Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 973 Targeting the Mid Laner 53

Su Yan thought for a while, and slowly replied three words, "I like it."

In fact, she doesn't quite understand the meaning of Qin Yuan's name for her, or does he think that girls like this kind of name with romantic meaning?

But Qin Yuan didn't know what was going on in her heart. With Su Yan's appearance, she spoke in a soft voice. When she answered someone else's words, she would seriously look into your eyes, making you feel in your heart that she was special. I value the conversation with you, and I am very serious.

As for what it actually is, there is no way to track it down.

Qin Yuan first took Su Yan to start a match, mainly because he had never seen Su Yan play a game, so he didn't know her skills. The rank gap between the two is too big, so naturally there is no way to play qualifying matches together.

Most of the players who play matchmaking now are practicing heroes. Uncle Qin, who has never played support before, is not panicked at all.

He idly crossed his legs and sat next to Su Yan. It's not an ambiguous distance, but it's open and aboveboard, relying on the length of his hands, and laying them on the back of the sofa, as if hugging Su Yan from behind.

"I go……"

Enslaved by Qin Yuan, He Zhe, who was buried in the kitchen choosing prawns, turned his head and glanced at the living room, lowered his voice and complained to Zhou, "What do you mean by him? I really fell in love with Sister Su Su? Won't beat him to death?"

It's nothing to like someone who is several years older than me, mainly because of Sister Su Su's body. Uncle Qin has only this son, who looks like his own eyeballs since he was a child. He has placed great expectations on him and will agree with him. Is there no future person to associate with?

In fact, after getting acquainted with each other gradually, they didn't dare to think about it.

As long as you think about the future, maybe one day, that person who cooks delicious food, has good academic performance, and exudes a soft breath will leave before them because of an accident, which is unacceptable.

"Whether Uncle Qin will beat him to death, I don't know, but if you keep watching, you will probably be beaten to death first."

Yu Zhou didn't raise his head.

He Zhe was startled, and when he turned his head, he saw the big hand slumped lazily on the armrest of the sofa, slowly closing it, with the middle finger raised.

With a warning--

"I'm going... Does he have eyes behind his back?"

I hurriedly buried my head and didn't dare to look any more.

Su Yan poked her phone and clicked on the option of Assassin. It happened to be an event during this period. She received a three-day hero experience card for Monkey King and a Red Dead Redemption experience skin on the event interface as soon as she went online.

"what are you playing?"

Hearing this, Qin Yuan smiled, and he chose the Bull Demon King.

Coincidentally, the Bull Demon King also has a brother skin of the same style as Monkey King. He hooked his thin lips, and smiled flamboyantly, "Look, sister, does it look like a couple's skin?"

Su Yan lowered her head and concentrated on watching Monkey King's skill introduction. Hearing Qin Yuan's words, he replied without thinking, "Both of them are men."

Qin Yuan: "..."

He bared his teeth as if he had a toothache. Taking a breath, he said unwillingly: "But they are all gods, and they can transform in theory."

These words finally made Su Yan withdraw some attention from the skill introduction and put it on Qin Yuan.

She blinked, a pair of black eyes were clean and clear under the light, Qin Yuan realized that her eyes were not pure black, but a circle of amber that was close to black in the middle, and then smudged outwards a little bit, becoming pure black.

The eyes are warm and moist, looking forward to brilliance.

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