Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 12 The Nobleman from a Wealthy Family 12

He Zimo had put his cell phone in the room before, but now that he was in this deserted place, he could only walk back with his legs and didn't return to the villa until dark.

Du Yunxin learned what happened from the nanny's mouth, and in panic she called the police. At this time, there were still two policemen staying at home. When he came back, they immediately stepped forward to ask.

But He Zimo knew very well that this incident did not endanger his life and safety. Even the police could not do anything to the two of them. In order to avoid further embarrassment, they had to say it was a little joke played by friends and send them away.

Du Yunxin didn't understand. After they left, he said angrily: "What kind of joke is this? They threw you into the mountains alone. This is so bad. Why do you still protect them and don't tell the police the truth?"

"What's the use of telling them?" He Zimo was already in a bad mood, and he was even more upset by her accusation. "The most I can do is call people to the police station to make a record. There is no punishment. Why should I bother? "

"Is this the case?" Du Yunxin said unwillingly.

"How is that possible?" He Zimo lowered his face, "I won't let them go."

But before he could take revenge, he was in big trouble first.

Ever since He's father was disappointed in him and brought his illegitimate son into the company, the so-called younger brother has been at odds with him. Whenever he made a decision, he would always jump in and interfere, and his father seemed to have lost his mind. , defending the illegitimate son at all times, completely ignoring his mood.

It was the same this time. It was clearly an agreement between him and Yang, and in the middle of the cooperation, He's father suddenly arranged for him to come in, saying that he would be his assistant, but in fact he just wanted to take the credit.

How could He Zimo agree? Get angry at the meeting and then walk away.

He's father was humiliated, so he turned around and proposed to remove him from his position as general manager. In the end, he gave up the idea temporarily after the persuasion of the directors. However, he took the illegitimate child home the next day and said He will be entered into the family tree at the end of the year.

Huo Wan panicked now and realized that her husband was serious about it.

For a family like theirs, at best, an illegitimate child can be raised with a sum of money and then sent away, but it is different to officially record it in the family tree, which means that recognizing such a descendant will have the same inheritance rights as a legitimate child.

"I don't care what you think, but now you have to break up with that woman." He's mother called her son, her tone unprecedentedly tough, "If your dad really records the sword-born child in the family tree, the consequences will be You should know better than me."

"Are you really going to give up your inheritance rights for a woman, and then beg for mercy to an illegitimate child?"

"Mom, you don't need to persuade me anymore. It's impossible for me to give up on Yun Xin." He Zimo was unmoved by her words, "It's nothing to record it in the family tree. Now most of the board members are on my side. Dad can't change the heir easily, he doesn't dare to cause shock to the company. "

"Yun Xin Yun Xin! In your eyes, there is only one Du Yun Xin!" Mother He was angry, "You regard her as more important than the company, but do you still exist in that woman's heart?"

"If she really liked you, why would she watch you get into trouble and remain indifferent? If she had intentions, why didn't she quit in order to fulfill your wishes?"

"Mom, don't talk about Yun Xin like that," He Zimo said unhappily, "She is different from you. Money is not that important in her heart. She just simply wants to be with me and form a family together."

"She is different from me?" He's mother was half-dead angry with her son. "She values ​​money. Do you mean that in your eyes, I am a superficial woman who only values ​​money?"

"Mom, I didn't say that." He Zimo said helplessly.

"But that's what you think!" Mother He yelled angrily, "He Zimo, I gave birth to you in vain!" After saying that, she hung up the phone angrily.

There was only the "beep" busy sound in He Zimo's ears. He put away his phone helplessly and rubbed his brows very tiredly.

"Is this your mother calling?" Du Yunxin massaged his head considerately.

He Zimo closed his eyes and hummed softly, saying nothing.

"Otherwise," Du Yunxin said tentatively, "let's break up first..."

"I don't allow it!" He Zimo suddenly opened his eyes, pulled her over, held her tightly in his arms, and said domineeringly, "You are never allowed to leave me until we break up!"

"But your parents don't agree," Du Yunxin said hesitantly, "and I don't want you to be so tired."

"As long as I'm with you, I will never feel tired," He Zimo stared at her affectionately, "So you must always stay with me and never mention those two words again."

"What word?" Du Yunxin smiled sweetly, "Break up?"

"How dare you say that!" He Zimo blocked her mouth hard, and when the four lips touched, a vague voice came from it, "I'm going to punish you, severely..."

The two of them were very affectionate here, but He's mother who hung up the phone over there threw her phone angrily. She looked at herself in the mirror with a ferocious expression, gritted her teeth and said: "Du Yunxin, I won't let you ruin me. Son’s!”

In the end, due to the opposition of the board of directors, the illegitimate brother He Zishu failed to participate in the cooperation case with the Yang family. This made He Zimo satisfied and even more confident that his position in the company would not be shaken.

However, he was not happy for long, and his face became clouded again, because this project was carried out in another city, and he needed to go to the site for command and dispatch.

It stands to reason that this kind of thing does not require his new general manager to come forward, but this is the first large-scale cooperation between the He and Yang families after they decided to join forces. In order to show their attention, the Yang family has sent Yang Wencai, the general manager, It would be a bit contemptuous of him not to go.

He Zimo didn't care about the business trip. What he cared about was that his girlfriend had an important job in hand and was unwilling to put it down and go with him.

"Isn't my job as important as yours?" he said unhappily.

"You know that's not the case," Du Yunxin said helplessly, "I just want to prove to your parents that I can't just be attached to your vase. I want them to know that I can also help you."

"You don't have to please them for me." He Zimo frowned. He knew very well what kind of people her parents were. They would never look at her differently because she worked hard for the company. In their eyes, only rich girls with comparable family backgrounds could be worthy of her. Gotta get him.

"But I don't want you to be so tired," Du Yunxin said aggrievedly, "If your parents can agree with me, you don't have to work with He Zishu."

"Okay, then don't be too desperate and wait for me to come back." In the end, He Zimo was unwilling to expose his girlfriend's good expectations. After saying goodbye, he boarded a plane to another city alone, but he didn't know that bad luck was about to come. On her head.

After bidding farewell to her boyfriend, Du Yunxin drove away from the airport. She was thinking that she had never been recognized by his family. She was a little depressed and did not pay attention to the surrounding situation.

After getting off the highway and driving to a place with less traffic, a car suddenly passed her and stopped in front of her. She braked quickly, but she didn't have time, and the car was so violent that it made a dent. Then he stopped.

Sighing "bad luck" in her heart, Du Yunxin unbuckled her seat belt and prepared to get out of the car to negotiate compensation with the other party. However, before she could open the car door, the other party had already gotten out of the car and came straight to her. Before she could react, he A hand quickly reached out from the rolled-down window, and then she passed out without knowing who was going on.

After waking up, Du Yunxin found herself lying naked on a bed. All she could see were old decorations and some disgusting things. There was still a feeling in her body that made her collapse.

She put on her clothes in a panic, hugged herself helplessly and cried bitterly. She didn't think about whether to call the police for a moment, but soon received the news that He Zimo was safe, and finally hesitated again and again, endured the discomfort and left the place in a daze. A shabby little hotel.

After a long period of self-comfort, just when she gradually regained her composure and thought she had forgotten what happened that day, she was suddenly invited to a coffee shop by He Zimo's mother.

Although he knew that she could not have anything nice to say to him, Du Yunxin still cheered up, but she didn't expect that the truth was even crueler than she imagined.

He's mother threw her a bunch of photos and ordered her to leave her son.

Looking at the indecent photos above of herself being pressed down by various men with red fruits, what else does Du Yunxin not understand?

"It was you, you sent people to do it!" She almost cried with hatred, "How could you do such a vicious thing?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Mother He looked at her indifferently, "Someone sent me these photos. If you know what they are like, just leave Zimo obediently. Otherwise, I will show these photos to him. I will see you then." What kind of face can be left with him?"

Du Yunxin said nothing, only stared at her viciously with a pair of eyes full of hatred.

"I've seen a lot of women like you, who keep saying they don't care about money or status, ha!" Mother He said with disdain on her face, "If our Zimo is really a poor boy, how could you fall in love with him? He's already been screwed, and you still want to keep him alive. If I were you, I'd kill him with a piece of tofu!"

"Aren't you afraid of retribution for doing this?" Du Yun asked this sentence unbearably.

"What can you do to me?" Mother He said nonchalantly, "Anyway, I put my words here today. If you still don't understand, I can't guarantee that you can still sit in front of me well next time."

Du Yun stared at her hatefully for a long time, then gritted his teeth and said word by word: "As you wish."

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