Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 181 Female Supreme Yuanjun 4

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"You are so talented, little beauty. Why do you have to go out to make a living as a singer? Why don't you go home with your sister and ensure that you are popular and drink hot food and never have to show up in public again." The woman opened her mouth with standard dandy rhetoric, and behind her A group of women started making noises there.

The man was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he quickly stepped back, avoiding her hand reaching for his cheek. His grandfather also stopped playing the pipa, stood up and stood in front of him.

"Thank you for your kindness, young lady." The old gentleman bowed humbly and saluted, looking pitiful. "Our grandson and grandson are used to living a meager life. I'm afraid we can't afford a wealthy life. Please show your respect to me, young lady."

Before the woman could express anything, the woman behind her was already excited. One of them stepped forward and pushed him away, saying angrily: "Our grandson is interested in your grandson to give you face. Don't let her be so shameless." !”

She was tall and strong, but the old man was out of breath. He was obviously ill. He couldn't bear the push. He tilted his body to one side and accidentally bumped into the table next to him, with his head straight. He hit the corner of the table and fainted without even making a sound.

"Grandpa!" The man screamed and rushed over, hugging his grandfather helplessly and crying, "Don't scare your grandson, Grandpa, Lingling is the only relative like you..."

However, the old man did not respond to his call. His complexion was visibly deteriorated, and gradually turned pale, as if he was breathing out more and taking in less air.

Seeing that a life seemed to have been caused, there was a moment of chaos. The woman who pushed people started to retreat back when the situation was bad, and got into the crowd to get away.

Yang Yan caught the name "Cen" from what she just said, and suddenly remembered why the woman in charge looked familiar. This person was actually related to the original owner, Cen Geng's cousin's daughter Cen Zichen, who was also his neighbor. Cousin Fang.

So what happened today...

Although it is only mentioned briefly in the book, the decline of the Cen family is closely related to it. The singing grandfather and grandson downstairs seem to be of humble status, but they are the relatives of Cen Geng's men who are living abroad.

The old man did not receive timely treatment and died today. The young master was later taken back to the house by Cen Zichen. Unable to bear the humiliation, he tried to assassinate her, but failed and was captured and committed suicide in anger.

Although the person who killed the old man was not Cen Zichen, it all happened because of her. Of course, the crime was placed on her head, and she could not escape the blame for the death of the young master.

Later, Cen Geng's confidant found out the truth about the murder of his relatives, and he hated the Cen family. When Cen Geng was hesitant about handing over military power, he strongly agreed, which made her determined.

The result was that not long after she handed over the military power, she was killed by Emperor Le Xiaoyu and lured to the palace to besieged and killed. Among the people who took action was that confidant.

Now Yang Yan has warned her mother that of course she will not hand over military power as stated in the original book. No matter how much her confidant tries to persuade her, he will never be able to sway her. The lives of these two grandsons are at stake. There will be no impact.

However, he couldn't bear to see two lives lost like this. Seeing that the old man was about to die, he immediately flew down from the building and rushed to him. He raised his hand and injected an internal force into his lower abdomen to protect his life.

"Send the person to the hospital." Yang Yan threw a piece of silver into the waiter's arms, and before she could react, he flew up again, grabbed the pushing woman, and threw her to the ground.

"Ah——" Along with the crisp sound of fracture, the woman let out a shrill scream, clutching her left leg and unable to get up for a long time.

All this sounds slow, but in fact it only happened in a matter of seconds. From the time Yang Yan fell from the sky like a god to the time he rescued and arrested people, less than a minute had passed. By the time the woman was caught and fell seriously injured, everyone was stunned. Still haven't come back to reality.

However, the woman's screams finally brought everyone back to their senses, and the group of dandy women quickly surrounded him, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

As if Yang Yan was unaware of his own crisis, he shouted at the stunned waiter: "Why are you still standing there? Do you have to die in your restaurant to be happy?"

The waiter woke up from a dream and glanced at the shopkeeper. After receiving her instructions, he hurriedly called on his companions to carry the old man out of the door. The young master wiped away his tears and quickly followed.

A group of dandy women looked at each other, and two of them tried to stop her, but were slapped by Yang Yan with two palms. They whined and went to keep company with the woman on the ground.

"You stinky woman is so brave!" Cen Zichen finally recovered from a series of incidents and shouted with a livid face, "Do you know who your eldest sister is? She actually touched my people in front of me!"

"Ha!" Yang Yan sneered, "I'm not only going to touch your people today, I'm going to touch you too!"

After saying that, he ignored her voice of annoyance, rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward to start beating her.

This group of women looks tall and powerful, and they usually just do whatever they want based on their family background. They can deal with those weak men, but when they really fight with people with real swords and guns, they immediately reveal their strong and fierce nature.

Yang Yan used less than 50% of his strength to beat them up and make them run away. Several other followers were easily dispatched by him one by one. Cen Zichen was the one he focused on taking care of.

Each punch hit her where it hurt the most, but it didn't really hurt her. Everyone lay on the ground, and she was the only one who was still moaning and being forced to bear the beating.

Cen Zichen was very tough at first, and he didn't forget to retaliate with words after being beaten. Later, he couldn't bear the beating anymore and could only loudly beg for mercy. Unfortunately, Yang Yan was hard-hearted.

No matter whether she threatened or cried and begged for mercy, he remained unmoved. He beat her until she cried for father and mother, and finally stopped when she huddled on the ground and had no strength to cry anymore.

"Who are you?" After he stopped, Cen Zichen took a breath and said unconvinced, "I am the niece of the Generalissimo. How dare you do this to me? Do you dare to tell me your name?"

After all this, he still doesn't repent and only thinks about revenge. It seems that his attack is not harsh enough.

Yang Yan stepped forward and punched her a few more times, and sneered: "Labour and management are your aunts. If you have the ability, just come to me."

Cen Zichen was completely shocked. Who in the capital wouldn't give her some face for the sake of her cousin? Even the royal family members were somewhat courteous to her after hearing about her identity. This was the first time she encountered a situation where the title of Grand Marshal did not apply.

Could it be that this woman has some extraordinary origins? Did she get her cousin into trouble? Don't tell me, she didn't notice it before, but now she feels that this woman looks familiar.

She looked familiar but couldn't tell her identity. It must be because she looked similar to someone she knew. Cen Zichen began to desperately think about who gave her this feeling.

She thought carefully about the aunts and princesses, and even some marquises who were not very powerful, but she couldn't get the numbers right. She couldn't help but wonder, could this woman be bluffing?

Just when she had this suspicion, Yang Yan said to the air: "Ding Si, send her back to me, explain my origin clearly, and tell them to come to me if they are not convinced!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a woman of ordinary stature and unremarkable appearance walked out of the crowd. After bowing, she carried Cen Zichen like a chicken and turned away.

It turned out to be a secret guard...

Cen Zichen was not good at reading, and his martial arts was not very good, but since his cousin became rich, he arranged for someone to teach them and these relatives, but his eyesight was still there, and he soon understood the identity of the woman who captured her.

Suddenly she no longer had any thoughts of resisting. People who can be protected by secret guards are always rich or noble. She understands that she has hit a brick wall this time, and the other party is not afraid to report his name. She must not mess with him. The one who got up.

It’s over, I wonder what kind of punishment I will get if I go back this time? Cen Zichen's whole person turned gloomy for a moment.

Several other women's family backgrounds were not as good as hers, and they only dared to do mischief outside under her banner all day long. Now that they saw her like this, they also understood that they had probably offended someone they shouldn't have offended this time.

They all quickly lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead, trying their best to reduce their presence, hoping in their hearts that the Satsuma girl in front of them would never notice them.

It's a pity that Yang Yan can even deal heavy blows to his cousins, so how can he let them go?

After Cen Zichen was taken away, he pointed at the person who had made the move before and ordered: "Wu Wu, this person molested a good man in broad daylight and even committed murder. Go notify the people in Shuntian Mansion and deal with him according to the law."

Several other women just breathed a sigh of relief, but he pointed at them and said: "These people are all accomplices and will be dealt with according to the law."

Of course, the people Cen Geng personally trained were very reliable. He knew that his identity could not be exposed without any special explanation. He fabricated the identity of the niece of the general marshal and handed the sign to Shuntian Mansion, where they quickly sent someone Coming.

Yang Yan made slight adjustments to his face before leaving the palace. He just thickened his eyebrows and modified the outline of his facial features to make them deeper. Although the changes were not big, he dared to say that even if his mother and the emperor stood in front of him, Can't recognize him either.

So he didn't hide it and dealt with the Fu Cheng openly, asking them to punish these women severely.

Fortunately, the waiter in the shop came back soon to spread the news. The old man had woken up after receiving treatment and was not in danger. He would only need to be nursed back to health for a while and he would be fine.

The crimes committed by these women were not serious, but they could avoid the death penalty but could not escape the crime of living. With Yang Yan's special explanation, I think they will live a very exciting life for a long time in the future.

Leaving some money for the grandfather and grandson to calm down and An Xin to nurse themselves back to health, Yang Yan also gave up his interest in continuing to visit the capital and returned to the palace.

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