Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 944 Targeting the mid laner 25

Back in the car, Qin Yuan was still in charge of driving. God knows how he, who has always been impatient, endured it and walked obediently in the vegetable market that exudes various smells. Still like a bag-carrying boy, obediently enslaved by carrying big bags and small bags?

After half an hour, even Qin Yun found it inconceivable to react.

She patted Qin Yuan's shoulder with some relief, "Brother, you have finally grown up!"

Qin Yuan sneered, raised his chin slightly, "Let go, sit in the back, can you take my co-pilot seat?"

Qin Yun: "..."

Hey brat, how dare you despise her.

She raised her eyes, glanced at Qin Yuan, and finally sat down with Su Yan honestly.

Qin Yuan snorted, started the car, and slowly left this place that seemed like a nightmare to him.

He felt that even his breath was polluted now, exuding the mixed smell of fish, chicken feathers and duck feathers in the meat and poultry section of the vegetable market.


When we got back, it was dusk.

There are many old buildings beside the vegetable market, with a bit of ancient charm. Those beautiful rays of light fell on the simple tiles and bluestone slabs. A chubby orange cat with fluffy hair gave a 'meow' and jumped over the slabstones with its waist bowed.

Light shuttles through the clouds, orange-red, and the edge has been stained with gradually deeper blue.

The night is coming.

University towns are generally not built in the city center. For the bustling city, the night here is more comfortable. Qin Yun's apartment is not far from the university, on the twelfth floor.

Compared with many wealthy second generations, Qin Yun is relatively low-key, she doesn't play dances or go racing. I usually open a small shop and go to class honestly.

Probably the only extraordinary thing is that she opened up an entire floor, and then opened up several apartments, creating a secret base with a huge space according to her own wishes.

The apartment is a duplex, and the upper floor is Qin Yun's private space.

The first thing you see when you enter the door is the living room, next to it is an open kitchen. There is a bar counter on the right side of the sofa, and there are many special wines in the glass cabinets, not expensive, but special enough.

It can also be seen that many small ornaments are souvenirs that Qin Yun brought back from those cities during his travels, and there are traces of time on them.

The chicken was cut into pieces in the vegetable market. When Qin Yun's apartment was first renovated, there were all pots and pans, even the best tools on the market. But look at the signs of use - brand new.

Su Yan first took the fish into the kitchen, threw the fish into the sink and poured some water first.

Ask softly: "What flavor do you like to eat? Is the fish in soup or braised?"

Hearing this, Qin Yun's eyes sparkled, "I'm not picky about food, so come here whenever it's convenient for you!"

For the first time, she felt at home in her apartment.

In fact, for many aristocratic families, their families are already much simpler. But it is also a common problem of big families. The blood relationship is weak, and everyone performs their duties. Except for the New Year, it is rare for the whole family to get together.

Even if it's Chinese New Year, there will be one call after another for New Year's greetings. After the call is over and the New Year's Eve dinner is over, it's time to go back to the study to handle official business.

Qin Yuan took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and leaned against the refrigerator with his hands in his pockets, his eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Qin Yun glanced at him warningly.

"Don't smoke, I'm addicted, can I smell it?" Sensing his cousin's gaze, Qin Yuan squinted, and fiddled with the lighter.

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