Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 154 The Miserable Rich Second Generation 8

It was only now that he returned home and saw that his wife and children were not there that Qi's father finally came to his senses. What he should be worried about now was his wife's attitude.

If she found out that she actually had a girlfriend back then, she would definitely suspect that he had bad intentions from the beginning, and now Hua Rong still wants to hurt Lingling. With her desire to protect her daughter, she might not just let it go.

If she becomes so angry that she wants to divorce him, then all his years of hard work will be in vain!

Thinking that he would no longer be able to live in a luxury house, eat meals prepared by top chefs, or travel in luxury cars, Qi's father felt uncomfortable in his heart.

After leaving the Gu family, let alone a good life in the future, it will be difficult to live with just the assets in his name.

Really, Hua Rong, why do you want to provoke Lingling?

He knew that he had wronged the mother and son back then, but he had already planned to give him a sum of money in the name of his parents every year. Isn't that enough to compensate him?

Now the person has not harmed him, but he has trapped himself in it. If Gu Xiujun finds out his identity again, not only will he be miserable, but he will also not be able to get any more money!

Faced with his own interests, Qi's father lost his fatherly heart and began to think about how to excuse himself in front of his wife if she really found out.

Yang Yan came home at this moment. He immediately saw his father slumped on the sofa, but he pretended not to see him and walked upstairs.

"Stop!" Qi's father was awakened by the sound he made and sat up suddenly. "Why is the phone I'm calling you turned off? Where are your mother and your sister? Why can't I get through?"

"The phone is out of battery," Yang Yan shook the phone in his hand and said casually, "Mom and sister went abroad for a trip. We might have just boarded the plane when you called."

"Travel?" Father Qi's heart did not relax. He stared at him closely for fear of missing something, "Why do you suddenly think of going on a trip and you don't even say hello to me?"

"Didn't you mention this suddenly?" Yang Yan looked helpless, "Sister, I don't have much to do at the company recently, so I just want to go out and relax."

"Originally, we were supposed to go together as a family, but I just invested in a project and couldn't leave, so they decided to go just the two of them. They said they would wait until the end of the year before going out as a family."

"Is that so..." Qi's father didn't look like he knew anything, but he was still a little worried, "Then you should tell me first, right?"

"Didn't you ask me to tell you?" Yang Yan was a little impatient, "Okay, Dad, Mom is only leaving for a few days, do you need to be like this?"

"I'm so reluctant to let go. Just give mom a call tomorrow morning! They'll probably arrive around ten o'clock. Okay, I'll go to bed first. I'm so sleepy!"

After saying that, I ignored him and climbed upstairs slowly.

I really don’t take him seriously as a father! Father Qi wanted to ask for more details, but before he could, his figure had disappeared around the corner, making him feel so angry that he felt blocked.

Fortunately, judging from the information he revealed and his attitude, it didn't look like the family knew.

With A Yan's temper and his relationship with Lingling, if he knew that he had a child with another woman and wanted to harm his sister, I'm afraid he wouldn't have such a good attitude toward him.

Qi's father comforted himself, and quickly picked up his mobile phone to edit a long message and send it to Gu's mother, telling her to take care of herself when she went out, and also said a lot of disgusting words.

Of course, the message was like a stone's throw. Although he knew it was because she couldn't receive it on the plane, Qi's father was still upset and couldn't settle down.

This kept him unable to sleep for a long time. He finally fell asleep, but was awakened by nightmares. He couldn't sleep well all night. Finally, in the early hours of the morning, he couldn't bear the fatigue of his body and fell asleep again, but it felt like he hadn't slept for a while. , a fierce ringing woke him up again.

"Hello?" Qi's father answered vaguely, his tone not very good.

"You're still sleeping so late. Didn't you sleep well last night?" Gu Mu's brisk voice came through the receiver.

Although the flight had only lasted for about ten hours, she was in good spirits, which was in sharp contrast to her husband.

"How can I sleep well when you're not here?" Hearing her voice without a hint of gloom, Qi's father immediately woke up and began to talk sweetly.

Gu's mother chuckled lightly and was about to say something, but was quickly interrupted by her daughter's voice calling her. She could only say a few casual words of comfort, and then hung up the phone in a hurry.

Father Qi was not dissatisfied at all this time. He was sure that she really didn't know anything about it. He immediately felt like he had escaped from death. Although he was not full of sleep, he couldn't lie down anymore. He got up in a hurry and cleaned up. Ask the driver to take him to the bookstore.

After the car that took him away drove away, he took a taxi and rushed to the police station. He had forgotten about it yesterday and had to remind his eldest son not to tell anyone about their relationship!

Qi's father claimed to be the suspect's uncle. In fact, the policeman handling the case knew more or less about his identity. He looked at him with a slight look of disgust, but it was so subtle that he didn't notice it at all.

"Dad." Qi Huarong called softly.

After half a day of interrogation and one night of detention, his face looked a little haggard. A gentle, harmless and slightly admiring smile appeared on his back, but his eyes were cold and without any warmth.

Qi's father didn't notice anything. He felt uncomfortable when he was called "Dad". He carefully glanced at the policeman at the door. Seeing that he was looking straight ahead, he was relieved.

"Huarong," he said in a low voice, "remember, don't mention our real relationship to anyone."

After saying that, he suddenly remembered and asked hurriedly: "By the way, you didn't tell anyone yesterday?"

"No." Qi Huarong answered, and his eyes looked at him even colder.

But Qi's father still didn't notice it. He breathed a sigh of relief and comforted him: "Don't worry, I will definitely hire the best lawyer to help you with the lawsuit."

"Is it better than the lawyer that Gu can hire?" Qi Huarong said coldly.

Qi's father finally realized that something was wrong with him and looked at him in surprise: "Huarong, why are you talking to your father like this?"

"Heh!" Qi Huarong no longer pretended, revealing his true face, with undisguised hatred and disgust in his eyes, "Are you worthy of being my father?"

"You said that you had to leave my mother because the Gu family used their power to force you. Do you think I don't know your dirty thoughts? You just despise the poor and love the rich, and you are attracted by the money of that woman in the Gu family!"

"Only my mother is so stupid that she would believe what you said. She was abandoned by you and still foolishly loved you. She didn't dare to come to you even though her life was so difficult, for fear of causing trouble to you."

"You, you——" Qi's father was scolded by him, pointing at him and was speechless.

"Qi Yuxuan, I tell you," Qi Huarong sneered, "If you don't find a way to get me out, don't blame me for fighting you to the death and telling the Gu family everything."

"And don't forget that you gave me the money to find those gangsters. Guess what will happen to you if I tell the police that you ordered me to do it?"

"You are slandering me!" Qi's father finally realized that he had been completely deceived by his son before. Now he saw his true face. He slammed the table in anger and said angrily, "Lingling is my biological daughter. Why should I hurt her?"

"For power and money, brothers have killed each other throughout history, and sons have killed fathers and fathers have killed sons. Isn't it rare?" Qi Huarong raised his chin slightly.

"You are a man who favors boys over girls. You have long been dissatisfied with Gu Luoling's management of the company. How many times have you told me this? Have you forgotten? I have a recording!"

"You actually tricked me?" Father Qi's eyes widened in disbelief, but he had been to college after all, and he knew something about the law, so he quickly calmed down.

"Do you think you can scare me by saying these words? I transferred the money to you because you are my son, and I compensated you out of guilt. Those complaints I said in private can't be used as evidence to convict me."

He no longer had any feelings for this son. He sneered and said, "I used to think you were smart, like me. Now it seems that you inherited your IQ from your mother. You have no brains at all!"

When Qi Huarong mentioned his deceased mother, and it was insulting, his eyes were filled with strong hatred. He gritted his teeth and said, "Qi Yuxuan, you'd better respect me. Otherwise, I will drag you to hell with me even if I die."

Qi's father was frightened by his devil-like expression. He opened his mouth but couldn't say anything. His eyes were full of fear.

Seeing that he was scared, Qi Huarong's face calmed down a little, but the hatred in his eyes did not fade: "I may not be able to convict you by myself, but if I tell all this to the Gu family, what do you think they will do?"

"If that woman Gu Xiuyun knew that it was you who funded me so that I could find someone to deal with Gu Luoling, would you still have the confidence to coax her back?"

"Will your daughter and your son still recognize you as their father?"

These words undoubtedly touched Qi's father's sore spot. He gritted his teeth and said, "Qi Huarong, you are guilty of... The evidence is clear, and this is a criminal case. It's useless to threaten me. I can't do anything except find you a good lawyer!"

"How could that be?" Qi Huarong put on a victorious attitude, chin slightly raised, "You can ask Gu Luoling to issue a letter of apology, and then give him a light sentence and suspended sentence, and I can get out soon."

"You're crazy!" Qi's father glared at him, "How could Lingling be willing to issue a letter of apology?"

"That's your business, I must get out, otherwise we will both die together!" Qi Huarong glared back unceremoniously.

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