Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 938 Targeting the Mid Laner 19

What kind of family did Qin Yun grow up in? She still couldn't see this kind of careful thinking, and her face immediately sank.

"Is that stinky girl again?"

Su Yan was startled and said nothing.

"Don't rush to deny it. With your acting skills, you think I'm blind? Tell me, what does she want this time?"

The girl didn't seem to expect to be guessed by her. She lowered her eyes and her black hair drooped down. Qin Yun found that when she was embarrassed, she would always avoid people's eyes and do this little trick.

She didn't force it, and slowly crossed her legs, bent her fingers and tapped lightly on the table.

It took a long time before she heard the special tone that belonged to Su Yan, which was light and gentle.

"She said she took out an online loan, and those people... took her picture."

When she said these words, she seemed a little ashamed and disappointed that her sister would do such a thing.

Didn't she think about the consequences?

Qin Yun's pupils widened slightly, and after a few seconds, she didn't hold back and spit out a word: "Fuck..."

Is this person an idiot?

But it should be, dare to touch online loans? How courageous.

"How much did you borrow?"

"forty thousand."

"Md," Qin Yun pulled her hair irritably. She glanced at Su Yan and knew that she would definitely not sit still. "You just tell your adoptive parents and tell them to pay back the money."

Su Yan shook her head, "She won't let it go, and if my adoptive parents know about it, with their temper, I'm afraid it will be known to everyone."

Things like online loans are all interest rate, will they be willing to pay so much money?

"So you plan to make money by yourself? Are you trying to exhaust yourself?" Qin Yun was really angry. The closer she got to this person, the more she could discover from her how disappointing the world is. Sometimes it is not If you say no, those sorrows in life will not come to your door.

Generally, when they don't know how to answer, girls will habitually purse their lips and smile.

Those eyes were always clear and clean, as if nothing could contaminate her, always the same.

Qin Yun finally understood why she had a good impression of Su Yan, and couldn't help but protect her.

It is because of these eyes that there has never been such cleanliness and purity in the world of adults.

"I'll lend it to you first, and then you'll pay me back slowly. Don't refuse! Besides, I'll warn you again, and you're not allowed to give her any more money after that, understand? This is the last time—"

Su Yan opened her mouth, wanting to say no, Qin Yun seemed to know what she was thinking, and directly stopped what she was about to say.

She was warm in her heart, with a smile in her eyes, and said softly: "Thank you, Qin Yun, you are the first person to be so kind to me, I am very happy."

Seeing her bending her eyelids, she smiled heartlessly.

Qin Yun's eyes were sore, she sneered, "Silly!"

A little thing can be exchanged for her gratitude. It is conceivable what kind of atmosphere she has lived in since she was a child.


After class, Su Tian carefully took out his phone, and just after turning it on, he received a message.

[Rouge transfers 40,000 yuan to you, please write back to the other party! 】

"I rely on..."

Su Tian was so surprised that her mobile phone almost fell into the toilet, she counted back and forth with her eyes wide open, that's right.

A full forty thousand! what's the situation?

Those words last night were just casually said by Su Tian, ​​and she forgot them after she finished speaking.

Just as he was wondering, he saw a message from Su Yan.

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