremella soup without looking back.

Once inside, she frowned.

What does it taste like, it's a little strange--

"Master, are you asleep?"

Seeing no one, Dong Nuan walked inside frowning.

Chun Nuan stood outside and stomped angrily, hating how she didn't hold her back. Dong Nuan didn't know, but she knew, so standing outside, it was neither going in nor going in.

At this moment, she heard a clang and the sound of the cup falling to the ground.

She covered her eyes, wanting to cry without tears.

Dong Nuan blinked, staring blankly at everything in front of her, and the Tremella soup spilled on the ground.

She watched helplessly as the man in black pants sat quietly beside the bed, with a white shirt draped over his shoulders. Showing a strong and sturdy waist and abdomen, his eyebrows are clear and compelling, and the end of his eyes is dyed with a blush.

Looking more and more intriguing.

But he he he—

Why is he in the master's bed? Still this dress? !


Su Yan yawned, slowly stretched out a hand, raised her heavy eyelids and asked lazily, "Who is it?"

Du Chuan heard the words and glanced at Dong Nuan lightly. When he looked back, the indifference on his face was instantly covered by tenderness.

With contented eyebrows, he raised his hand and grabbed Su Yan's protruding hand, and tucked it back into the bed.

Whispered: "No one, go to sleep."


Su Yan was so tired that she fell into a drowsy sleep almost as soon as the word came out.

Dong Nuan walked out vainly.

Walking out of Weiyang Hall all the way, the head was foggy, and the heavy snow was swirling down. It hit her in the face and turned into cold water droplets that flowed down her collar.

She shuddered and woke up.

Duchuan's cold and threatening expression filled his mind.

Chun Nuan patted her shoulder sympathetically, and sighed: "Now you know why I didn't ask you to go in? What? Tell me what you saw?"

She winked narrowly at Dongnuan.

They are all old people around Su Yan, and they are not worried that Dong Nuan will be silenced because of this incident.

Now that the entire palace belongs to their masters, what can Su Yan want to do?

Hearing this, Dong Nuan's face blushed.

She glared at Chun Nuan angrily, and walked quickly along the corridor towards the side hall, "I'm going to make tea, I'm too lazy to care about you!"

When the wind blew, a red plum tree in the courtyard fell rustling and snow fell, revealing a bright red.

Red walls and green tiles, cornices and corners.

It is a completely poetic beauty.

However, in the eyes of Chunnuan and Dongnuan, they are already used to seeing it.

"Oh, tell me!" Chun Nuan was very curious and quickly chased after him, "Tell me, how is Du Chuan's figure? What was he doing when you went in?"

Dong Nuan staggered under his feet and rolled his eyes.

The footsteps were getting faster, she blushed, and after a long time she spit out a sentence, "I didn't see anything, I only saw... I saw..."

That snow-white lotus arm, and strong abdominal muscles.

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