Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 921 For the mid laner 2

She drooped her eyelids and looked a little sullen. The extreme contrast between her jet-black hair and pale skin made her a little dull.

The original body is also called Su Yan, an adopted child. The adoptive parents have been married for many years and have no children. They went to the hospital for examination and could not find any results. In desperation, they could only follow the advice of relatives and friends and went to the orphanage to adopt a child. That is the original body, but unexpectedly, it seems that the arrival of the original body has brought them good luck.

Yuan Shi's adoptive mother soon became pregnant. At that time Yuan Shi was only three years old.

At first, she was beautiful, and she was white and tender, and everyone who saw her liked her. Although her adoptive mother was pregnant, she hadn't thought much of it yet. But gradually, the original body revealed a little difference.

For example, she doesn't like to talk, and often sits in one place for a day. If you scold her, she will stare at you silently with a pair of dark-haired eyes, making people feel creepy.

Gradually, her adoptive parents also felt that she was physically defective and would be abandoned. The little daughter she gave birth was lively, cheerful and cute, so she shifted her focus to her own daughter, Su Tian.

But the original body at that time was only three or four years old, and it was the time when he needed to be cared for. But the adoptive parents of the original body obviously ignored this, and they even thought about sending the original body back to the orphanage.

But at that time, the neighbors were still very close, and something short of parents would soon spread. For the sake of face and fear of being gossiped, her original adoptive parents had to keep her.

One is an adoptive daughter who does not like to talk and has a slow and eccentric temper. One is a lively and cheerful, Bingxue smart daughter who loves to laugh and act like a spoiled child.

Think with your toes, and know who to favor.

The original body grew up in such a family. She was in poor health. When she was ten years old, she suddenly fainted at a school sports meeting. Later, I was found to have congenital heart disease. At that time, the medical conditions were poor and it was impossible to do in-depth examinations. Coupled with the neglect of my adoptive parents, the body could not supplement nutrition, which led to the subsequent lesions.

But there is a saying that if God takes something from you, it will add something to you.

The original body does not like to talk, and is in poor health. Therefore, she will put more energy into her studies, and she has already taught herself high school courses in junior high school. Also in high school, before the college entrance examination, he was directly appointed by a famous university in Beishi, and he was directly recommended after finishing the third year of high school.

The original adoptive parents seem to see the value of the original body. Therefore, since she was a child, she has been the free tutoring teacher of her sister Su Tian. It is obvious that she also needs to study and do homework, and her health is not good. But she still has to be responsible for Su Tian's academic performance, but it's like inheriting the genes of her adoptive parents. Su Tian has never loved to study since she was a child, and every exam is the tail end of the class.

Because of this, the original adoptive parents were even more annoyed at her, they felt that her grades were so good, but they couldn't change Su Tian. She must have some tricks to learn and refused to tell Su Tian.

After that, when she turned 18, she cut off her living expenses directly, and even let her live in the school, and don't come back if she has nothing to do.

Su Tian is the daughter of destiny in this world.

She has a cheerful personality, and now she is eighteen years old in a period of rebellion. The Su family's family is not wealthy. Both parents are ordinary small employees. They have been holding the so-called iron rice bowl for decades and eating dead wages.

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