Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 118 The Doomsday Boss 22

"Brother!" Qin Guxue exclaimed, but it was too late to stop him. He leaped up and rushed directly into the zombie group.

Her heart was lifted instantly, but what she was worried about was obviously not going to happen.

While Yang Yan was still in the air, he had already condensed a huge thunder ball in his hand and threw it down. With a burst of crackling sounds, the entire area of ​​nearly a hundred zombies in his target area turned into ashes in an instant.

After that, he made a cannon in the same way, releasing the power of thunder and lightning all the way, forcibly opened a path, and rushed straight to the zombie.

"Captain Qin is so strong!" The team members around Qin Guxue shouted in surprise, and she raised her head proudly, "Of course, that's my brother!"

Because of the captain's heroic performance, the superpower team suddenly became more powerful, and the guns in their hands kept swallowing flames, and zombies fell under the guns in groups.

Those who are not good at using guns, such as Qin Guxue, used their super powers. In a short time, countless zombies were burned by fire, pierced by water swords and ice blades.

The most lethal were the earth-type super powers. When the ground sank, a large number of zombies fell into the big pit and were strung together by hard earth spikes.

However, the zombies also began to fight back. Dozens of mutant zombies also began to use super powers and attacked the super power team in the same way, forcing the super powers here to withdraw their attacks and defend. The battle was temporarily stalemate.

On the other hand, after Yang Yan solved the zombies blocking the road, he landed smoothly near the leading zombie and attracted a lightning bolt, which struck it directly on the head.

The zombie reacted very quickly. Knowing that it could not bear it, it dodged before the lightning fell, but its howling was also interrupted.

Without the voice of guidance, the zombies farther away lingered in place for a while and then slowly dispersed, but those nearby were still attracted by the fierce fighting here. They were still densely packed in front of him, and it was estimated that there were more than 2,000 zombies.

Before Yang Yan could think about it, the zombie had already attacked him. It had the power of fire, and it raised its hand and a huge fireball flew straight to his face.

The diameter of the fireball was probably three or four meters. The close distance and fast speed left almost no room for people to dodge.

Yang Yan quickly condensed a shield flashing with lightning, and the fireball exploded violently when it hit it, making a deafening sound.

The zombie took the opportunity to bully him, and cunningly chose a close combat that was more beneficial to it. Ten sharp claws flashed with metallic luster and grabbed him directly.

Yang Yan quickly dodged its attack and realized that it might have developed intelligence, so it was at least a zombie above level six.

In fact, when he received the original owner's memory before, he had doubts in his heart. According to the novel, the so-called end of the world in this small world is more like the evolution of the whole world, and this evolution is obviously in two directions.

One is the superpowers who have maintained their sanity at the beginning. They have superpower cores in their bodies, which can manipulate various powers and make their bodies strong.

The other is zombies. At first, everyone thought they were dead, but after several rounds of evolution, they can actually produce wisdom that is no less than that of humans and can also manipulate the power of the five elements.

The strange thing is that other species are not affected, but the energy of electricity and nuclear can no longer be used.

It's like something is manipulating all this, deliberately wanting to reduce the number of humans and change their way of life.

This is really weird!

However, the whole novel did not explain the cause of the end of the world until the end. Although Yang Yan was curious, he couldn't figure it out for a while, so he could only see if he could figure it out in the future.

While he was thinking these thoughts, the zombie attacked again, relying on its iron body to fight him in close combat, and occasionally using fire to sneak attack.

If it were any of the superpower team, they would probably be thrown into a mess by it, but unfortunately it met Yang Yan.

Not only has his superpower reached level eight, but he has also been the top master in the martial arts world. It can be said that whether it is long-range attack or close combat, it is far better than it.

After observing the zombie's form after it has evolved to a certain level, and what level its IQ has reached, he attracted lightning to blow up its head.

With the death of this zombie, the ordinary zombies still didn't feel anything and continued to attack the superpower team unconsciously, but the mutant zombies all wailed and rushed towards him, apparently wanting to avenge their leader.

Yang Yan took them one by one without fear. What surprised him was that some mutant zombies did not rush towards him with their companions, but turned around and jumped out. Was it... running away?

He was a little amused and helpless for a moment. It seemed that after the zombies became conscious, they would have their own little calculations!

After the mutant zombies were attracted by Yang Yan, the pressure on the superpower team was relieved immediately. Although there were many ordinary zombies, they were not their opponents at all. It was only a matter of time to eliminate them.

Qin Guxue looked at her brother who was surrounded by more than 40 mutant zombies with some concern. She wanted to help him, but she couldn't get away.

And she didn't have her brother's body, which could instantly cross the zombie group without any injury.

She could only turn her worries into strength and swung a large piece of ice spikes at the zombies, killing nearly 20 of them with just one move.

She was so focused on killing the zombies as soon as possible so that she could help her brother, but she didn't notice that someone behind her exchanged glances, and then someone suddenly waved.

Qin Guxue suddenly flew into the air without any preparation. The people around her whispered and reached out to grab her, but they were too late and could only watch her fly into the zombie group.


Her movements were quickly discovered by the special power team, but at this time she had already flown over the zombie group and was falling, and no one could rescue her in time!

Qin Guxue has a very hot temper, but after getting along with her for a long time, you will find that she is actually sincere and frank, without any bad intentions, and she never asks for different treatment because she is the captain's sister.

In the previous missions, no matter how tired she was, she never complained, and this time she did the same thing with everyone along the way.

So everyone in the team likes this little sister very much. Seeing her in danger at this time, but being unable to do anything, that feeling is really fucked-up!

Although Yang Yan knew that his sister had space to hide, he didn't want her secret to be discovered unless it was absolutely necessary. After all, it was a means of saving his life.

Therefore, even when he was fighting the zombies, he also paid a little attention to her. When he saw her in danger, he found out immediately, waved his hand to kill several zombies in front of him, and rushed over here.

Although Qin Guxue was unexpectedly attacked, fortunately, she calmed down after only a moment of panic. She quickly waved her hand to freeze the zombies below in mid-air, and then condensed an ice pillar when she fell down, and barely caught herself.

The people on the side of the superpower team were relieved to see that she was out of danger, but before they could completely relax, she had another change.

The ground under the ice pillar suddenly collapsed. This time, she didn't have time to react, and fell down with the ice, and then fell heavily.

And her arms and thighs were unfortunately cut by the broken ice, and shocking red blood flowed out.

The zombies nearby smelled the smell of fresh flesh and blood, and immediately changed their targets and rushed towards her like crazy. Fortunately, she barely built a circle of ice walls around her at the last moment, and barely protected herself.

However, the protection she built urgently was too weak, and it was almost instantly broken by the zombies with particularly strong strength after evolution, and they opened their fangs and bit her.

Fortunately, Yang Yan arrived in time at this time, and the power of thunder and lightning came out, and the zombies around were electrocuted to ashes.

"Brother!" Qin Guxue was frightened after escaping death this time, but her face was just a little pale. After seeing her brother, she whispered, "Someone plotted against me."

"Heal the wound first, don't worry, I will get it back for you." Yang Yan's face was full of clouds. He dared to attack his sister under his nose. It seems that he was really too kind.

At this time, the remaining twenty or so mutant zombies had already caught up. There was no time to talk. Yang Yan turned around to take their attacks and blocked the other ordinary zombies outside.

Qin Guxue pretended to use her superpowers, but actually took out a little spiritual spring from the space and applied it to the wounds. After that, they healed quickly and visibly, and even the skin was as smooth as before, without leaving any traces.

Summoning water to wrap the blood on the body, then freezing it into ice, and wrapping it with several thick layers. After the smell of blood could not be smelled, the ordinary zombies still did not retreat, but at least they were not so crazy.

After doing all this, Qin Guxue stood up and fought side by side with her brother back to back. She used a thick layer of ice to stop the ordinary zombies, and Yang Yan only needed to deal with the mutant zombies.

The superpower team was relieved to see her rescued. Although they looked at ease, they still subconsciously paid attention to them.

Not long after, everyone's face changed.

While the brother and sister were busy dealing with the zombies, their feet suddenly sank down. Yang Yan held his sister's hand and seemed to want to jump up, but their heads seemed to hit something and sank down at a faster speed.

At the same time, an iron spike that could have been avoided and was heading towards Yang Yan's abdomen now stabbed straight into his chest!

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