Jian Jiangxue was not at all tempted by this man who suddenly appeared in her life and knew her very well, but she finally rejected him and chose her boyfriend who she had been with for many years.

But not long after, the original owner was revealed to have plagiarized the paintings in the exhibition. This kind of thing is a scandal in the world of calligraphy and painting, but because of the audience, it usually does not make it known to everyone.

The strange thing is that the incident involving the original owner was reported to the major media overnight, causing a stir before the truth was found out, and almost everyone in the country knew about it.

Because the person who claimed to have been plagiarized took the painting to a small competition before the original owner, but the original owner could not provide evidence to prove that he had made the painting before, and in the end he became a plagiarist and was ruined.

The original owner was originally sensitive and introverted. After this blow, he couldn't recover. With the death of his teacher who once cared for him, he also drove away his girlfriend who he truly cared about during his self-isolation. Within a few years, he suffered a mental breakdown and went to the end of the road. .

Man Wencheng resigned from his position in a small company and started his own business again, and soon became a successful businessman. He took advantage of Jian Jiangxue when she was sad, and finally won the beauty by relying on his previous understanding of her. Return.

This time he learned his lesson, took great care of his wife, and supported her career. In the end, the two of them had their own lives and careers, and gave birth to a pair of children, living a happy life.

But such a happy ending of love rests on the bones of the original owner.

After the original owner died, he read a novel and realized that he had become a supporting role in someone else's life.

As far as Man Wencheng knew, the plagiarism incident he experienced had also occurred in his previous life, but because of the evidence left unintentionally by his assistant Xiao Nan, the incident was finally resolved satisfactorily.

After the original owner washed away the dirty water splashed on himself, he found out that the real culprit who instigated people to frame him was his half-brother Fu Ruize. He decisively sent him to prison and got along with Fu Ruize, who had long been at odds with him. The relationship was completely severed.

The parallel world that Man Wencheng arrived in was five years earlier than the original world, and the incident was equally big that time. After he became rich, he heard about this past incident of the Fu family, and after being rejected by the heroine, he decided Use it.

He deliberately approached Xiao Nan, and with his mouth and mature handling methods that he had learned in the mall, he quickly won the trust of the young assistant who had just started working.

Afterwards, he took advantage of Xiaonan's unpreparedness and successfully obtained the USB flash drive containing the evidence. Even after Xiaonan discovered that the thing was missing, he never doubted him.

Man Wencheng not only stole important evidence in a despicable manner, but also took the opportunity to blackmail Fu Ruize for one million when the matter was in full swing.

He then used the money as start-up capital to start a business. With his understanding of the next few years, he successfully re-entered the business road and was even more successful than his previous life.

Therefore, the origin of what happened this time was Fu Ruize's frame-up, and the reason why the original owner was unable to stand up was because Man Wencheng deliberately wanted to trample him to death. Xiaonan cannot be blamed in any case.

However, the inside story was difficult to explain to the little girl. Yang Yan only comforted her with a few words, letting her know that the matter would be resolved soon and that she could clear up her grievances.

Although Xiaonan was very curious, she didn't ask any more questions. After he had changed his clothes and packed up, he obediently drove him to the place where Mr. Fu's birthday party was held.

The plagiarism of paintings is not as attractive as the gossip in the entertainment industry. It stands to reason that it has been almost half a month, so there will be no paparazzi following up, but I can't help but someone is stirring up trouble in the middle, deliberately trying to make the matter bigger!

The hotel where Yang Yan stayed was well managed, so Xiaonan drove directly into the underground parking lot to pick him up without being blocked by the reporters guarding outside.

But those people must have heard the news that he was coming, and arrived early to wait outside the old man's birthday banquet. He sent Xiao Nan away, holding the gift box alone. He was stopped by the reporter who recognized him when he arrived at the door.

"Mr. Fu, do you have any explanation for plagiarizing Mr. Wang's paintings?"

"Mr. Fu, why don't you respond directly to the plagiarism issue? Can your silence be regarded as acquiescence?"

"Mr. Fu, does your silence mean that you feel guilty?"

Even if someone deliberately stirs up trouble in the middle, there are not many people who really take this matter seriously, and there are only seven or eight reporters surrounding them.

And they are just some non-mainstream reporters, far inferior to the time when he was the actor. The slightest disturbance can cause countless reporters to besiege him.

However, for ordinary people, especially the original owner who is devoted to art, such a scene is difficult to deal with. Moreover, these reporters' questions are so sharp.

"Everyone," Yang Yan raised his hand to swing away the microphone that was almost in his mouth, and said with a serious face, "If you want to be interviewed, please contact my assistant. I am here to attend my grandfather's birthday party today, and I don't want to be disturbed. "

Most of these people were paid to come here to stir up trouble. If the original owner had said such words, no one would have paid any attention to them. However, the aura that Yang Yan exuded in an instant was like a huge mountain, pressing down on them. People actually closed their mouths without even breathing.

The reporter blocking him in front of him couldn't bear the pressure. When he started to take steps, he subconsciously moved out of the way and gave way to the hotel.

After everyone had gone in for a while, the group of people let out a long breath of relief. They looked at each other for a moment, and someone broke the silence: "What should we do now? Should we still follow?"

"Everyone has gone in, and we don't know when they will come out. Why should we follow?" The person next to him answered unhappily, and then muttered in a low voice, "This person is too scary..."

His voice was very low, but several people heard it clearly. Thinking of the feeling just now, they couldn't help but shudder. They looked at each other tacitly and backed off together.

As for the employer's explanation, anyway, the photos had been taken just now, and they just needed to go back and revise the previous manuscript and send it out. It's not worth risking their lives for such a small amount of money.

Yang Yan didn't know that he had scared off a group of reporters with just a look. At this time, he was led by the waiter to walk into the birthday banquet hall. The seats were about 70% full, and a huge noise was coming towards him.

Most of the people gathered around a table and talked. Only a few noticed his arrival and recognized him, looking at him with a hint of contempt.

In fact, the original owner's plagiarism has not been concluded. The public statement is that it is still under investigation, but because of the publicity of some bad media, the matter has almost been determined now.

Too lazy to get entangled with these people who follow the crowd, Yang Yan strode around a few people who were eager to come forward to talk, and walked straight to the top seat.

"Grandpa, I wish you good fortune as vast as the East Sea and longevity as great as the South Mountain." He said and handed over the gift box in his hand.

Their custom is that men celebrate their birthdays after the ninth birthday, and women celebrate their full birthdays, so Mr. Fu said to the public that he was celebrating his eightieth birthday, but in fact he was seventy-nine today.

The old man suffered when he was young, and now his body looks healthy on the surface, but the doctor has said that it has been in the past few years, but probably because of the good things that happened to him, his spirit seems to be good.

"Ayan is here," Mr. Fu usually doesn't go online, and the younger generation doesn't dare to talk nonsense in front of him for fear of irritating him. They still don't know what happened to him, but they smile as soon as they see him, "What painting did you make for grandpa this year?"

He raised three sons and one daughter in his life, and there are nearly ten grandchildren and grandchildren in total, but the one he likes most among his grandchildren is this grandson who is neither the eldest nor the youngest.

The reason is that he was born as an ordinary farmer, and his ancestors had been digging in the soil for generations. He also got rich because of good luck. He has always envied and admired those families with a scholarly family.

After his family became rich, he originally planned to train his children, but unfortunately, several children followed the bloodline of their old Fu family, and none of them loved reading.

Fortunately, the second son was lucky enough to marry a talented daughter-in-law. Although the second daughter-in-law died early, the grandson he gave birth to inherited her talent.

He has shown his talent in painting since he was young, and he has made a name for himself and made a career outside. How can he not like it?

"It's a picture of pine and crane for longevity," Yang Yan ignored the different looks of his father, stepmother, uncles and aunts, opened the box and took out the painting and unfolded it, saying shyly, "I give you the painting every year, grandpa, don't blame your grandson for being stingy and unwilling to spend money on gifts."

"Ayan deserves to be beaten for what he said!" Grandpa Fu pretended to be angry, "The value of a gift lies in the thought, not in how much money is spent."

"Look at this crane, it's so vivid and festive!" He took it and said happily, "I have to keep it well, Ayan is now He is already a great painter, and this painting will definitely be more valuable in the future. "

The old man's eyes were blurry and he couldn't see the faces of his sons and daughters-in-law. He raised the painting and said happily: "I will pass down all of A Yan's paintings as heirlooms, so that all future generations will know that our Fu family has also produced great painters, and take you as an example!"


Aunt Fu couldn't help but let out a laugh. Uncle Fu immediately glared at her, and then she shut up in dismay. Fortunately, Mr. Fu's ears were not very sharp, and he didn't hear his daughter-in-law's ridicule.

But Fu Tao's eyes were not blurry and his ears were not deaf. He had already seen the suppressed laughter and ridicule in the eyes of his brothers and sisters. When he heard such an inappropriate laugh, his face suddenly turned red. At first glance, he looked like Guan Gong in the temple.

He glared at his eldest son fiercely, and his eyes seemed to want to eat him. His chest rose and fell violently. It was obvious that he was very angry because his eldest son made him lose face.

Yang Yan ignored everyone's expressions and calmly said some funny words in front of the old man, making him smile happily.

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