□□Ze had planned very well, but he didn't expect that the police would come to his door before the birthday party was over and he didn't have time to do anything.

The place chosen for the birthday party was actually not far from Mr. Fu's residence. It was only a seven or eight-minute drive before the grandfather and grandson were sent back to the old house.

Although Mr. Fu wanted to talk to his grandson, his body was very weak now and he couldn't support it. He could only tell him to rest on his own.

From the age of five to eighteen, the original owner lived here for almost one-third of his life, and his room is still in the old house.

Yang Yan received all his memories, and there was nothing uncomfortable. He returned to his room familiarly. He took a shower and came out, and the phone rang like a life-threatening phone call.

"Fu Yangyan!" Fu Tao's roar came clearly from the phone at a distance of thirty or forty centimeters, "What did you do? Your brother was taken away by the police, and now you are happy?"

Before the original owner was involved in a scandal, this father also called and roared like now!

Yang Yan sneered: "Why don't you ask your good son what he did to attract the police."

After that, he didn't care about his reaction, hung up the phone directly, and then decisively turned off the phone.

When Fu Tao called again, there was only a cold voice. He was so angry that he threw the phone directly. Together with the broken phone at home, this was the third phone he scrapped today.

"What did A Yan say?" Lu Yinyun pulled his sleeves crying, "Why did he frame A Ze? They are brothers!"

"Cry, cry, cry, you only know how to cry!" Fu Tao broke away impatiently and said angrily, "Don't you know what your son did? You still have the face to cry in front of me!"

He is not a fool. Although he doesn't know what his second son did, he also understands that he must have done something wrong to be arrested by the police, and there is only one thing that will be related to his eldest son.

So it is very likely that the plagiarism incident was done by the second son. He was so angry that he decided to hand over the company to the second son. Why did he still compete with the eldest brother?

He was also angry that he was caught for not being careful, and was taken away by the police in front of all relatives and friends, which made him lose face.

What he hated most was the attitude of the eldest son. He had no respect for him at all. Sure enough, he was right at the beginning. This was an ungrateful wolf. In the future, even if his property was fed to dogs, it would not be shared with him!

The birthday banquet was not over yet, and the eyes of the people around him were like sharp swords piercing Fu Tao, making him wish he could build a wall around him to surround himself.

"Don't cry," although he was already suspicious of his youngest son, he certainly wouldn't say what was in his mind. In order not to make people laugh at him, he could only pretend to be calm and said, "Come with me to see what the misunderstanding is."

"This must be a misunderstanding," Lu Yinyun has been with him for many years and knows him best. She immediately understood what he meant, wiped her tears quickly, and forced a smile, "Let's go and explain it to the police comrades and everything will be fine."

The two controlled their emotions, apologized to their relatives and friends, and even smiled when they left, as if nothing had really happened.

But everyone is not a fool. The police came to the door, so naturally they would not believe their words just based on their behavior. After the two left, everyone whispered and guessed what the youngest son of Fu Laoer had done.

Fu Tao's expectations were finally dashed. He was destined to become the topic of conversation for a long time in the future, and his face, which he valued, would definitely not be saved.

Yang Yan, who caused all this, was in a good mood. After throwing away his mobile phone, he lay comfortably on the bed.

To be honest, he was very disappointed with the original owner of this small world. What happened to him was actually easy to solve.

Since it was confirmed that someone was framing him, he could just call the police and it would be over. Why would he ruin his reputation and die quietly with a stigma?

□□ Ze's methods were not very clever. Even if there was no evidence left by his assistant Xiaonan, he only needed to investigate the financial situation of Wang who claimed that his paintings were plagiarized by him, and the phone calls, and he would find that he was actually full of loopholes.

Not to mention that this world has the participation of the male protagonist, Man Wencheng's blackmail, and □□ Ze's sudden large expenditure, any point can be used as a starting point to investigate the matter clearly.

But the original owner seemed to be completely unaware, allowing others to throw dirty water on him, hiding in his shell, and finally the shell was broken, and he was dragged out for public execution.

After Yang Yan sorted out his memory, he did two things. First, he called the police and said that someone had stolen his manuscript and framed him for plagiarism. Then, he anonymously reported Man Wencheng for blackmail, and he did it without even meeting the male protagonist.

He could guess what would happen without any verification. After Man Wencheng was caught, he would definitely think that □□Ze betrayed him, and he would definitely confess his bribery and framing.

Although the two had reached a deal and he had sent the photos to □□Ze, with his character, he would not leave a record even if he thought he would not use them in the future.

In this way, there was evidence, and there was substantial evidence that □□Ze bribed someone to frame him, so it was natural for him to be taken for investigation.

The facts were not too different from what he guessed. The efficiency of the case handling in the Flower Country was still very high. Relevant evidence was found soon after Man Wencheng was taken there.

Although he was a little clever and used someone else's account to collect the money, the money actually fell into his hands after being transferred back and forth. This cannot be denied. The evidence is solid and he cannot escape the crime of extortion.

Moreover, because the amount involved is considered huge in law, the sentence starts from ten years. When he comes out, he will be in his thirties or forties. He has no money and a criminal record. Even if he has some knowledge of entrepreneurship in his mind.

He has been out of touch with the world for a long time, and has lost the advantage that this world lags behind the world he came from by five years. If there is no accident, his life is basically over.

As for □□ Ze, with the testimony and evidence provided by Man Wencheng, the police quickly found out his private transaction with Wang. The two were formally detained and will face prosecution soon.

When Yang Yan received the news from the police, he was preparing his press conference, which was what he asked Xiaonan to do the day after Mr. Fu's birthday banquet.

"Ayan, are you nervous?" Just after hanging up the phone, teacher Yu Tao came over with a smile.

"It's OK," Yang Yan said with a calm expression and a faint smile, "Thank you, Mr. Yu. If it weren't for your efforts, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to accomplish this alone."

"What are you thanking me for? You fought for it yourself. If you didn't have such strength, I wouldn't be able to persuade you even if I talked you all over." Yu Tao looked at his little apprentice with a look of satisfaction.

He is already over 70 years old this year. As people get older, they will inevitably cherish their feathers more. Although he feels sorry for his little apprentice being smeared, he would not rashly accept this matter if he hadn't shown his real ability to prove himself.

Patting the young man on the shoulder, he said cheerfully: "Don't feel pressured later, play well, believe me, you will definitely shock the whole country this time."

More than shocking the whole country, as long as the little apprentice plays according to his previous strength, he believes that even shocking the whole world is not a problem. However, as a person, you should be more humble. Don't say some things yourself, let others brag about them.

Old man Yu encouraged his little apprentice, put his hands behind his back and walked away with his head held high, and every step revealed his arrogance.

Yang Yan shook his head and didn't expose him. He packed up his painting tools and went to the front desk.

Since ancient times, it takes only one mouth to spread rumors, but it takes a lot of effort to refute them.

Thanks to that good brother, the original owner has now become famous. What was originally a relatively niche matter in the calligraphy and painting world has become known to everyone. Almost 50% to 60% of people who go online know that there is such a painter who plagiarizes other people's paintings.

Although the police said that they could help him clarify the matter, given the lack of influence, it is estimated that it will be difficult to change the views of those who have preconceived ideas.

The original owner did not seek revenge. His only two wishes were to clear his stigma and become a great painter who deserves the title. Yang Yan was of course happy to satisfy him.

He asked his teacher to come forward and invited several influential painters in the industry to hold this press conference to prove his strength in one fell swoop.

All the media that had previously reported on his plagiarism were invited. Because of the gathering of painters, some mainstream media with good credibility also participated in it. This can be said to be a rare event in the calligraphy and painting world.

The original owner looked like her deceased mother, with delicate features and a gentle face, but compared to her gentle beauty, she had a more masculine temperament.

Yang Yan still had shoulder-length hair, which he only washed and dried and casually scattered behind his head. He wore a loose and casual imitation Tang suit, and the whole person looked like an ancient hermit who had walked out alive.

In this modern, more anxious society, there are really few men with such temperament. As soon as he came on stage, the audience was silent. After a moment of silence, countless flash lights lit up crazily.

"It was rumored on the Internet that I, Fu, plagiarized. Today, I invited everyone to come here to let you see that all those are nonsense. I don't need and don't bother to do such a thing."

Yang Yan had no intention of greeting people, and bluntly stated his intention to hold a press conference. His expression did not move, but a simple sentence revealed his arrogance.

If he looked like an ancient hermit before, now he looks more like a madman, as if the people in front of him are not worth mentioning in his eyes.

The media people below gasped instantly, and the camera quickly turned to the senior painters on the side, but what surprised them was that none of them showed displeasure with Fu Yangyan's wild speech.

Some careful people even noticed their expressions, which seemed to say: It should be so.

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