Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 20 The Nobleman from a Wealthy Family 20

Yang Wenyi finally ran away in tears, humiliated. Yang Wendong let out the anger he had been holding for so many years, and he was refreshed and excited while walking.

"Thanks, brother!" He leaned on his friend's shoulder and winked, "You are so nice to me, are you attracted to me?"

"Where do you get this confidence from?" Yang Yan looked at him speechlessly, "Don't worry, I have no interest in you at all."

"I learned that gayness is often inherited," Yang Wendong said mysteriously, "Your brother is about to marry a man, maybe you are too? Otherwise, why haven't you had a girlfriend for so many years?"

"Don't play the game of love in your heart but hard to say. Although I am a straight man, I am not unwilling to do it for your deep affection. I can bend a little bit."

"I say..." Yang Yan suddenly stopped and asked doubtfully, "Could it be that you are originally a lesbian, and you are trying to remind me in various ways?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Yang Wendong hit him backwards, "I am a straight man, very straight."

"I have fallen in love with a girl recently, so I want to confirm with you so that I can pursue her with confidence."

"Then go ahead boldly!" Yang Yan was really annoyed by his brain circuit, "I promise that I have no intention of that aspect towards you, not at all."

The two of them were talking and laughing and had already arrived at the banquet hall, where the wedding of Mu Yangcheng and his lover was being held.

Although people outside were puzzled by the fact that the Mu family had a son with a non-mainstream sexual orientation, not only did they not hide it, but they also held a wedding banquet for them openly, but given the current strength of the Mu family, no one was ignorant enough to say something unpleasant, and they all sent their blessings.

Mu Yangcheng's partner is the boy who was caught kissing by his brother, parents and sister. Yang Yan doesn't know how they finally adjusted the contradiction between electronic music and classical music. Anyway, the two have been together since the beginning of college, stumbling along the way, and decided to spend their lives together shortly after graduation.

They are very lucky. Both parents are very open-minded. There are fewer twists and turns along the way than others, so they can smile without any haze in front of everyone.

"Eh? You are already in your thirties, don't you consider finding a partner?" Looking at the two dazzling boys on the stage, Yang Wendong bumped into his good friend again, "Your brother seems to be ten years younger than you? He is married and you are not in a hurry. Do you really want to spend your whole life with the company?"

"Take care of yourself first!" Yang Yan gave him an indifferent look.

"Tsk!" Yang Wendong rolled his eyes, "When I catch the goddess, I won't have time to worry about your lifelong event."

"Then I wish you to catch her soon, so as not to become a nanny." Yang Yan's mood remained unchanged, and he even wanted to laugh.

Not long after, Yang Wendong really evolved from a single dog to a loyal dog, from hanging around his gay friends to hanging around his fiancée, and soon became a married man with a thicker face than a city wall.

The children's room prepared by Xing Hui and Mu Huai was finally used, but it was not the child adopted by their eldest son, but their grandson and granddaughter who moved in.

Mu Yangfu did not fall in love with women as they worried, or was a non-marriageist like her eldest brother. She met a boy who was compatible with her during her graduation trip and soon entered the palace of marriage with him.

Both young people were very eccentric. They thought that holding a wedding was like showing off to everyone, so they quietly went to get the certificate. The family only knew about her marriage when she came back with a big belly.

At that time, everyone was shocked. Although her husband was investigated thoroughly and they thought he was a good man, the Mu family still gave him a cold shoulder for many days before their attitude gradually improved.

Yang Yan still devoted himself to the company and finally developed it into a world-class behemoth when he was 50 years old. After the world ranking came out, people all over the country were shocked.

During that time, his personal interviews were broadcast all over the Internet and TV. People admired his vision and ability to make money, but what people talked about most was his love life, which was even more monotonous than that of ordinary people.

Some people speculated that he had loved a girl, but unfortunately that person died of illness when she was very young. He could not forget her, so he remained single.

Some people also said that the girl died in a car accident/plane crash/falling into the sea... In short, no matter what speculation, it is determined that this is an infatuated man.

In addition to his wealth, this gave him a dazzling halo. Although he tried his best to deny this, it had little effect. Everyone would rather believe their own hysteria than believe that he was a staunch non-marriageist.

Yang Yan: "..."

Forget it, just be happy.

When he was interviewed as the world's richest man, there was a person standing silently under the big screen, staring at his still young and handsome face. That was the heroine Du Yunxin.

Twenty years have passed, and she has completely lost the shadow of her youth. Years of hard work have completely ruined her beautiful face and turned her into a very ordinary middle-aged woman.

Du Yunxin has not had a good life these years. After leaving Beijing with He Zimo, they came to J City, which is thousands of miles away. The negative news on the Internet was removed because of the victory, and the person who posted the news also apologized on it.

After all, netizens are forgetful, and soon no one remembered her. She didn't have to hide like before, and with the company of her lover, she had a very comfortable life at first.

But He Zimo was not willing to be ordinary. Soon he wanted to start a company to make a comeback. She did not doubt her lover's ability at all, and took out the money from selling the house and all her savings to support him in starting a business.

But the road to entrepreneurship was not as smooth as they imagined. He Zimo, who used to be in charge of a large group and was treated with courtesy everywhere, now encountered obstacles everywhere.

It is difficult for people to put down their status when they stand at a high position for a long time. Du Yunxin persuaded him again and again but failed to change his attitude. Countless troubles came to them. After struggling for a year, the newly established company had no choice but to close down.

This business venture almost emptied all their savings, but He Zimo was unwilling to accept his fate. He returned to Beijing to get He's mother's assets and started a company again.

This time he changed a lot, and was able to lower his proud head to please those people who used to hate him. Slowly, the company started to improve, as if everything was going in a good direction.

But He Zimo picked up a lot of bad habits during socializing, and even played with prostitutes like other people. Du Yunxin happened to see it once, and it was no exaggeration to say that it was a bolt from the blue.

The two had an unprecedented quarrel. At first, He Zimo knew he was in the wrong, admitted his mistake to her and promised that there would be no next time, but seeing that she was always unwilling to give in, he was annoyed and said casually: "You have also been played by others?"

Du Yunxin was stupid at the time. She had never thought that the lover she had identified would say this about her. For a while, her face was ashen.

He Zimo regretted it after saying that, and apologized and admitted his mistakes, and talked about some interesting things that happened when they first met. She finally reluctantly reconciled with him, but their relationship was overshadowed.

After that, He Zimo did not attend those drinking parties for a while, but he could not refuse for the company's business. Not long after, he started to go home late at night and often got drunk.

Du Yunxin could only comfort herself that he was also for the company. He promised that he would never make a principled mistake again. Since she loved him, she should believe him, but since then, she never dared to go to their parties without saying hello.

They thought that life would continue like this, but the arrival of He's mother broke their peaceful life.

Because she hated her for suing and causing her to suffer in prison, and relying on the fact that her son used her money to open the company, He's mother looked at her coldly as soon as she came, and urged her son to divorce her.

He Zimo still had feelings for her at that time, so no matter what his mother said, he did not agree, but he began to stand on his mother's side, and when he saw He's mother humiliating her in every way, he would only persuade her to endure it.

Du Yunxin endured it, but in return, she was humiliated even more severely. He's mother even made her lose face in front of outsiders regardless of the occasion.

But no matter how she cried, He Zimo would just tell her to be patient, and sometimes she would not even go home when she was annoyed by her.

Many years later, Du Yunxin recalled that she really didn't understand why she wanted to get his love and stand by her side instead of turning around and leaving.

Life was a mess, and the company they invested a lot of effort in soon ran into problems. Several buyers of large orders suddenly defaulted, causing them to not only fail to recover their funds, but also pile up a large number of goods, and no one was willing to take over even though they sold at a loss.

Because it happened that Mu's developed better products at that time, their old products with less than one-third of their performance and the same price were naturally eliminated.

In this way, because of the broken capital chain, they couldn't even pay the workers' wages, and the company eventually closed down again.

Now even He's mother was dumbfounded. She gave all her savings to her son. The feeling of having nothing in an instant was really terrible.

Instead of thinking about what to do next, she pushed all the blame onto Du Yun, saying that she was a jinx and that her son had been unlucky since he met her.

It was her fault that He's company went bankrupt, it was her fault that she went to jail, and now the companies are closing down one after another because of the bad luck she brought.

What frightened Du Yun even more was that He Zimo didn't even try to dissuade his mother when she was scolding him, as if he believed her words.

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