Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 966 Targeting the Mid Laner 46

Qin Yuan looked Su Yan up and down, his eyes were dark and deep, those cannibalistic eyes, as if he wanted to swallow the life in front of him.

"Sister, the future is long. How about me, why don't sisters get to know me slowly?"

The sunlight outside the window didn't shine into his eyes at all, with stubbornness, his eyes were completely dark. The whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of black mist, and when he lowered his voice and spoke softly, he was tinged with a bit of hostility for no reason.

"Qin Yuan!"

Qin Yun approached him like this and stopped her from exiting. She sat up straight and glanced at him, "Enough is enough, don't scare Susu."


Qin Yuan clicked his tongue softly, stretched out his long arms, and slowly put them on the back of Su Yan's chair. From the front, it looked like Qin Yuan was declaring his ownership and hugging Su Yan from behind.

Su Yan didn't notice his movements at all. She confirmed with her employer the time for today's make-up class in WeChat.

4pm to 6pm.

For two hours, I taught a child who was in elementary school and was about to enter junior high school.

She is a person who is easily absorbed in one thing and ignores the people around her. Dark lashes drooped, casting an arc across the lids.

"My sister is so cute, how can I be willing to scare her?"

In a trance, she seemed to hear a low, rambunctious voice whispering softly in her ears.

Su Yan raised her eyes in a daze, and slowly opened her slender eyelashes, her clear eyes were filled with surprise, "Did you say anything just now?"

Qin Yun looked at Su Yan, she was a very pure person, like a gust of wind, she would disappear without paying attention.

She suddenly felt sympathetic to her younger brother, hoping that it was only because of his personality that he teased Su Yan. It's not because Su Yan is indifferent to him, that's why she is unwilling to keep teasing her.

If it's the latter, Qin Yun believes that he will definitely regret it in the future.

She is not unattractive, on the contrary she is very dazzling. She can attract everyone who is close to her and fall in love with her involuntarily.

"No, no, did you hear wrong?" Qin Yun rubbed her nose to cover up.

"Hmm... Is that so?" Su Yan glanced at the two siblings, stood up and said, "I'm going back to get ready. I'm going to give tutoring to the students in the afternoon. I'll see you in the evening."

After all, she got up and walked out.

Qin Yun sat on her seat, watching the slender figure walk away. She was wearing the same long black dress as usual. The weather turned cold, and other students were still wearing short-sleeved vests. She had already put on a thin coat.

The physique is really too weak.

"Qin Yuan."

When Su Yan left, the smile on Qin Yun's face faded, she frowned and solemnly knocked on the table in front of her.

"What on earth are you thinking? I have warned you many times, don't provoke Susu, she is not the crazy bees and butterflies that swarmed up when you were studying, she can't afford it, understand?"

"You are really my sister."

Qin Yuan sneered, his long and slender legs were crossed, his thin eyelids drooped with a three-point coldness, and the corners of his lips curled up mockingly, "You're not me, how do you know I'm playing?"

"Uncle won't agree."

Qin Yuan's father is the current head of the Qin family, with a strict personality. Regarding Qin Yuan's son, he put all his hopes and hopes on him.

How could you agree to let him find such a girl? If Su Yan was in good health, it might still be possible. But her physical illness is irreversible! Even if Qin Yun likes Su Yan and wants to be friends with her.

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