Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 979 Targeting the Mid Laner 59

"Then—" Qin Yuan paused, his eyes kept on her, as if he wanted to engrave her appearance into his mind, "Good night, and the pajamas are very nice."

Probably because the night is so beautiful and the atmosphere is so good. His hoarse voice is magnetic and deep, not like a boy of this age at all, more like a mature man who can already exude charm.

Su Yan was embarrassed for no reason, she tugged at the hem of her pajamas, and said helplessly, "Qin Yun bought it, she said it suits me very well."

Hearing this, she poked her head out of the kitchen, and Qin Yun swallowed the water in her mouth: "It's so beautiful! Isn't it Qin Yuan? It's so cute! It's super suitable for you! I saw it at the mall for the first time. I just thought of you."

"Well, it's very cute."

Su Yan's face quickly turned red, but Qin Yuan unexpectedly nodded solemnly, echoing Qin Yun's words.

She couldn't take it anymore, said good night softly, and hurried back to the room.

"Oh, it's a pity that I'm not a man, otherwise I would want to spend my whole life with Susu, it's so cute~" Qin Yun said intoxicatedly while holding the cup.

As soon as the words fell, a cold and hostile look fell on her. Qin Yun believed that if the look could be turned into substance, her brother would not mind stabbing her at all.

"Hey! Brat, what kind of eyes do you have?"

Qin Yun shivered from his icy breath, rolled her eyes indecently, and was speechless.

"She's mine, don't even think about it."

This is the first time that Qin Yuan took an oath of sovereignty so directly.


The water glass in Qin Yun's hand fell to the ground all of a sudden, the smile on her face faded away, she was silent for a few seconds, she strode over, bent down and knocked on the coffee table in front of Qin Yuan to signal, "Qin Yuan , come out and let's talk."

He Zhe and Yu Zhou buried their heads, but their ears were pricked up, trying to minimize their own existence, trying to pretend that they didn't exist.

The two walked out one after the other, and the electronic door closed with a beep.

He Zhe and Yu Zhou looked at each other, and He Zhe clicked his tongue, "You think the siblings won't fight?"

Hearing this, Yu Zhou shook his head and sneered, "So what if there is a fight, you go fight? Be careful that there will be a mixed doubles match. At that time, they will let you go to the hospital for nothing."

He Zhe thought about it, and completely gave up the idea of ​​persuading him.

People in the Qin family are not easy to mess with, regardless of gender. Especially when Qin Yun was in high school, she also won the taekwondo championship. No one has been able to bargain for her in these years, as for Qin Yuan—not to mention, although he has not participated in the competition, compared with Qin Yun, he will only be stronger.

He Zhe swiped his phone out of boredom, and accidentally clicked on the pop-up window that popped up. He was stunned and sat up straight.

Hitting Yu Zhou, "Look! Tiantian is live!"

Yu Zhou: "Oh, but what does it have to do with me?"

He Zhe stroked his chin, and first brushed a set of gifts for Su Tian. He has long been the patron saint of Su Tian's live broadcast room, and has always occupied the number one position on the tipping list.

During the meal before, He Zhe had already explained clearly to Su Tian, ​​telling her that he was eating at a sister's place, and he had several friends besides him.

He even patted his back for Su Tian to see. Su Tian never cared about Su Yan, so naturally he didn't think her figure was familiar.

Besides, so what if you are familiar with it? Just looking at the surrounding environment, it doesn't look like Su Yan can afford it, does it? Therefore, Su Tian didn't think about Su Yan at all.

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