Male God’s Freestyle Flirting

Chapter 245: meet by chance

In the end, Yu Man stayed in the cheerleading squad.

But later Tang Xia heard from Shao Hui that after Yu Man mentioned quitting and was dragged to the bathroom for education that day, Zou Ziyu also implicitly expressed his intention to quit with Teacher Wang.

At that time, Teacher Wang's face was darker than coal!

Leaving aside Yu Man's withdrawal, Zou Ziyu is the cheerleader. Once she leaves, will she lose her momentum?

Teacher Wang was trembling with anger. If it wasn't for the persuasion of the other girls, there would have been a quarrel that afternoon.

Fortunately, no matter what psychology Yu Man and Zou Ziyu had, in the end, both of them survived without any danger.

It's just that after going through such a situation, Teacher Wang was completely frightened by them. Every day, she looked forward to the early start and early end of the competition. Otherwise, if anyone made a fuss about quitting, she would have no way to explain to the school office.

In fact, the days have been passing quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it is the eve of the official competition.

During the day, the coaches and team captains of each school go to the competition venue for the lottery ceremony, and then the organizing committee will arrange the time and place of all the games on the next day according to the lottery list.

Han Yu's luck is good, the opponent in the first round is Chen University Affiliated High School, a weak team that everyone knows.

After Qi Hui heard the news on the phone, he laughed directly, "That's great! I can sleep soundly tonight! Tomorrow can also end earlier!"

At that time Tang Xia and Han Yu were together, listening to the wanton laughter coming from the phone without turning on the speakerphone, he couldn't help laughing.

"You are confident," the young man snorted coldly. "Don't take it lightly. Last year's first-round tour team may not be so weak this year." You must know that the High School Attached to Chen University specially set up sports specialties when they entered the first year of high school last year. Although the class may not be prepared specifically for the basketball league, at least the quality of the players selected is higher than before.

Qi Hui didn't care at all, "It's okay, anyway, we are the defending champions, besides, it's not you, but me."

Han Yu agreed, and then said indifferently: "It's enough to have me."

He spoke frankly, and Qi Hui jumped up.

Before he had time to go back, Han Yu quickly hung up the phone, holding his breath in his heart, unable to spit it out or swallow it, he was so angry that he cursed his mother.

Tang Xia looked at Han Yu with a smile, "You are quite confident."

She learned the words that the young man mocked Qi Hui just now, and threw it to him instead.

Han Yu nodded, calmly, "Yes."

Tang Xia choked, speechless.

Okay, maybe this is the arrogance that cannot be underestimated brought about by the defending champion and the MVP at the same time.

Tang Xia didn't meet Han Yu originally today, but her cousin Shiqi was celebrating her birthday, and she went to visit her aunt's house, just as the boy came back from drawing lots, so she waited for him at the station for a while.

"I won't take you there," Han Yu said regretfully when he saw the bus approaching, "Finally practice your hands, see you at school tomorrow."

"Okay," Tang Xia agreed, waved to him through the glass window after getting into the car, and shouted softly, "Come on, don't be nervous."

Han Yu pursed his lips, his eyes narrowed.

He has played too many games, and he has long been used to it. I'm afraid she is nervous.

But Han Yu didn't point it out, he just waved his hand lightly and replied seriously: "Come on together."

The bus drove away.

The boy turned around and left with the basketball in his hand.

There is an open-air basketball court nearby. Although it is a bit sunny in summer, it is too far to go back to school from here. Han Yu thought that he would only practice for an hour or two anyway, so let it go.

Near noon, the air above the concrete floor was baked into a roiling heat wave. From a distance, the figures of pedestrians in twos and threes were blurred, as if they were covered by a layer of fog.

Han Yu frowned, his eyelashes seemed to be stained with hot sweat.

The basketball court was surrounded by green barbed wire, and there was a small gate on the side. The boy didn't pay attention when he entered, but when he looked up, he realized that there were people on the court.

In this weather, who would practice under the sun as hard-headed as him?

Han Yu went over holding the ball, the tall and straight boy with his back facing him, he didn't adjust his footsteps when jumping, and when he tilted, the ball had already been shot.

The boy shrugged his shoulders and thought - he couldn't get in.

The next moment, the basketball hit the rim, shaking the net bag under the rim.


The ball pops out and lands hard.

The boy in black short sleeves silently went to pick up the ball, and when he dribbled it back, Han Yu saw his face.

The young man was taken aback, as if surprised.

Qin Yuan?

When Han Yu noticed him, he had already noticed Han Yu.

"You're here too?" Qin Yuan was the first to say hello, with a calm tone, nothing unexpected.

"Yes," Han Yu replied, and asked casually as he walked, "How is your injury?"

Qin Yuan's ankle injury was quite serious before, and he almost didn't participate in the last few training sessions, and became a bench player. When he was shooting just now, Han Yu could see that Qin Yuan didn't dare to put his weight on his left foot for the time being. This would imprison him and hinder his performance.

Therefore, on tomorrow's starting list, the coach did not arrange for Qin Yuan to play.

Maybe the first few games will not be arranged.

One is for the collective honor of the team, and the other is for Qin Yuan's own health.

But he didn't seem to realize that he practiced more diligently than Qi Hui who was going to play tomorrow.

"Not lame," Qin Yuan said indifferently, he was still dribbling for a layup while speaking, his movements were quick and vigorous, "I heard that tomorrow's opponent is the High School Affiliated to Chen University?"

"Yes." Han Yu answered briefly, after all, as soon as the news came out, Qi Hui yelled in the class group.

"Very good." Qin Yuan had no obvious reaction.

Then the two didn't chat any more, one person took one ball, each other made layups, free throws, and rebounds, and the cooperation was tacit.

About half an hour later, Han Yu, who was sweating profusely, went to the sidelines to rest, saw a plastic bag next to the bench, which contained seven or eight bottles of mineral water, and shouted: "Drink a bottle of water—"

"Drink, just keep me two bottles."

Han Yu lowered his head and found three empty bottles lying outside the plastic bag, and shouted again: "How long have you been beating?"

"Two hours, I didn't check the time."

"Come down and sit for a while, I don't care about you if you have heat stroke." Han Yu frowned and said coldly.

Qin Yuan is really convinced, his foot injury is not healed, so he spelled it like this.

The kid was obedient, rolled the ball under the basket, lifted his T-shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, and walked down slowly.

Han Yu inadvertently saw the firm muscles in Qin Yuan's abdomen.

Two boys sat on the bench, one on the left and one on the right, pouring mineral water with their heads up, their Adam's apple rolling up and down, and sweat dripping down their necks.

The same posture, but with a different charm.

After resting for about ten minutes, the heavy breathing finally calmed down. Qin Yuan turned his head to look at Han Yu, and said lazily, "Why didn't you see your tail today? Didn't you follow?"

"Her?" The boy knew he was referring to Tang Xia, "She has something to do."

Qin Yuan nodded, he was just asking casually, and didn't really want to know Tang Xia's whereabouts.

"What about you?" Unexpectedly, Han Yu suddenly asked, "Where's your tail?"

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