Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 10 The Nobleman from a Wealthy Family 10

After quarreling with his illegitimate brother, Yang Wendong instantly felt refreshed and walked out of the club triumphantly, holding his good brother's shoulders.

"Do you think this is interesting?" Yang Yan didn't understand his thoughts very well. "If Yang Wencai goes back to sue you, Mr. Yang will definitely give you a scolding. If you argue with him again, he will be angry, but you will also be punished. What good will it do to you if you scold me?”

"The advantage is that labor and management are happy!" Yang Wendong said with a smile, "As long as the old man is unhappy, I will be happy!"

Yang Yan understood something, and he changed his mind and persuaded: "If one day you stand at a height that is beyond his reach, and he, Yang Wencai, and even that woman have to fawn over you in order to survive, will you be more willing to do so?" Are you happy?"

"That's necessary!" Yang Wendong laughed out loud when he thought of that scene. "Then the old man won't give him any money if he wants to, and will ask him to bring his illegitimate son and his mistress to beg for food!"

"Then come and work with me!" Yang Yan said calmly, "In five years, I will make your dream come true."

Although Mr. Yang may not be around in another two years, let's deceive people first.

Yang Wendong suddenly turned his head, with an expression of "I'm still young, don't fool me": "Brother, you are exaggerating! Although the old man's character is not very good, the strength of Yang's enterprise is still there."

"Now that everyone is on an equal footing, if you want to crush it under your feet in five years, I'm afraid it's not a dream!"

"Okay, words don't count," Yang Yan raised the corners of his lips confidently, "Why don't you come to my office tomorrow to talk?"

"Okay, brother, this is what I said. If I don't accept it, it would be too unrealistic!" Yang Wendong made a gesture of surrender with both hands, "Can I go to you at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon? I have to go to bed in the morning. ”

"Okay!" Yang Yan nodded without hesitation.

The two of them chatted and laughed as they walked to the parking spot, opened their cars, said goodbye and went their separate ways.

Yang Yan drove away first. Yang Wendong watched him go away and was about to open the door and get in the car. Suddenly five or six people surrounded him and the car, and the car keys were also snatched away.

"What do you want to do?" Yang Wendong raised his phone and said, "If you dare to mess up, I will call the police!"

"Young Master Yang, Master He, please come over here." The leader snatched his cell phone and said coldly.

"He Zimo? Isn't there really something wrong with his mind?" Yang Wendong's eyes widened in anger, "Boss and management have said that it has nothing to do with them. It was his little lover who bumped into her, and they haven't asked her for mental damage yet. Fei, what else does he want?"

"I don't know about this. I'm only responsible for inviting Young Master Yang to come in front of Young Master He," the man said expressionlessly, "I hope you can cooperate, otherwise I won't mind using force."

"Who do you think you are? Do you know Heise?" Yang Wendong laughed angrily, "When He Zimo gets sick, you also go crazy?"

"Hurry up and return your phone to me, and get out of here! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Then you can only offend me." After the man said this, he motioned for his men to take action, and the people around him grabbed him without hesitation.

"Holy shit! Are you serious?" Yang Wendong hurriedly avoided, but at this time several other people also gathered around him, and he was quickly restrained and taken to a nearby car.

The black commercial vehicle started quickly, a puff of smoke erupted between the tires and the ground, and it sped away with a harsh sound.

At this time, Yang Yan left and came back again. His eyes narrowed and he followed closely behind him without hesitation.

The two cars were driving quickly on the road, one behind the other. The driver of the commercial vehicle quickly spotted the vehicle following them and shouted: "Boss, someone is following!"

The man leading the car looked back and recognized Mu Yangyan's car. He frowned and ordered: "Get rid of him!"

"Yes!" The commercial vehicle immediately began to shuttle through the traffic. The driver sometimes turned the steering wheel to the left, sometimes to the right, overtaking, and getting through gaps. One after another, they left cars behind, causing honking and shouting all the way. Yelling and cursing.

However, the black off-road vehicle followed them closely and could not get rid of it.

"Boss, what should I do?" The driver panicked.

"Ignore him and drive directly back to the villa." The man said after thinking for a moment.

"Yes." The driver responded. He didn't rush for the road again, but he still drove very fast. About ten minutes later, he arrived at a villa area.

He accelerated towards the gate, and when he saw that he was about to hit the barrier, he suddenly braked and stopped. Everyone in the car jumped forward under the influence of inertia. Wen Dong, who was suppressed in the middle of the back seat, almost flew out. Fortunately, the person next to him managed to escape with some help, but unfortunately his head still hit the seat.

"I'll wipe it!" he said angrily, "Can you drive?"

The driver gave him a cold look and said nothing. The railing opened quickly, and he slammed the accelerator and rushed in quickly.

Seeing the railing lowered to separate the two cars, he laughed mockingly. Unexpectedly, the railing opened again soon, and the black off-road vehicle followed closely.

"Are you stupid?" Yang Wendong sneered, "Brothers from labor and management also have a house here!"

His behavior of showing off his wealth made everyone glare at him, which made him feel uncomfortable. This was the deep resentment coming from the social beast.

The car quickly stopped in front of a villa, and Yang Wendong was pushed out of the car. He had no consciousness of being controlled by others. He raised his face and smiled at the man who got off the off-road vehicle: "Sanhuo, brother, you are the most handsome today in so many years! But! I still hope you remember to call the police.”

"Forgot." Yang Yan hung up the phone she had been talking to and said casually.

It turned out that before Yang Wendong's phone was snatched away, he had quickly dialed the number one phone number, which belonged to his good friend Mu Yangyan. That's why he knew about his brother's arrest and quickly turned around and rushed back. .

"It's over!" Yang Wendong said angrily, "Another one is trapped."

"He Zimo doesn't dare to do anything to me." Yang Yan said confidently and walked up to them, snorted coldly and said, "Let him go!"

"Young Master Mu, if you have anything, you can tell Young Master He in person," the leading man took a step forward, stood in front of Yang Wendong, and said calmly, "Please don't make things difficult for us."

"It's difficult?" Yang Yan sneered, "What if I just want to make things difficult for you?"

"Then we can only be rude." The man's face darkened.

Yang Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and punched him directly in the abdomen. When he bent over in pain, he hit him on the chin with a raised leg and knocked him down.

"Boss!" Several other people screamed and all attacked him.

Yang Yan sideways dodged a punch, stretched out his hand to make a knife and slashed at his neck, knocking out another person. After that, he struck three times, five divided by two, and within a minute, everyone was knocked to the ground and unable to stand up, including those who had been controlling him. The two of Yang Wendong.

"Three fires! That's awesome!" Yang Wendong moved his sore shoulder twice and gave him a thumbs up, "Brother, I didn't know until today that you are so good at fighting!"

"I only found out today." Yang Yan said lightly.

Yang Wendong thought he was joking and gave him a dissatisfied "bang".

But he didn't know that Yang Yan was telling the truth. The original owner knew some self-defense skills, but he was definitely not that powerful. He knew these things himself, but he had lost his memory long ago, so of course he wouldn't know.

When facing those few people just now, he had an intuition that the other party could not pose a threat to him, and then he decisively acted based on his feeling, and the result was self-evident.

"Let's go," Yang Yan straightened his slightly wrinkled clothes, "Since Mr. He invites us so enthusiastically, let's go and meet him."

"That lunatic He Zimo!" Yang Wendong instantly aroused the anger in his heart, "Labour and management must beat him until he is full of teeth today!"

After he finished speaking, he strode to the door of the villa, clenched his fingers into fists and banged the door hard: "Open the door! He Zimo, you bastard, get out of here!"

Yang Yan followed him and walked slowly over. Looking at his irritable look, he asked in confusion: "Don't your hands hurt? Why don't you ring the doorbell?"

"..." Yang Wendong punched his hand, which turned red in anger.

Brother, don’t look like this! How can I get angry when you call me like that?

Yang Yan ignored him, gently rang the doorbell, and then stood there upright, like a polite guest who had been invited.

Naturally, the nanny could not have missed the previous noise. She huddled behind the door carefully, afraid to open the door. However, the people outside did not leave just because there was no answer, and continued to ring the bell reluctantly.

"W-who is it?" the nanny could only ask timidly through the intercom.

"Please tell Mr. He," Yang Yan said politely, "The Mu Yangyan and Yang Wendong he sent to invite are here."

"Please wait a moment." Seeing that he looked good-looking and had a good attitude, the nanny felt relieved and temporarily gave up the plan to call the police.

"Okay, thank you." Yang Yan said politely.

"Sanhuo, are we here to cause trouble?" Yang Wendong was confused by his attitude, "Why do I think you are really invited as a guest?"

"Aren't you here to be a guest?" Yang Yan chuckled, "He Zimo sent so many people to invite you, so we should be more polite."

Just when Monk Yang Wendong was confused, the nanny who went to deliver the message came out. She politely welcomed the two people into the room, offered them two cups of tea, asked them to sit down for a while, and then left.

Soon He Zimo came down from the stairs. He walked quickly in front of the two of them with his long legs. The smile on his face was stiff: "Young Master Mu, I didn't intend to drag you into this."

Yang Yan looked up at him coldly and said, "Wen Dong is my good brother. You invited him to be your guest so enthusiastically. I also want to thank you."

"I think this is a personal grudge between the two of us." He Zimo said with an ugly expression.

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