Indeed, as Qi Hui said, Xiao Chi had provoked Han Yu countless times within five minutes of the opening of the first quarter.

It was not a verbal attack, nor a direct push. He just had some physical contact with the boy intentionally or unintentionally, such as putting his elbow against Han Yu's chest when attacking, or putting his arm across Han Yu's waist when defending. between.

These physical contacts have always been difficult to judge in the basketball rules. Whether to call a penalty or not to call a penalty is actually up to the referee alone.

Although the city's high school basketball league has attracted much attention from the society, the organizing committee of the event has also worked hard to make all configurations reach the level of official competitions. However, this is still a small-scale game after all. There is no eagle-eyed replay on the scene, and there are no three referees making decisions together. In many cases, the friction between players will be ignored.

Xiao Chi took advantage of this gap today.

The referee followed the players back and forth, and it was impossible to keep a close eye on all ten players, so Xiao Chi took advantage of his distraction, increased his body movements, and intentionally provoked Han Yu.

The young man was not a good-tempered person, he endured it once or twice, but Xiao Chi didn't let it go, on the contrary, he intensified, pushing and shoving more and more excessively.

Holding Xiao Chi's arm that was almost on his neck, Han Yu gritted his teeth to break through and forcefully scored.

The result was this ball, not only did not complete the attack, but also took a foul.

Because Han Yu was really angry. When he saw the ball bounced off the edge of the basket, Xiao Chi in front of him was smiling slyly. He was really ignited instantly. He broke free from the opponent's restraint, but Xiao Chi fell backwards and fell to the ground without moving.

The referee called him a foul for this.

Playing after a timeout, Qi Hui was worried that Han Yu's aggrieved heart would affect his performance, so he ran over and told him, "Don't be messed up, calm down, the more annoyed you are, the happier he will be, don't let anyone get away with it."

"I know." The young man finished his two short words, dribbled the ball with his lips tightly pressed, looking for the best point of attack.

Qi Hui frowned, looking at Xiao Chi on the opposite side who was acting foolishly, he didn't expand the defensive circle, but revealed the 0-degree angle position arranged by the coach, I don't know if it was intentional.

Xiao Ding has already been on standby outside the corner three-point line where he is best at. As long as Han Yu can successfully attract the opponent's main defense and pass the ball from a long distance, then he has no defense here, and he can shoot from a fixed point. In the case of training, the hit rate can reach more than 90%.

If this attack can be completed, the two teams that have been scoring alternately will have the first wave of small points ahead.

The No. 1 Middle School temporarily overwhelmed Qing Gong Yuan by two points.

Xiao Chi glanced at Xiao Ding, and after a chuckle, he slowly approached in the direction of Han Yu. He was hidden inside before, but now he looked at the time and saw that the seconds had counted down to less than ten, and he was ready to act.

In the previous mock game, he had a good grasp of Han Yu's playing habits. That guy is more arrogant and has outstanding abilities, so the coach will definitely arrange him as the first attacker. Although logically, Han Yu at the center position should be more suitable for breaking through to the basket, scoring inside and competing for rebounds.

Xiao Chi's plan is to constantly disturb Han Yu with small actions, and when he can't stand it anymore, his mood will become extremely irritable. Then, when he dribbles or even attacks and defends, there must be mistakes.

Basketball is not only about technique, but also about psychology.

Xiao Chi pretended to steal it, Han Yu frowned and stepped back, quickly looking for his teammates behind him.

Qi Hui was a few steps away from him, and there were people from Qinggong Academy staring at him. Xiao Ding was in the bottom corner, firmly implementing the coach's arrangement. The other two teammates are under the basket, huddled with the opposing players.

Within a second, three ways of attack flashed through Han Yu's mind.

First, according to what the coach said, give the ball to Xiaoding to create opportunities to score from the bottom line.

Second, there are two teammates under the basket, scoring from close range, and the shooting percentage will not be too low.

Third, push yourself hard.

Then Han Yu gritted his teeth viciously, and within a second, dismissed the previous two thoughts.

In the first way, it is difficult to ensure that the ball will not be intercepted by the opponent in the middle, because he and Xiaoding are now almost keeping a half-court diagonal distance.

The second method is more risky. If you pass the ball carelessly, it will fall into the opponent's hands and cause a mistake. And even if the pass is successful, with the tight defense of the two players of Qing Gongyuan, it is easy to develop into a scramble in the end.

After thinking about it, Han Yu simply decided to attack by himself. He didn't fight for coordination or anything, raised his eyebrows, and rushed in against Xiao Chi's steely defense.

It was exactly the same as when the foul was caused a minute ago.

Xiao Chi's hand was still disheveledly stuck on Han Yu's throat.

But this time, the action was bigger.

The young man dribbled the ball for a layup with all his energy, Xiao Chi jumped up to block it, and hit the former directly on the neck with his palm. This blow was so powerful that it directly suppressed Han Yu's anger and completely beat him out.

He even gave up on shooting, smashed the ball heavily to the ground, and stretched out his hand to push Xiao Chi hard.

"What do you mean!" Han Yu pushed and was still puzzled. He grabbed the opponent's collar with his upper hand and narrowed the distance between the two, "Keep your hands and feet clean!"

The referee immediately blew his whistle.

Qi turned his head, his eyes widened instantly.

The gesture made by the referee...represented the whistle, and Han Yu fouled again!

"Damn it!" Qi Hui cursed secretly, then turned his head, almost biting his own tongue in fright.

Han Yu over there must have also seen the referee's penalty. He was dissatisfied and angry, causing the boy to explode like a ignited bomb in an instant.

He let go, pushed Xiao Chi back vigorously, and then swung his fist.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, before Qi came back in time to react, the people from the opposite Qinggong Institute surrounded him.

Han Yu's punch didn't land on Xiao Chi, but was pushed away from Xiao Chi by the opponent's players.

How could Xiaoding and the others see that their team leader was being bullied, they rushed up in an instant, knocked off the hand that was pushing the boy's chest, and cursed loudly.

During this time, Qi Hui even heard Han Yu, who didn't swear often in public, and was so annoyed that he popped out a sentence of "I am your uncle".

The coach hurriedly called for a tentative decision, and together with the referee hurriedly separated the two teams who were wrestling together.

At that time, everyone was very angry. After all, they were all young men of seventeen or eighteen years of age. If they were not in the competition now, they would have already had a good fight.


After finally persuading the players to leave the field, the coach was trembling with anger.

"Coach! It's really not Han Yu's fault!" Someone explained for Han Yu, "You guys can't see how many tricks the opponent Xiao Chi has made from below, but we can see clearly from above!"

Qi Hui was also annoyed, and added: "Damn it, it's like a hooligan playing street basketball, without any rules."

The coach had a sullen face, not wanting to be heard by the audience behind him, so he just said in a low voice: "You said that the other party violated the rules, so why, it's our foul?"

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