In fact, the original owner's brother Yong in the previous life was also Cheng Leyu's pursuer. Seeing his very straight man's way of saving people, Yang Yan closed his eyes in a rather miserable way.

No wonder Cheng Leyu's impression of him remained on "a big man who stuttered" until his death, and he didn't notice his charming and ambiguous thoughts at all.

Cheng Leyu was rescued in time after choking on a few mouthfuls of water. There was nothing wrong with his physical condition, but he was obviously very mentally stimulated. He has been acting listless since he got ashore.

Most of the orcs are not good at speaking, and the few present are no exception. They all cast their eyes on the only sub-orc Yang Yan for help, hoping that he can comfort the poor messenger of God.

However, Yang Yan knew that it was useless to persuade him. He could only wait for him to figure it out and accept the reality. So he sighed and said, "Let's go back to the tribe first."

Cheng Leyu was exhausted after tossing in the pond. He was helped to the back of the giant tiger and carried back to the tiger tribe. After that, he locked himself in the cave and refused to step out.

Yang Yan knew that although he looked fragile, he was actually very tough. He was deceived and betrayed in his previous life, but he couldn't defeat him. Now it was just one of all the hardships. He would definitely survive.

So he didn't worry too much. He prepared three meals a day for him and left to continue doing his own things, leaving him a space to think slowly.

And the result was not as he expected. In just two days, Cheng Leyu's spirit recovered a little. Although he was not as energetic as when he first came to the tribe, he began to take the initiative to participate in the life of the tribe, and he knew that he had accepted the reality.

In fact, Yang Yan had contributed a lot to his quick recovery. He knew that the young boy was busy every day, but he still had to prepare food for him and take care of him. Cheng Leyu was embarrassed to be so shameless.

Since it was a fact that he had traveled to another world, it seemed that he would not be able to go back in a short time. As an adult, he had to find a way to support himself instead of waiting for ready-made meals, right?

After thinking it through, Cheng Leyu began to pick fruits with the sub-orcs who had become familiar with him a few days ago, and learned to hunt some small animals.

After he really started to get in touch with this world, he realized how much he had deceived himself before. Not to mention the animals here, they had become cooked meat when they came to him.

But the fruits were completely different from those on Earth, but he kept comforting himself that these were new species that had not been discovered, and he did not dare to think that this was no longer the world he was familiar with.

Cheng Leyu was a little dazed for a moment. When he saw a bunch of red little finger-sized fruits, he picked them up and prepared to put them in his mouth to taste them, but was suddenly knocked away by a sub-orc man beside him.

The sub-orc man was named Mu, who looked younger than Yan and had bronze skin. When he saw him looking at him, his face flushed, and he shook his head and waved his hands and spoke a lot of orc language, which seemed very anxious and a little afraid.

After this period of time, Cheng Leyu could already speak and understand some of their words, but the young boy spoke so quickly and anxiously that he was a little confused, but he still understood what he meant from the other party's body language.

"This, can't be eaten?" Seeing the young boy nod, he realized that he was too reckless. Even in the world he was familiar with, unknown fruits in the wild could not be eaten casually, let alone in this huge forest full of dangers?

Seeing that the fruit seemed to be poisonous, Cheng Leyu broke out in a cold sweat and smiled at him gratefully. He received a shy smile from the young boy, and bowed respectfully to him, and said a bunch of words.

Unfortunately, he didn't understand most of it, but there was a word that was unexpectedly familiar to him. After these days, he also understood that "God's Messenger" referred to himself, and it was not a name given to him by these people, but more like an identity.

In addition to their always respectful attitude towards him, Cheng Leyu probably guessed that it was probably because he fell from the sky and was regarded as a god by them.

He didn't expect that he, a good young man who grew up with atheism, would have a day in another world pretending to be a god. He laughed at himself in his heart.

But then he became worried again. He knew his own business. He was not the god they thought he was, and he didn't know spells or magical powers. If they reacted one day, would they be angry and snap him?

Only then did he think of this possibility. For the whole day after that, facing the respectful attitude of several sub-orcs, Cheng Leyu was a little frightened, fearing that they would ask him to show his magic in the next moment and then discover his rookie nature.

Fortunately, none of his guesses happened, and even if these people saw that he knew nothing about the things in the forest, they did not show a strange expression, as if everything was taken for granted.

However, Cheng Leyu did not completely let go of his heart because he was guilty of being a thief. He always felt that it was only a matter of time before he was exposed. After thinking about it, he still felt that it was better to take the initiative to confess.

After finishing the collection, he hurried back to the cave. Just when he met the boy coming back, he carefully approached him and said, "Yan, what would happen if I was not a messenger of God?"

He used the language of his own world. It was really annoying to compare with others. He stayed in this tribe all day, and they spoke their language haltingly, and there was still a big problem in listening.

But Yan had basically mastered his language just by his own teaching, and daily conversation was no problem. His pronunciation was even more standard than many people in their world.

"You are the messenger of God!" Yang Yan roughly guessed why he suddenly asked this question, and said the nonsense he made up, "It was the beast god who guided me to find you."

"Beast god?" He was called "the messenger of God" by them, and he also understood the meaning of "beast". Combining the two, Cheng Leyu understood what he meant. This "beast god" was probably their god, and he was "god" or something, a servant of the god, a messenger of the god, etc.

In short, the boy meant that their beast god had known about his arrival for a long time, and had also sent him a dream. If you think about it deeply, maybe he came to this world, and it might be the so-called beast god who did it.

With this guess, Cheng Leyu's eyes suddenly burst into great surprise: "Yan, can you talk to the Beast God and ask him to send me home?"

Unfortunately, to his disappointment, the young boy shook his head helplessly and said, "The Beast God is looking for me, but I can't find the Beast God."

Cheng Leyu was instantly depressed. He squatted on the ground and pulled his hair hard, muttering to himself: "What on earth did the damn Beast God bring me here for?"

He said this in a low voice, but the boy heard it and answered seriously: "The Beast God sent you to help us."

Cheng Leyu was shocked, and was somewhat glad that he had not taught him swear words, otherwise, if he was a fanatical fan of that ghost Beast God, he would be in trouble.

He secretly reminded himself to be more careful when speaking in the future, and then said in disbelief: "But I don't know anything!"

He gestured to express how poked he was, hoping that the boy would take the initiative to contact their Beast God to send him back after he understood.

Unfortunately, spells and other languages ​​are not easy to express with body language. As a result, he was tired of gesturing, but the young boy still looked confused, and he confused himself.

So why did the beast god bring him here, such an incompetent waste?

Cheng Leyu was depressed again, wiped his face in self-abandonment, and gave up struggling.

"The beast god sent you to help us, there must be a reason," Yang Yan patted his shoulder comfortingly and painted a big pie for him, "I should take you back after completing the mission."

His words were not completely deceptive. The existence of the protagonist would involve the entire small world, but after his life ended, the heaven might not still keep an eye on him.

Yang Yan had communicated with the system. When his life ended, if he still wanted to go back to the original world, he could try to see if he could be sent back.

"Are you serious?" Cheng Leyu mistakenly thought that the Beast God had given him some instructions, and immediately jumped up excitedly, "Can I go back?"

"The Beast God will take you back to heaven." In fact, Yang Yan was not sure whether the plan would succeed, but he nodded without hesitation and gave him a positive answer. People should still have hope.

"Great!" Cheng Leyu instantly swept away his previous decadence and began to actively plan how to complete the task assigned to him by the Beast God so that he could go home earlier.

As for not knowing magic, he now thinks it is no problem. A barbecue with jam can make those people kneel down and worship. When he can cook meat, stir-fry vegetables, etc., he will really be regarded as a god?

And think about the living conditions of the people here, which is similar to that of primitive people. They live in caves. Food depends on hunting or picking fruits. There are no vegetables!

He can completely lead them to build houses, raise and plant. Well, I don’t know if there are fish in the river here. I have never seen them eat before. Is it that the creatures in the water are different from those in his world?

This point needs to be explored, so remember it.

As for clothes, people here only wear animal skins. Of course, they keep warm in winter. Now it's summer, so if you wrap yourself in such thick clothes around your waist, you won't be afraid of your little brother getting swollen!

Cheng Leyu listed the things he could do in his mind one by one. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He felt that it wouldn't take long for him to lead these primitive people out of poverty, into a well-off society, and onto the peak of life.

And his dream of going home doesn't seem so far away!

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