Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 195 Female Supreme Yuanjun 18

When Yang Yan began to slowly improve the status of men in the country, news came from the informant in Rufu Palace that Qi Ziqian had poisoned the emperor's diet every day.

He didn't feel surprised at all when he heard the news. Qi Ziqian was a vicious person by nature. The original owner was tortured very miserably by him when he was in the cold palace in his previous life, and the methods he used to deal with Yu Shuwen were also very ruthless.

The original owner was not someone who liked to challenge others. Although Yu Shuwen was arrogant and domineering, he was instigated by Le Xiaoyu to only regard the original owner as his enemy. Although he suppressed other ministers, he did not go too far.

These two people just blocked Qi Ziqian's way, and he hated them so much. The emperor really tortured him, how could he not be resentful?

He could endure it for a full year before taking action, and Yang Yan felt that he should be praised for his progress!

Ordering his men to stand still, Yang Yan waited for him to administer the poison for a full month. When the emperor was really going to die quietly if he continued, he ordered people to send food that was incompatible with the poison.

Soon the emperor vomited blood and fell into a coma and summoned the imperial physician. After more than a year, he set foot in Rufu Palace for the first time, preparing to deal with the person at once.

This was also the first time Qi Ziqian saw the now world-famous Yuanjun after the incident in the palace.

The clothes on his body are no longer complicated and layered phoenix robes, but are more simple and capable for women. As he strides forward, the aura on his body is stronger than that of women. He originally thought it was ugly and vulgar. His appearance and figure became solemn and unattainable.

But he himself was being escorted to his knees on the ground full of filth, looking so humble. Is this the power that power brings?

Qi Ziqian felt ashamed for a moment, wishing that there was a hole in the ground that he could get into right away.

Unfortunately, even such a small idea became impossible. The emperor did not die silently as he wished. Instead, he suddenly asked the imperial doctor to find out. As the first suspect, he needed to wait for trial.

What's the outcome waiting for him?

When doing it before, Qi Ziqian felt that there would be no mistakes. After all, the emperor was already ill and the imperial doctor had long concluded that she would not live for a few years. No one would be surprised even if she died suddenly.

Now I don't know why she had an attack early, and the attack was so violent. It was discovered that she was poisoned. How could he get rid of the relationship?

For a moment, various tortures such as Ling Chi, dismemberment by five horses, and beheading in half flashed through his mind, and he couldn't help but tremble.

Qi Ziqian regretted it. He shouldn't have been so reckless. The emperor wouldn't live long, only three to five years at most. He should continue to endure it. He would be relieved when she died, not to mention that he had to sacrifice her life for her. Own?

"Tell me what's going on." Disliked by the unpleasant smell in the room, Yang Yan arranged the location of the trial outside the palace. Soon someone moved a chair conspicuously, and he asked directly after sitting down.

The imperial doctor first reported the emperor's condition. She suffered another serious crime this time, and the poison was added to the poison. Her already weak body was even more completely defeated. It was estimated that she would not be able to survive for two years, and she would not even be able to stand up in the future. Can collapse on the bed.

Hearing this, Yang Yan tried hard to control his facial expressions so as not to laugh out loud on the spot. What an end for the scumbag emperor! Being paralyzed in bed was worse than death, but it was a pity that it could only torture her for two years.

His face was expressionless and showed no sadness, and no one found it strange. After all, there was no one in or outside the palace who was unaware of the discord between the emperor and the emperor.

The palace servant came forward to report the results of the investigation. All the witnesses and physical evidence were present, as well as the poison found from Ningyun Palace. The person who poisoned it was undoubtedly Qi Ziqian, the Qing Dynasty. This time, even if he was surrounded by mouth, he couldn't say it. It's clear, not to mention that he only has one mouth and can't make a sound.

"Your Majesty," Yang Yan asked coldly, "What else do you have to say?"

Someone immediately presented him with paper and pen. Qi Ziqian's mind was in a state of chaos. The tip of his pen was hanging there, and he had no idea how he could get out.

"It seems I have nothing to say," Yang Yan said, running out of patience, "Then we will take him to the prison and wait for the emperor to wake up and deal with him personally!"

Qi Ziqian was startled and hurriedly wrote a few big words on the paper: [I want to see the Crown Princess. 】

With the emperor's current attitude towards him, he will definitely not let him go after knowing what he has done. The only one who can save him now is his daughter. Even if his behavior may arouse Yuanjun's suspicion, at this point he will not let him go. Can't care less.

Tsk! This man wants to drag his own daughter into the water! Their "father-daughter love" is really overestimated.

Yang Yan nodded calmly and said, "Go and ask the Crown Princess to come over."

Speaking of which, he and this cheap daughter have not seen each other for more than a year, longer than the emperor. Since that time she was poisoned, he has never been to the East Palace or summoned her.

The Crown Princess thought that he was still the original owner who cared for her so much, so she got angry with him because he ignored her. Even though she could go out before the palace change, she never went to his palace to pay her respects.

But after the emperor was poisoned and fell down, she probably couldn't sit still. She came to see him several times, but he never let anyone in. After that, she probably made some guesses, and slowly stopped visiting.

The little girl was so frightened that she felt paranoid all day long that someone was trying to harm her. She didn't like to leave the East Palace where she stayed all day long, and she became particularly sensitive.

Many people in the East Palace were killed by her, but Yang Yan ordered people to deal with them like Rufu Palace, so that too many killings were not in vain.

The princess arrived not very fast. Logically, the East Palace was the closest to the Rufu Palace, but it took her twice as long to arrive.

"I pay my respects to my father." The princess bowed with a weak breath. The moment Yang Yan saw her, he could not believe that this was the girl who was full of energy two years ago.

She was so thin that she was almost skin and bones. The princess's clothes were empty on her body, as if they could be blown away by a gust of wind.

Her face, which was originally rosy and a little chubby, was now pale, with no flesh on her cheeks, her lips were pale and almost white, her eyes were lifeless, and she was also filled with deep fear.

She was like a frightened bird, and the slightest movement could scare her to death.

If any other girl of the same age stood here, Yang Yan would definitely feel sympathy, but thinking of how she treated the original owner in her previous life, it was difficult for him to sympathize.

"I think you already know what happened here," Yang Yan still had an expressionless look on his face, and said lightly, "The guilty man Qi Ziqian will not confess until he sees you, go and talk to him."

"Yes." Seeing that there was no fluctuation in her eyes, the princess was a little unwilling, but she didn't dare to have any opinions, so she just answered honestly.

Qi Ziqian was so excited when she appeared that he wanted to rush over immediately, but he was held by someone and couldn't do it. When he saw his daughter turning to him, his eyes were filled with tears.

This is his daughter, the princess he placed his only hope on, why did she become like this? What's wrong with Yuanjun? He raised her to be white and strong, but he couldn't even take care of a child!

"I wonder why you want to see me?" The princess looked at the embarrassed man on the ground with a faint warning in her eyes, "You have solid evidence of murdering my mother. No one can save you. Even if you try to frame me, it depends on whether anyone believes you."

In her short sentence, she explained to everyone why you wanted to see her at this time, and told him clearly that she could not save him. She also warned him not to threaten her. Only those who knew the inside story could hear it.

Qi Ziqian's excitement calmed down instantly. She was right. Murdering the emperor was a serious crime. Even the princess could not save him.

He knew it very well in his heart, but he was unwilling. This daughter could give him a mute drug. Why should he help and protect her?

But she was his own flesh and blood after all, and it was because of his momentary negligence that she became like this. Did he really want to drag her into the water and die together?

Qi Ziqian's heart wavered. After hesitating for a long time, he looked at the pleading look in his daughter's eyes, and finally the little bit of fatherly kindness that remained prevailed.

[To be disrespectful, I have always treated the princess as my own daughter, so I want to see her for the last time before leaving. ]

Seeing such a paragraph on the paper, the princess breathed a sigh of relief and said seriously: "I thank you for your love in my childhood. I will plead with my mother to try my best to win a decent reputation for you, which is also a good intention of yours."

[Thank you, princess. ] Qi Ziqian left three words, and finally looked at his daughter deeply, and was taken away by the guards.

After the others left, the princess walked back to Yuanjun and expressed her concern for her mother. Her voice was ups and downs, and her expression was in place, pretending to be so serious.

Yang Yan was too lazy to watch her performance, so he waved his hand and said, "The princess is not in good health, so go back to the East Palace and have a good rest!" Then he sent her away.

The princess had something on her mind, so she took the opportunity to leave. When she returned, she called her trusted subordinates and told them to bribe the people in the prison to break Guiqing's hands, so that he could not write anymore to feel at ease.

Unfortunately, the people she thought she trusted were all spies sent by Yang Yan, and the matter was reported to him.

After ordering people to do as she wanted, Yang Yan couldn't help but sneer. She was so cruel at such a young age.

But it was not surprising. As cold as Le Xiaoyu and as cruel as Qi Ziqian, the child born by these two people was not well taught when she was young. How could she be expected to be a good thing?

It was just that Qi Ziqian rarely had a kind fatherly heart, but he turned around and found that his biological daughter didn't dare to believe him at all. I don't know what he would feel when his hands were broken?

In short, you reap what you sow. Now all of this is caused by him, so he should bear the consequences himself.

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