Qin Yuan did not play overtime in the end.

The coach and teammates insisted that he go to the hospital to deal with the injury. Even though he stubbornly carried the basketball to the field, the referee whistled and sent the boy off.

Because the coach on the sidelines gestured, Qin Yuan was replaced by other players in overtime.

This is something he can't change.

Qin Yuan was helpless.

The staff of the organizing committee carried stretchers into the gymnasium, and the auditorium, which had finally calmed down, was in an uproar again.

"That Qin Yuan can't fight anymore," someone in the school team of Qing Gongyuan said gloatingly, "This is good, Han Yu and him are all turned off, and there will be no one from No. 1 Middle School."

"Very happy?" Xiao Chi suddenly said this.

As soon as the speaker turned his head, he caught a glimpse of Xiao Chi's indifferent eyes, and the emotions revealed in those eyes seemed to be covered by a mist, making it difficult to fathom.

"Shouldn't you be happy?"

Xiao Chi snorted lightly, "Short-sighted."

The other party was not very happy, "Who are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you." Xiao Chi was straightforward, seeing the man's expression full of disgust.

Some people just have no brains, they only know superficial wins and losses, and they don't think about what they can get behind the wins and losses.

"If Han Yu and Qin Yuan are still on the court today, how likely are we to win?" Xiao Chi asked.

Several teammates looked at each other, but no one answered.

"If you don't say anything, you know it in your heart." Xiao Chi shrugged, very calmly, "It's unlikely to win, 80% will lose. As for winning? 10% of the winning factor depends on Han Yu's foul, and 10% of the factor depends on it." As for Qin Yuan's injuries, these will affect their performance, but they are by no means the only conditions that hinder them."

"Okay, let's say, if they're all still there and we lose, what will people who have watched the game say when we get out of this stadium?"

Xiao Chi looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the face of the coach on the far left.

"I will praise Yizhong." The coach of Qing Gongyuan did not deny the opponent's strength, Shen said.

"Right," Xiao Chi snapped his fingers, and then added, "But they won't say how badly the players from the Qinggong Academy played. Instead, they will think that the two teams are equally good."

A game that can make the audience's memory fresh, a game that can make the audience greatly shocked the competitive sport of basketball, will definitely not only let them remember the winner, but forget the loser.

Because, the hall-level duel has always been mutual.

A strong champion always depends on an equally powerful opponent.

"So?" Someone didn't quite understand, and asked in a low voice.

"Not enough to understand?" Xiao Chi smiled, "Okay, back to reality, now Han Yu and Qin Yuan can't play the game, how likely are we to win?"

Before anyone else could answer, Xiao Chi took it by himself—

"Contrary to the assumption just now, we will win 80% of the time."

There was a gasp of relief from the ranks.

"But think about it, they," Xiao Chi turned around suddenly, shifted his gaze to the stands, squinted his eyes slightly, showing sarcasm, "how would they evaluate it?"

The person who had just managed to remove the heavy stone from his heart was lifted up again.

"They would say—it's a pity, if Qin Yuan hadn't been injured, this game would have been more exciting."

"So, we have fought for so long, and the victory we got in exchange is just the result of the opponent being injured and regretting giving up?"

Xiao Chi has never been a humble person. On the contrary, he has the same pride as Han Yu in his bones. The glory he wants is unwilling to be labeled by others.

Those words made the team of the Qinggong Academy quiet down instantly, and those who were a little excited that the victory was in sight also lowered their heads one by one.

How should I put it, although I really want to beat the defending champion and enter the final, but after Xiao Chi's analysis, it seems that I suddenly have no motivation.

The coach immediately punched Xiao Chi, "Bastard! Can you speak according to the situation!"

Xiao Chi laughed loudly, and suddenly changed his style of painting, "All right, all right, beat No.1 Middle School, win the final, speak with the strength of the championship, and see who dares to talk about it!"

The faces of the team members of the Qing Gongyuan were all broken.

You're the only one talking about the whole process, Captain...

Although Xiao Chi poured cold water on everyone before the extra time, they still showed 100% momentum in the face of the game. But in fact, the result is already obvious. No. 1 middle school lost Han Yu and Qin Yuan, and Xiao Ding and Qi Hui had overdrawn their physical strength. Basically, there were no substitute players who could make a move.

Because to be honest, there is still a big gap in the polarization of the No. 1 middle school team. People with outstanding abilities, such as Han Yu, although they only play one position, they have all the skills. Except for the main bench players, their skills and training are insufficient, and the coach dare not use them, resulting in very little on-the-spot experience.

So No. 1 Middle School in overtime was completely beaten by Qing Gongyuan.

The moment the referee whistled, the score was finally fixed at 112:122.

The score was evened 5 minutes ago, and 5 minutes later, it was 10 points behind again!

Qi Hui's legs were so weak that he wanted to crawl off the stage, Han Yu went to help him, feeling Qi Hui's hot skin and sticky sweat stains, and for the first time pushed him away without disdain.

"Thank you." The boy put his arms on his shoulders and patted his back gently.

"When I go back today, I must sleep for three days and three nights," Qi Hui said weakly, but his eyes were fierce, and he spat while glaring at Xiao Chi and the others who were clapping each other to celebrate their victory, "Damn, why did they fight?" It's like chicken blood, not tired at all."

The coach stroked each boy's head in relief, "They are all doing well!"

Although they didn't win the game, they all persevered until the end, at least playing tough!

There were joys and sorrows in the auditorium, and the spontaneous applause continued for a long time, as if to pay tribute to the young man who dedicated all his blood and sweat in this game.

So hard, so wonderful.

The coaches of the two teams shook hands and greeted each other, and then took their respective players and cheerleaders to take a group photo. Some people in the stands had already dispersed, and some still stayed, feeling the last remaining agitation.

"Han Yu."

Before leaving the field, Xiao Chi called to stop Han Yu.

At that time, Tang Xia went back to the lounge to change clothes, and Yu Man had already taken a taxi in advance to rush to the hospital.

The boy turned around, and Qi Hui put his hand on him in a collapsed state.

"Huh?" Han Yu was still expressionless, and he didn't show any regret at the loss of the game.

Xiao Chi approached slowly, with a rare serious smile on his cynical face.

Han Yu looked at him stretching out his hand and frowned puzzled, "What is this for?"

"Great opponent," Xiao Chi said with appreciation in his eyes, "I am looking forward to the next duel, including Qin Yuan." He raised his arm slightly again, waiting for Han Yu to shake it back.

The boy replied lightly: "If you still do those little tricks next time, I don't think there is any need for it."

Xiao Chi laughed exaggeratedly again, and promised: "Fair duel."

"Really?" Han Yu curled his lips, but his smile was shallow, "Sorry, I'm not looking forward to it." After he finished speaking, he turned around and helped Qi Hui, who was about to hold back his laughter, and left slowly.

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