Male God, a Little Su

Chapter 994 Targeting the Mid Laner 74


Su Tian's parents are on the night shift tonight, so they are not at home. She wobbled home, collapsed on the sofa and fell asleep.

The next morning, I had a splitting headache and was woken up by the phone ringing.

"Hello? Ah Qing, what's the matter?" Su Tian rubbed his forehead and asked in a strong nasal voice.

"Su Tian! Who the hell did you offend? We're done! Everything is over! My dad beat me up today, and now I'm locked up at home and I can't even go out! Everything we did It was exposed!!"

"What, what?" Su Tian pulled the corners of her lips, but found that she couldn't laugh at all, she almost forgot to breathe, "Ah Qing, stop joking, what did you say was exposed?"

"What do you think? The shameless things you did have been stripped away! There are still photos, even if you want to find your sick sister this time, you can't bear it! Now my father said that he would cut me off from my father. Girlfriends, relatives and friends around, all thought I did the same thing as you! Su Tian, ​​did you really offend me?"

Why overnight, everything is different?

Meng Ziqing is not a simple little girl, like this kind of public opinion that is spreading rapidly everywhere like the plague, if there is no pusher behind it, she will not believe it if she is killed!

"I, I really don't know, Ah Qing, tell me first..."

"The link has been sent to your WeChat, you can see for yourself! Su Tian, ​​we will end our friendship in the future, so don't contact me again!"

"Don't be like this Ah Qing—hello? Hello?"

Su Tian looked blankly at the phone that had been hung up, her panicked hands were trembling, and when she opened WeChat, she saw a link sent by Meng Ziqing, which was a post on a forum.

The name is: [On how the stinky sister was raised]

The town building map is her X photo, but it is coded.


Like a thunderbolt from the blue, she staggered a few steps, backed into the sofa, her eyes stared straight, as if being pinched by a pair of invisible big hands, gasping for breath, like an animal on the verge of death.

"Impossible, impossible... Who is harming me?"

Su Tian burst into tears, she couldn't imagine what kind of impact it would have if people around her knew about it. She will not be able to hold her head up all her life and will be looked down upon by everyone.

But she didn't realize at all that these things were not forced by someone to force her to do them. She did everything by herself.

So, what right does she have to blame others?

News on the Internet continued to ferment. At the same time, a boy rushed into the villa with a mobile phone and said excitedly: "Mom! Look at this!!"

This is City G, one of the best developed cities in the country.

The boy pointed to the photo above, looked at the woman who was sitting on the sofa, and said, "Mom, do you think this person looks like you?"

It was also an accident for him, he just wanted to eat a melon, but saw this photo that hadn't been cleaned up. He just saved it, and if he searched for news about this girl on the Internet in the next second, he would not see anything.

This also made him confirm that behind this person, there is definitely a hand controlling everything.

But the boy who knows the ins and outs also understands that doing so is good for the girl named Su Yan.

"What? Minho, why did you come back from school all of a sudden? It's vacation?"

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