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Yang Yan did not reject his proposal because he was a homebody, but because he remembered that the book had written that the tribe had been attacked recently.

The tribe fell into a trick of making a feint to the east and attacking in the west. The beastmen were led to a place, but the enemy took the opportunity to attack them from the other side, killing the remaining warriors and abducting dozens of sub-beasts.

Cheng Leyu, the male protagonist, was also in the abducted team. Later, he used his wit to mix poisonous herbs into the food of the attackers, so that he was able to hide with a group of sub-beasts and wait for rescue.

Of course, the process was not as simple as he described in a few words. It was so thrilling that the relationship between the male and female protagonists warmed up again. It was also this ordeal that Cheng Leyu completely accepted Zhe in his heart.

At the same time, his status in the tribe was also improved because of his bravery and wit in this incident. Zhe's reputation also soared because he saved the sub-beasts. After he plotted to kill the two brothers Yong and Yan, he was directly elected as the new chief.

However, the tiger people suffered heavy losses in this war. One fifth of the orc warriors died. Although the sub-beasts were saved, nearly half of the little orcs were injured.

These tribesmen had never done anything to offend the original owner. They were even very friendly to Yang Yan after he came. Of course, he would not watch the tragedy happen again. He must find a way to save them.

The life of the tribe in the previous life was not as easy as it is now. The tiger people did not participate in the autumn meeting this time. The description in the book was from the perspective of the protagonist, so he could not determine exactly when the gang would attack.

However, Yang Yan could infer from the weather and some details that it would be about ten days in the future, which was enough for him to lead everyone to prepare.

Thanks to the fact that the people in the tribe believed in the beast god at this time, he did not need to explain too much. He just said that he had received a warning from the beast god that the enemy would attack, which attracted the attention of the tribesmen.

The newly built watchtower was put to good use. Shi arranged for the orcs to take turns to guard the tower day and night, making sure that no disturbance would be missed.

The remaining orcs set traps around the tribe according to Yan's teachings, and marked them with marks that only the tribe members could understand, so as to prevent their own people from being accidentally injured.

The sub-beasts and even half-grown children were not idle either, and they did their best to carve weapons and apply anesthetic drugs on them.

Yang Yan did not dare to ask them to use the poison that would kill the enemy as soon as it touched blood, fearing that they would accidentally hurt friendly forces in the battle. Anyway, the anesthetic he prepared was very powerful, and even mountain beasts that were ten times the size of orcs could be knocked down within a few minutes. If an orc was hit, he would probably only last a few breaths.

It took only seven days for the tribe to prepare for the battle. Shi told everyone to live according to their usual habits, so from outsiders' point of view, the tiger people did not notice the danger approaching at all.

In fact, all these are just appearances. The tribe is relaxed on the outside but tense on the inside. Everyone is keeping a tight grip on the strings in their hearts, watching out for enemies that may appear at any time.

Two days passed in such a seemingly normal way. The orcs in the watchtower first discovered the movement. The direction of the leaves in the northeast of the tribe was obviously different from the surrounding ones.

The news was reported to the chieftain Shi, who immediately sent two orcs who were good at lurking to investigate. They really found the traces of the invaders and determined that the enemy was the notorious jackal tribe.

Unlike other orcs who find a place to settle down, the jackals have no fixed residence and live a wandering life in the forest.

The reason why they are hated by almost all orcs is that they do not produce and rely on robbing other orc tribes for a living.

The jackals are fierce by nature, with vicious means and tricks. As long as the orcs they target have never failed, they will steal food and sub-beasts, and kill their cubs, so that the tribe cannot grow and develop.

The sub-beasts they plundered eventually became their reproductive tools. The orcs born for them would be left behind to be trained as new plunderers, and the sub-beasts would be brutally killed.

The fate of those sub-beasts was extremely miserable. They either went crazy or committed suicide because their children were killed continuously, or they were killed after being used and could no longer reproduce.

Such orcs were simply the cancer of the forest and the public enemy of all beasts. The tiger people once united with several surrounding tribes to eliminate these harmful beasts.

Unfortunately, the orcs of the jackal tribe were too cunning. When they met a strong opponent, they would escape and attack the orc settlements with weak defenses, which caused them heavy losses.

The orcs left in two tribes were slaughtered, the sub-beasts and food were all robbed, and only one in ten children survived. The rest of the tribes were afraid of following their footsteps and withdrew from the alliance and returned to defend the settlements. The encirclement and suppression was also inconclusive.

At that time, Shi was still a young orc. He had just come of age and witnessed such a tragedy. He had secretly vowed in his heart that one day he would wipe out this disgusting tribe. He didn't expect that they would now target his tribe.

He knew very well the cruelty and evil of the jackals, and ordered that they must be killed without mercy when they met them. After knowing the crimes they had committed, the tiger people obeyed the order without any objection.

But unexpectedly, after five or six days since the first discovery of the enemy's traces, the jackals did not launch an attack.

Shi was very anxious. He knew that the jackals were wandering aimlessly in the forest. If he missed this opportunity, it would be difficult to find their traces. However, he also knew that the orcs were very alert and would withdraw immediately if they found something wrong, so he did not dare to send anyone to attack.

He could only suppress his anxiety and tell his tribesmen to pretend that nothing had happened. He secretly prayed to the beast god that they would take the bait. Perhaps the beast god really heard his voice. Finally, after another day, the jackals moved.

The hunting team set off as usual in the early morning, and not long after they left, a group of orcs wrapped in animal skins and with dirty and tangled hair lurked around the periphery of the tribe.

They felt silent, but they did not know that their every move had been seen by the tiger orcs on the watchtower. They transmitted the message with bird calls, and the people in the tribe immediately became alert after receiving it.

The shouts of killing came from a jackal orc who fell into a deep pit and was stabbed to death by spikes. The others realized that they had fallen into a trap and had not decided whether to rush forward or retreat, but a wave of arrows had already attacked them frantically.

Some orcs were unlucky and were shot directly to death, while others were lucky and only scratched. But when they wanted to retreat, they staggered and fell down after taking a few steps.

The jackals lost dozens of warriors in the first encounter, but they didn't even see the shadow of the other party. Now the others no longer hesitated and turned around to retreat the way they came.

However, the enemy appeared in front of them again. Just like before, they were met with a wave of arrows. After dozens of people on their side fell, the other side rushed over with weapons in hand. They were the one hundred or so hunting team members who they saw leave with their own eyes.

"Kill!" The chief of the jackal tribe found that his retreat was blocked and became fierce. He swung the giant axe made of animal bones in his hand and rushed to kill. He knocked a tiger tribe orc warrior into the air.

Then he swung the giant axe around him. One after another, tiger tribe orcs were defeated and seriously injured. For a while, no one could get within two meters of him.

Seeing the chief's might, the morale of the jackal tribe orcs was boosted. They rushed to the tiger tribe warriors with a howl. Soon, the orcs of the hunting team were defeated and began to retreat.

After a while, someone was injured by the jackal chief's axe again. The tiger tribe warriors barely snatched the person back, and then they no longer fought silently. They fled in all directions with a whistle.

The ferocity of the jackal tribe was completely aroused. They followed and chased after him with a howl. After chasing for a few steps, the chief found that there was something wrong with the trees in front. He stopped and was about to warn, but it was too late.

A dozen orcs rushed over without any preparation, but the road that they had seen the tiger people walking safely before suddenly collapsed, and they fell into the deep pit and were pierced by the spikes inside before they had time to react.

At the same time, the orcs chasing in different directions also encountered different traps. Some were hung upside down in the air by their feet and shot to death by flying wooden poles, some stepped on branches and were stabbed to death by the thorns on the two wooden fences that bounced out from the ground, and some were crushed to death by stray stones...

When almost all the traps were stepped on, the tiger warriors who had fled before turned around and surrounded the remaining people of the jackal tribe with the tribe members who rushed out of the tribe and began to kill them.

The jackal orcs, who had always treated other orcs as prey and hunted them wantonly, tasted the taste of being prey for the first time. The encirclement was shrinking, and the tribe members died one after another. Soon only the tribe leader wielding a huge axe was left to resist.

However, he did not struggle for long. He fell down weakly after Shi pierced his chest with a long spear. His eyes were wide open until he died, as if he could not believe that he would die in the hands of a tribe that was not considered large.

Shi drew out his spear and looked at his body coldly, then raised the bloody spear tip high and announced their victory to the tribe. The tiger warriors cheered in response.

At the same time, Yang Yan also led the orcs to kill all the attackers. The orcs were originally puzzled why the chief would let a weak sub-beast lead them.

Although they were in awe of Yan because he had received the oracle of the beast god, it did not mean that he could participate in the war. The orcs did not say it, but their eyes revealed that "the sub-beast came to make trouble."

But soon they were slapped in the face. The little sub-beast, who was a head shorter than them, took the head of an attacker first. After that, he seemed to be in an empty space. His small figure shuttled among the tall orcs. Every time he swung the bone knife in his hand, a jackal fell down.

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