Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 15 The Nobleman from a Wealthy Family 15

As Mu Yangfu said, Mu Huai and Xing Hui consulted a doctor without giving up. After knowing that the sexual orientation of nature cannot be changed, they were sad for a while and finally accepted it helplessly.

Most parents love their children selflessly. They can't bear to force their children, so they can only force themselves to accept their children's uniqueness.

Yang Yan and his sister were happy for him, and Mu Yangcheng himself was also very happy. The atmosphere at home returned to what it was before, but Mu Huai and his wife had one more thing. They wanted to check their son's boyfriend to see if he was worth dating.

Yang Yan didn't have much time to understand the complex emotional process of his younger brother from sadness to relief, and then from relief to bitterness. He didn't have to worry too much because he had a lively sister to accompany him.

Now he has more things to do. Du Yunxin really can't forget her old love with He Zimo. The two of them secretly contacted each other behind Zhang Chengde's back.

Although the results of the private detective's follow-up investigation showed that it was He Zimo who took the initiative, and Du Yunxin still had concerns, but from her increasingly relaxed expression, it was only a matter of time before they hooked up again.

Sure enough, not long after, the two broke the moral bottom line and did things they shouldn't do, but after that, Du Yunxin seemed to regret it and began to avoid He Zimo again, making him anxious.

Yang Yan quietly watched the development of things, and soon, just like the experiences of the original owner in the previous life, He Zimo first tried to exchange his lover with benefits, but was rejected by Zhang Chengde, and then he began to attack Zhang's enterprise frantically.

Zhang's vitality was greatly damaged by the previous internal struggle, but He's industry did not overlap much with theirs, and He Zimo's attack was like a joke, which could not hurt them at all.

After a wave of offensives, Zhang Chengde began to fight back. The companies that He Zimo opened for fighting spirit were quickly defeated, but he joined forces with Yang at this time, and the two sides suddenly became stalemate.

At this time, Yang Yan sent a courier to Zhang Chengde, which contained intimate photos of Du Yunxin and He Zimo. At the same time, he reminded him to be careful of his fiancée stealing the company's secrets.

After that, he waited leisurely for the result to see if the heroine in this life would betray her fiancé for her lover. If not, there would inevitably be a gap between her and Zhang Chengde. If so, there would be a good show to watch.

Yang Yan, who was gloating, had to admit that he had become bad, because the more he got along with the Mu family, the more he felt that it was not worth it for the things they had encountered in their previous life. Although the original owner did not ask for it, he did not mind helping him to avenge for free.

Should we say that only the hero and the heroine are true love? In the end, Du Yunxin chose to betray her fiancé and stole Zhang's core secrets for He Zimo.

However, Zhang Chengde was not a pushover. With someone reminding him, he had already dug traps in those documents. After getting them, He and Yang not only failed to defeat Zhang, but fell into his trap.

A large amount of funds of the two companies were locked up, affecting the normal operation of the enterprises. After the news came out, it caused panic among shareholders. Under a large number of sell-offs, the market value of He and Yang evaporated by nearly 10 billion.

As the saying goes, "take advantage of your illness to kill you", Yang Yan took action at this time and quickly swept away some of the industries of the two companies. The other parts that could not be swallowed were divided up by other slightly inferior companies in Beijing.

All this happened in just two years. The two major families that had existed for nearly a hundred years finally collapsed so suddenly, which made people sigh.

Du Yunxin, in her last life, stole the core secrets of the Mu family and helped He Zimo win the business war, and was eventually accepted by He's mother. In this life, because of the wrong information she brought, He's family went bankrupt and reorganized, and was hated by He's mother.

She posted the photos that threatened the heroine on the Internet, made up shocking titles and content, and portrayed her as a shameless sword woman who relied on her body to get ahead.

Seeing the news on the Internet, Du Yunxin felt that the sky was about to fall. She huddled at home and hugged herself tightly, and could only cry helplessly. She didn't understand how everything turned out like this. Was it because she fell in love with that man?

The phone rang again and again, and she watched the screen light up and go out, and then go out and light up again, but she didn't dare to answer the familiar call.

"Du Yunxin! Du Yunxin!" He Zimo quickly came to her door and banged on it angrily, "I know you are in there, come out, Du Yunxin!"

The intense work in recent days, coupled with the blow of the company's bankruptcy and liquidation, made him completely lose his usual elegant appearance. His clothes were wrinkled, his hair was messy, and the whites of his eyes were full of bloodshot.

Now he suddenly found out that his beloved woman was so unbearable. He went crazy and shouted at the door: "Come out! Explain to me what's going on? How many men do you have besides Zhang Chengde?"

There was still no movement inside. He Zimo couldn't help cursing loudly: "You have the courage to do it but not the courage to admit it? How could I be so blind to fall in love with a swordsman like you who can be slept with by anyone!"

Later, he simply changed to pounding the door. The vibration could be heard throughout the floor. Du Yun couldn't bear it anymore and opened the door and yelled at him: "Why don't you ask your mother what she did to me?"

"What?" He Zimo's drowsy brain became clearer.

Seeing the neighbors startled by the noise and sticking their heads out from the cracks in the door, Du Yunxin pulled him in and slammed the door hard to shut out those prying eyes. He couldn't help but slide to the ground with his knees hugged and cried.

Although he was full of resentment of being deceived and betrayed, He Zimo found that his heart would still ache from time to time when he saw her tears. At this moment, he forgot those troubles and the pain of seeing the news just now. There was only the drops of liquid in his eyes and heart.

He squatted down, hesitated for a moment, put his arm around her shoulders, and comforted her softly: "Don't cry..."

But Du Yunxin suddenly threw herself into his arms, tightly grasped the chest of his shirt and cried: "I didn't, I didn't do those things. From beginning to end, I only love you, why don't you believe me?"

"Okay, I believe you, isn't it enough to believe you?" It was the first time that He Zimo saw his beloved woman crying so sadly. He was a little at a loss. How could he still look like a Tyrannosaurus before?

"Don't cry, you're breaking my heart."

"He Zimo, I hate you, I hate you so much!" Du Yunxin was even sadder, "Why did I know you? Why did I fall in love with you? If it weren't for you, how could I have encountered such a thing?"

She cried and beat the man's chest. She didn't have much strength, but it made him feel like he was struck by lightning.

"You just said my mother..." He Zimo said with difficulty, "What did she do to you?"

Du Yunxin didn't say a word, she collapsed in his arms and silently shed tears.

"Tell me," He Zimo grabbed her wrist and pulled her away, looking into her eyes seriously, "No matter how cruel the truth is, please tell me the truth."

The two looked at each other in silence for a long time, and Du Yunxin closed his eyes painfully: "On the day I sent you away by plane, I was kidnapped when I was driving off the highway... When I woke up, I was alone in a shabby hotel. Later, your mother came to me and showed me those photos, forcing me to leave you."

"Is it the ones posted on the Internet?" A trace of heartache flashed in He Zimo's eyes.

Du Yunxin nodded silently.

"How could she do such a thing?" He Zimo stood up angrily, and without the support of his strength, Du Yunxin collapsed to the ground powerlessly.

Rage collided in his chest, and He Zimo stepped on the floor back and forth but couldn't get rid of the depression. He felt that he was going to explode!

"Why didn't you tell me?" He couldn't help but question her, "You disappeared without a sound, don't you think I, He Zimo, deserve your trust? After such a big thing happened, you just walked away?"

"What can I do? That's your mother!" Du Yunxin also exploded, "She also threatened me with the photos. If I didn't leave, she would publish them. I was going to take the photos back and burn them, but she didn't keep her word and kept them!"

She was really angry. If she had known that this would happen, why would she leave? She might as well stay and fight that vicious woman to the death.

He Zimo saw her tearing her hair, looking extremely painful, and his heart softened. In the final analysis, she was the victim. Just as she said, she was really unlucky to meet him.

He suddenly felt that he couldn't face her.

"I'll go find my mother and ask her to clarify the facts." He Zimo left in a hurry after saying a word, as if he was avoiding something.

In Du Yunxin's eyes, this appearance of fleeing in a hurry was that he was disgusted with her. She angrily grabbed everything she could grab and threw it to the door.

"Go, go! You said you really love me, it's all lies!" Until there was nothing around her, she covered her face and cried and cursed, "Liar, all big liars!"

Her crying echoed in the silent room, as if she was the only one left in the world. She hugged her knees tightly and huddled up as if she was cold.

I don't know how long it took, there was a movement at the door, she raised her head with tears in her eyes, and vaguely seemed to see her lover coming back.

He still cares about me!

The feeling of regaining what she lost made Du Yunxin cry with joy. She stood up and ran towards him, hugging him tightly: "Don't leave me, Zimo, I love you, really love you, and only love you."

"Heh! Only love him? Then what am I?" The man asked coldly.

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