Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 960 Targeting the Mid Laner 40

[I didn't expect girls to be so 6 when playing games. Tiantian is really the first female anchor with such good skills that I have ever seen. The future can be expected. 】

[What's the matter with the anchor? Keep ignoring fan requests. Is it difficult for you to make a tutorial? 】

[Everyone watching your live broadcast, not all of them are here to act like a baby at you. If we want to see girls, wouldn't it be good to go to the entertainment area to watch those tall and beautiful girls dance and sing? Who has nothing to do to stay here and be a licking dog? 】

[Yes, I also found out, is the anchor blind? 】

[I'm afraid it's not true, right? Could it be that the game wasn't played by the anchor at all? 】

Su Tian's heart skipped a beat. After all, she was still young, so she panicked. With a bit of anger, he concealed his guilty conscience and said: "The barrage was posted too fast just now, is it normal for me to ignore it? The tutorial will come out when there is time, so it's not good to curse people?"

[That's right, what are you doing cursing! 】

[Hug sweet wife, don't be angry! 】

[A newcomer anchor has quite a temper. If you don't want to be scolded, it's best not to broadcast live, because there will be more people scolding you in the future. 】

When you win, someone scolds you, and when you lose, someone scolds you.

Some of them scolded Su Tian, ​​why did he choose Angela, if it was another mage, he would have won already.

Some people think that Su Tian's voice is nice, but he always says some specious things, or he is acting like a baby to the audience. You know, she is a game anchor. Other game anchors explain while playing games, but she is the only one who has nothing to do with games.

Fortunately, the next few rounds were played very smoothly, and he did not meet an opponent as strong as Yuan, and won several rounds in a row.

In the dormitory, Qin Yuan put down his phone and moved his wrist.

He Zhe was happy to see himself successfully promoted to Xingyao, and admired Qin Yuan's skills. At the same time, he was also dismissed by Qin Yuan's fierceness, which made his eyelids twitch.

He bumped Qin Yuan with his elbow, "Brother Yuan, are you in a bad mood?"


Qin Yuan lowered his eyelids and played with the lighter, his voice was neither salty nor weak, and he couldn't hear any emotional fluctuations.

But who is He Zhe? Qin Yuan and Qin Yuan are good friends who grew up together. From his frowning brows and the little tricks he always plays with his hands when he is unhappy, it can be seen that he is very upset.

He rolled his eyes, "Tsk, if you were happy, would you hit someone so fiercely? If you were a girl, you would make me cry!"

Hearing this, Qin Yuan sneered, raised his eyes and glanced at him.

With a poisonous tongue: "No wonder you're good. In my eyes, e-sports has no emotion."

He Zhe raised his hands in surrender, "Well, Uncle Qin is awesome, right? You must never find a girlfriend who can play games in the future, otherwise, it depends on how you choose at that time."

In fact, Qin Yuan's hero pool is very wide, but he only plays output and never touches support.

Even if he needs to make up for the position in solo queue, he still doesn't lose face by taking damage. But who made him skilled, self-willed and self-willed?

Even if his teammates complained that he was unconscious, he was an actor. Later, when he showed off, his teammates could only lie down and shout 666.

Uncle Qin has a famous saying: Is there anyone in this world who deserves me to help him?

"will not have."

When he said this, Qin Yuan frowned and turned around when he thought of something in his mind.

Brin's body resistance is too weak now, his cough has not healed before, and he caught a cold again yesterday... I woke up with mouth ulcers, my mouth was full of blisters, and my tongue was rotten... So this Mid-Autumn Festival cloth Lin's meal is a bowl of rice noodles, wait for me when I'm done, I'll add more for you guys!

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