Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 191 Female Supreme Yuanjun 14 (1/2)

Le Xiaoyu was also shocked by this unexpected change. She cried out in her heart, "Oh no!" Yu Shuwen's facial injury was not light. Although she was not an imperial physician, she had some experience and knew that this would most likely leave a scar.

"Your Majesty, do you want to invite an imperial physician?" The noise inside was so loud that the palace servants outside the door were also alarmed. They rushed in and were stunned. Seeing that the emperor did not speak, they asked cautiously.

"Why do you keep you in the palace? Do you still need to ask about such a small matter? I am so injured. Why don't you go and bring the imperial physician to me?"

Huang Guiqing was in great pain. Looking at his hands full of blood, he was about to go crazy. Could his face be ruined like this?

"Qi Ziqian, wait for me!" He glared at the man who seemed to be frightened and stupid, "If my face can't be cured, I will kill you!"

"No, I didn't mean it!" Xian Qing was so scared that he fell to the ground, covering his face with one hand, crying.

"Do you think I will believe your lies?" Huang Guiqing hated him so much, his eyes were full of malice, and with his half-bloody face, he looked like a devil crawling out of hell, "If I am fine, I can let you die well and leave a whole body, but if there is a little scar on my face..."

When he said this, his face twisted, "I will definitely cut off your flesh piece by piece and feed it to the dogs, and your whole family will not die well!"

Xian Qing shrank back in fear, and was so scared that he couldn't even speak.

Huang Guiqing didn't feel happy, so what if this swordsman died a hundred times? The thing he was most proud of in his life was his appearance. If his face was ruined, would the emperor still love him like this? How could he still be a prince?

In the past, although the servants in the palace did not dare to disrespect Cen Yangyan on the surface, who did not laugh at his ugly face and unfitness to be a prince behind his back?

Without a face that matches his status, even if he ascended the throne with the emperor's favor and his mother's power, he would not be able to convince the public and would soon become a new laughing stock.

No, no! He must save his face!

Thinking of this, Huang Guiqing's face twitched, and the wound hurt more. He turned around and saw that all the palace servants were standing there stupidly, and they were immediately angry: "What's wrong with you? Why don't you go and call the imperial physician? Don't you see that this palace is in so much pain?"

"No need to call the imperial physician." Le Xiaoyu originally supported him, but suddenly let go of his hand, stepped back, and said coldly.

Huang Guiqing was stunned and looked at her in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief. After a while, he came back to his senses, laughed dryly and said, "Your Majesty, what did you just say? I am in so much pain that I don't think I heard it clearly."

"I said there is no need to call the imperial physician." Le Xiaoyu repeated patiently, looking at him without any warmth in her eyes.

Huang Guiqing shivered uncontrollably as if he was frozen. He had a bad premonition in his heart, but he didn't dare to think too much. He stammered a few times and asked almost silently: "Why, why?"

Le Xiaoyu ignored him and turned to Xianqing's side, gently helped him up, and asked softly: "Qian'er, how are you? Are you scared?"

"Your Majesty~~" Xianqing threw himself into her arms with a "嘤" sound, choking and saying intermittently, "I am so scared. I didn't mean it. Can you please not cut my flesh?"

"And my family, I made the mistake. I am responsible for my own actions. Please be merciful and let them go, okay?"

His tears could not stop flowing down, and his body kept shaking. It was obvious that he was extremely scared.

Le Xiaoyu's heart was about to melt by his crying, so she hugged him and comforted him softly: "Don't be afraid, Qian'er, I'm here, I won't hide you anymore, I'll let you stand by my side openly, and no one will bully you anymore."

"Really, Your Majesty?" Xian Qing raised his head in disbelief, with tears hanging on his eyelashes, "Does your servant no longer have to pretend that you don't like him?"

"Of course it's true, my word is as good as gold." Le Xiaoyu lifted his chin distressedly, kissed away the tears on his face and eyes, "So don't cry, okay? You're crying so hard that my heart is about to melt."

"Your servant won't cry, your servant is so happy!" Xian Qing wiped away the remaining tears vigorously, and a bright smile appeared on his face, but the smile froze again after it bloomed.

He looked at the stunned Huang Guiqing next to him, and asked carefully: "But doesn't the emperor still need to win over Prime Minister Yu? What if Huang Guiqing complains to his mother and ruins your big plan?" "Your Majesty, please punish me!" He lowered his head sadly, and tears began to gather in his eyes again, "I don't want to be a demon minister who harms the country. In order to let Huang Guiqing vent his anger, I voluntarily let my flesh be cut off piece by piece..." "But can the emperor let my family go? They are all innocent, and everything is my fault." As he spoke, his tears fell again. Le Xiaoyu was holding him, and all the tears dripped on his arms, seeping in little by little, and soon wet a large area, touching the skin, feeling very hot. "What nonsense are you talking about?" She felt pity and annoyance, rubbed his head a few times, and said, "I won't be led by a minister by the nose."

She glanced coldly at the Huang Guiqing who seemed to be completely dumbfounded, and said disdainfully: "Do you really think I can't leave Yu Han? I can deal with Cen Geng who holds a large army, let alone a mere civil official?"

"If it weren't for less disputes in the court, do you think I would favor you for so long? Originally, I was prepared to tolerate you and your son for another half a year. Since you can't wait to die, then I will fulfill your wish."

"Fake, all fake..." The words have been said so clearly, how could Huang Guiqing not understand that the favor he thought of, those blind indulgences, were all just the strategies of the woman in front of him.

The one she really gave her true love to was Xianqing, the swordsman, and she was just a pathetic chess piece.

After more than 20 years of smooth sailing, Yu Shuwen had never experienced setbacks in his life except being suppressed by Yuanjun, who thought he was far inferior to him in all aspects. Now he encountered a huge change that turned the world upside down, and he collapsed completely.

"Your Majesty, you lied to me, didn't you?" Tears flowed from his eyes like they were free, and mixed with the blood on his face, quickly dyeing a large area of ​​his clothes red.

His hair had been messed up when he was fighting with Xian Qing just now. At this moment, his hair was all over the place, and with the desolate and desperate look on his face, he looked like a mad man. Where was the shadow of the beautiful and arrogant Huang Guiqing in his daily life?

If an ordinary woman saw him like this, she would feel a little guilty, but Le Xiaoyu was not valued in the palace when she was young, and she had experienced the warmth and coldness of human feelings, and had already trained a heart of stone.

The little warmth she had left was all left to her beloved man and their children, and she was reluctant to share a single cent with the rest of the people. For this man who was used by her thoroughly, she only felt annoyance at this moment.

"Take him away and deal with him. Tell the public that he was unlucky to meet Cen Geng's people and was retaliated against." She decided the life and death of the man who had been close to her for several years with just one sentence. Her tone was flat without even a trace of emotion.

The last glimmer of hope in Yu Shuwen's eyes was shattered. He looked at the two with only resentment and hatred. He cursed at the top of his lungs: "Le Xiaoyu, Qi Ziqian, you will not die well!"

He didn't look like a madman now, but more like a ghost crawling out of hell to take his life. Xian Qing hid in the emperor's arms in fear, and in return she got her firm and warm embrace.

"Don't be afraid," Le Xiaoyu whispered to comfort him, looking at him with tenderness in her eyes, "He can't hurt you, I'm here."

"Your Majesty, you are so good." Xian Qing rubbed his face against her chest with emotion, and in a place where no one could see, the corners of his mouth curled up with a smile of punishment for his trick.

He came here on purpose today. He had already figured out Yu Shuwen's character. At such an important moment, he would definitely not be able to hold back and come to the emperor.

So he deliberately wore the white color that he had said he hated in public, and flirted with the emperor in front of him, in order to arouse his jealousy and make him turn against him on the spot.

Originally, Xian Qing was still worrying about how to provoke him to lose his mind, but he didn't expect him to cooperate so well. As a distinguished imperial noble, he actually disregarded his face and personally "taught" him a lesson, which just gave him the opportunity to destroy the face that he had disliked for a long time.

He was not 100% sure that the emperor would stand on his side in the next matter. He was betting whether her feelings for him were as deep as she said, and whether those promises were sincere or just a momentary emotion.

Fortunately, he won the bet in the end. Xian Qing buried his whole face in the emperor's arms, and his body trembled slightly. Le Xiaoyu thought he was scared, but didn't know that he was trying to control himself from laughing out loud.

Now that Yuan Jun is dead in the harem, who can compete with him after Huang Guiqing dies? It won't be long before he can ascend to the throne of Yuan Jun and stand beside the emperor openly, and their children will become the next generation of emperors!

She whispered a few more words of comfort, but the man in her arms was still shaking uncontrollably. Le Xiaoyu's cold and ruthless eyes fell on the culprit and said coldly: "Why don't you take him away quickly? I don't want to see him again!"

The people in the room were all her confidants, and naturally knew that Prime Minister Yu's family had long been on the emperor's death list. Hearing this, they walked towards him without hesitation.

The expression on Huang Guiqing's face had changed from crazy to numb. When several people reached out their hands, he coldly shouted: "Stop! I am Huang Guiqing after all, how can I allow you lowly maids to touch me?"

He looked at the emperor, with a trace of imperceptible pleading in his eyes: "Your Majesty, after all, I have been with you for so many years, don't you want to leave me the last dignity?"

Seeing that he seemed to really accept his fate, Le Xiaoyu softened her heart for a rare moment and asked: "What do you want?"

Tears welled up in Huang Guiqing's eyes, and he choked and said: "I will die by myself, don't let these people defile my body."

It was not a very excessive request, Le Xiaoyu agreed without hesitation: "I agree."

At the same time, she was laughing at his unnecessary persistence in her heart. After all, when he died, these palace servants would have to collect his body. Wouldn't it be "defiled" at that time?

But she didn't tell the truth. He was about to die, so why did she have to attack him? She is still soft-hearted after all, Le Xiaoyu thought shamelessly in his heart.

Huang Guiqing seemed not to notice these thoughts in her mind, and his eyes actually showed some gratitude to this woman who had deceived him and wanted to kill him. He bowed silently to say goodbye, then straightened his back, raised his chin slightly, and walked out of the palace as proudly as before.

This behavior seemed ridiculous to Le Xiaoyu, but she was too lazy to waste her lips and words on him, and lowered her head to "dig" the man in her arms out.

No one thought that a dying person would be a threat, especially since he was a weak man who was powerless to forcibly maintain his last dignity. Several palace servants followed him three steps away.

So when Huang Guiqing suddenly pulled out a dagger from his sleeve and stabbed Xianqing when he walked past the emperor, no one had time to stop him, and Xianqing was about to be stabbed in the back.

At this time, an arm blocked behind him and protected him firmly, taking him back several steps to avoid Huang Guiqing's next attack. Several palace servants also reacted, rushed forward quickly and knocked the dagger out of his hand, and pressed him firmly to the ground.

Le Xiaoyu hurriedly hugged Xianqing and checked him up and down several times. She was relieved to see that he was safe and sound, but her anger did not diminish at all. She walked forward with a gloomy face, kicked the man on the ground, and said angrily: "Yu Shuwen, how dare you?"

She was soft-hearted just now, and planned to give him face according to him. She even thought that if Yu Han was honest, she would only punish her and let her family go.

But such a rare kindness was all wasted. This man is really stubborn. He wants to drag Qian'er to die with him!

This kick in the chest directly broke Huang Guiqing's bones, and he could feel that the broken bones should be inserted into his internal organs. Even breathing brought him severe pain all the time.

Having been spoiled for many years, he had never endured these things, but he did not wail or even show any pain on his face. Instead, he looked at the blood-stained dagger on the ground and smiled faintly.

Le Xiaoyu followed his gaze and felt a little pain. She looked down and saw a long wound on the back of her hand. Fortunately, it was not deep and the blood was not much.

There was no need to call the imperial physician for such a small wound. It would heal in three or five days with some medicine. But this man was so happy. He was really crazy. Could it be that he was satisfied with just hurting his skin?

Le Xiaoyu was about to taunt him, but before she could, Huang Guiqing suddenly spurted out a big mouthful of blood from his mouth. There were also some fragments of organs in it, which looked very scary.

Fortunately, the emperor dodged quickly and was not sprayed all over his head and face, but his clothes were inevitably stained with some marks, which made her feel sick.

But before she could scold him, Huang Guiqing twitched twice after spitting out blood, and then died with his eyes wide open.

It was very strange that his death should have been very painful, but when he died, the corners of his mouth were hooked up, as if... he was very happy.

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