Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 983 Targeting the Mid Laner 63

As a result, all the fans in the live broadcast room heard these words.

[I'm going, what's the situation? 】

[Sweet sister again? 】

[emmm don't wash it? Before she said that it was her sister who cursed, I didn't quite believe it, but now... After watching the live broadcast for so long, don't say that you can't even hear her voice. 】

[How many gamers don't swear? What's wrong with cursing? 】

[I think it's cute to scold people sweetly. 】

[A group of licking dogs, it would be nice to be so close to your parents! Covered with a layer of skin, the ghost knows whether it is a person or a ghost behind it? You guys are pretty funny, huh? 】

[Speaking of a horrifying thing, watch the live broadcast interface...]

As a result, the barrage in the live broadcast room was blank for a moment.

Afterwards, more ferocious news continued to rush in, and the news was overwhelming, so fast that it was almost impossible to see clearly.

【what's the situation? I just heard a bang, isn't it the sound of smashing the phone? 】

[I'm so angry, still in the mood to play games? 】

【Haha, play games while having a split personality, right? For example, swearing and cursing, the game does not delay? 】

[I doubt even more that it’s not Tiantian who plays the game, she’s actually a dubber, otherwise fans would be rejected by her if they want to play with her on weekdays, and there’s also tutorials or something, in the game, the hero’s skills will never be explained clearly, it’s vague Pass. On the contrary, after the live broadcast, the tutorials I wrote were comparable to those of the great masters. 】

[Listen carefully to the sound of her smashing things, does she have three heads and six arms? A pair of playing games, a pair of smashing things? 】

[No way... This is the first time I have encountered such a situation. 】

[I'm still willing to believe in Tiantian, Tiantian, if you see it, stop and put a skill, and tell us that you are playing. 】

It's a pity that Wang Zhaojun in the game came out of the spring and immediately rushed to the middle to fight, ignoring the fans' requests in the live broadcast room.

This sentence has been brushed out by many fans, which is enough for everyone to see clearly.

Su Tian's cell phone suddenly vibrated.

She took a breath, walked over to pick up the phone that had been broken on the ground, and connected it.

Immediately, the little sister's questioning voice came from inside, "Su Tian, ​​what's going on? You forgot that you are still live broadcasting? Go and check it out, your live broadcast room is blown up! Even the administrator is here , Many fans said that they want to report you to find a proxy and fake live broadcast. If it is verified, your live broadcast room will be blocked!"

There is a little sister who plays live broadcasts and is quite popular. When they go out to play, they also have a bright face.

But now, everyone should not be confused by what she said.

They all thought that it was Su Tian who played the game, and she was the one who was good at the game, but they didn't expect it to be so.

Su Tian's face turned pale immediately, and the blood on his face faded away. She pursed her lips, pinching the phone so hard that her fingers were bloodless.

"I..." She opened her mouth, but there was no way to argue.

Her legs were weak, she got up in a panic and rushed to the computer, and saw that the live broadcast room was completely messed up as the sisters said.

[It's the stone hammer, but the fans still wash it? 】

[Everyone heard her answering the phone just now, right? Is this a split personality, or do rich people have more mobile phones? 】

[Don't let people really have too many mobile phones, one for playing, one for answering calls, and one for playing games? 】

[Hahahaha, there are so many dog ​​licks, be careful to lick until you end up with nothing. 】

[You said that you have this skill, wouldn't it be good to go to the entertainment area to watch young ladies sing and dance? 】

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