Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 103 The Doomsday Boss 7

"I was just in a hurry, I didn't mean it." The boy was about to cry, desperately trying to defend himself.

But his behavior just now has been seen by everyone. He pushed others out in order to survive. No matter how arrogant he is, no one dares to believe him.

"You didn't mean it? Do you believe this?"

"Anyway, I don't dare to go with this kind of person, for fear that one day I will be pushed out by him and die."

"He's been bitten by zombies. We definitely can't let him go on the road with us anymore. What about people with powers? So many people who were bitten before have turned into zombies. I don't believe that a vicious person like him will be so lucky."

The boy was speechless under everyone's accusations. He covered his wound that was bleeding continuously with one hand, his eyes full of despair.

Only then did Qin Guxue understand what happened, and she couldn't help but feel scared. If her brother hadn't reacted quickly, her life would have been decided here.

After escaping from death once, she finally understood why her brother repeatedly emphasized that she should take care of herself and follow him closely. It turned out that the crisis in the apocalypse did not only come from zombies, but also from the people around her.

"Let's go." Yang Yan interrupted the confrontation, turned around and picked up the bag on the ground, took his sister's arm and turned around to leave.

The two girls hurriedly followed, and the others looked at the boys on the ground with contempt and followed them out.

"Don't leave me!" The man stood up and begged, but before he could take two steps, the two boys behind him blocked his way with weapons.

"We have done our best by not killing you. If you dare to follow us again, don't blame us for being merciless."

"Are you really so heartless?" The boy's eyes gradually turned crazy, and the steel pipe in his hand was about to move.

"What do you want to do?" The two of them became alert.

"Since you don't leave me a way to live, why don't we all die together!" The boy's face became ferocious and twisted, and he shouted and rushed towards them with the steel pipe.

"F*ck!" The two boys cursed and quickly picked up their weapons and started fighting.

Everyone was about the same size, so a two-on-one victory was guaranteed, but that person was nearly frightened crazy by the coming mutation, and he just wanted to pull the two people on his back, and they were a little unable to resist for a moment.

Fortunately, the movement behind caught the attention of the people in front, and another boy and Sun Junhao also joined the fight. The four of them joined forces and quickly knocked him to the ground, losing his resistance.

"Damn it, sword man!" A fat boy kicked him hard and spat.

"Stop following him. We can't risk taking you with us." Seeing that the man still wanted to get up, Sun Junhao said in a deep voice, not wanting to tangle with him anymore.

"There is food, drink and cars here. If you really haven't mutated, there is still a way to survive if you stay here. If you continue to fight against us, I will kill you now."

Perhaps after hearing what he said, the man struggled twice and then lay on the ground motionless.

"Let's go." Sun Junhao said and turned around to leave.

The other three boys stared at the man on the ground warily and retreated towards the car.

While they were fighting, Yang Yan had already directed the three girls to fill up the car with oil and put two barrels of oil in as spare. With the supplies they collected, the trunk was filled to the brim, even under the seats. It’s all stuff, too.

The boy didn't move again until everyone packed up and got into the car. The two cars quickly started and left the gas station without anyone looking at him again.

Crash cars could be seen everywhere on the national highway. Yang Yan kept the speed low and carefully went around them from the side. The journey was smooth.

Looking out of the car window, you can see that some of the accident cars had exploded and burned to the point where only a frame was left. Some of them still had figures struggling inside, and it was unclear whether they were humans or zombies.

No one suggested stopping the car to see if anyone was waiting for rescue in those cars. Even Yin Bingxuan, who had always been a kind person, kept his mouth shut tightly.

Perhaps it's because human nature is inherently selfish, or perhaps it's because they experienced the incident at the gas station. In this apocalyptic environment, they all unanimously chose to take care of themselves first.

The journey after that was much smoother than the original owner remembered. At the beginning of the mutation, many people did not expect that this was the beginning of the end of the world. Most people chose to hoard supplies and find a safe place to wait.

The original owners and others were like this in their previous life, but later on they never saw anyone from the government come to rescue them, and the zombies became more and more difficult to deal with. They slowly realized that waiting would lead to death.

Coupled with the fact that communication was cut off and they were worried about their parents who were far away in City A, almost a month later, the brother and sister decided to go home after discussing it.

But at that time, many people had already had the same idea. People and cars running for their lives could be seen everywhere on the road, instead of the small number of people running for the same purpose like them now.

Moreover, people today have not experienced so much fighting and robbing. They will not be overly wary or defensive when seeing each other, and they will even say hello and chat for a few words.

However, something unexpected happened on the fifth day. A series of car accidents occurred on the road ahead, and the road was blocked for a long time.

They went down to check and found that it was impossible to pass through the gap. It would take a lot of time and energy to clean it up, and it was relatively faster than taking a detour.

So he turned the car around and planned to take a small road to a village not far away. But when he was about to enter the village, Yang Yan noticed something on the road and turned on the emergency lights to stop.

"What's wrong with Sanhuo?" Sun Junhao from the car behind asked.

Yang Yan opened the door and got out of the car, pointed to the ground in front of the car and said, "There are nails."

"Damn! Who is so wicked?" Sun Junhao cursed after hearing this and asked the three boys to clear the roadblocks together.

Several people came over to take a look, and sure enough they saw iron nails about five centimeters long scattered on the road about two meters long, with the tips of the nails pointing upward. It was definitely not an accident but man-made.

Those nails were similar in color to the road surface, and if Yang Yan hadn't been sharp-eyed, they would have been all over as soon as the tires were pressed on.

Several people cursed and walked over and kicked the nails down the ditches on both sides. Yang Yan stood still and looked warily at the house ten meters away.

Seeing that the ambush people inside had been discovered, they simply rushed out. A dozen people carrying hoes, poles, large shovels and the like came menacingly.

"Get in the car quickly." Yang Yan shouted, but it was already too late. The ten-meter distance did not give his companions time to react, and they were already rushed forward.

Sun Junhao and others were the first to bear the brunt and were beaten by a group of vicious people who raised their weapons. They did not bring anything with them when they got out of the car and were caught off guard. They could only raise their hands to protect their heads and retreat in embarrassment.

Yang Yan kicked away the person who was coming towards him, put his hand on the hood of the car, jumped up, and kicked away the man who was opening the passenger door to grab Qin Guxue inside.

She was rescued by her brother, who was just shocked. However, Yin Bingxuan in the back seat was not so lucky. As she screamed, a man in his thirties grabbed her arm and dragged her out.

She still wanted to struggle, but soon a kitchen knife was placed across her neck, and she immediately calmed down. She opened her big eyes and looked at the man opposite with tears: "Brother Sanhuo, save me~~"

Yang Yan took a step forward, and the man holding her hostage immediately shouted to stop: "Don't come over! Or I'll kill this bitch!"

His footsteps suddenly stopped. When the man saw that he was trying to avoid a rat, he showed an arrogant and proud smile on his face and commanded the two people he had just kicked away: "Catch this brat."

The two men had just been kicked by Yang Yan, and it took them a long time to get up while holding their wounds. When they saw this scene, their eyes suddenly turned fierce, they cursed, and they came over and grabbed his arm.

However, as soon as their hands touched Yang Yan's clothes, he knocked them to the ground again with another punch. This time, they were hit in the vital parts. Both of them were so dizzy that they could not get up.

"You brat!" The man holding Yin Bingxuan hostage was shocked and angry. He put the kitchen knife in his hand, "You don't want this bitch's life?"

Yang Yan ignored his threat and walked in his direction step by step. He was so frightened that he grabbed the woman and kept backing away, saying with a sharp expression: "If you come here again, I will really kill her! "

"Ah!" Yin Bingxuan suddenly screamed. It turned out that during the pulling process, her chin was cut open by a sharp knife edge.

The man was startled and subconsciously lowered his head to look. Yang Yan took advantage of his distraction and rushed forward, grabbing the hand holding the knife and gently twisting it.

"Ah!" The man screamed like a slaughtering pig, and he let go of the kitchen knife and dropped it to the ground.

Yang Yan punched him in the nose with a backhand, causing blood to flow out immediately.

Yin Bingxuan's legs gave way and she fell to the ground. She quickly reached out to touch her wound and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that it seemed that the skin was only broken a little and there was not much bleeding.

Yang Yan ignored her and punched the man more than ten times in a row until he fainted with bruises all over his head.

Only then did he wave his hand, move his fingers, and reach out to lift the girl on the ground.

"Thank you for saving me, brother Sanhuo." Yin Bingxuan's face was full of gratitude, but she was actually very angry. If the man had struck harder just now, her life would have been lost.

Fortunately, she had been building up her favorability in front of him these past few days, but at the critical moment, she actually ignored her life. If the person being held hostage was his sister Qin Guxue, she didn't believe that he would do this again!

Yang Yan said "hmm" and lowered his eyes to look at her chest.

Yin Bingxuan was stunned for a moment, misunderstanding what he meant, a blush appeared on his face, he lowered his head shyly, and the anger in his heart also faded.

Yang Yan probably guessed what she was thinking, and was speechless. He walked to the car with her, stuffed her in without hesitation, and told his sister on the passenger side: "Lock the doors and windows. "

After saying that, he clenched his fists and walked towards the melee crowd in front.

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