Although he felt sorry, Yang Yan knew that he would break up with the heroine sooner or later. Instead of dragging it out, it was better to end it like this.

He asked someone to take care of her upcoming exhibition. Now that he is a popular painter, both parties are willing to give him some face for this little thing, so Jian Jiangxue basically didn't encounter any problems, and everything went smoothly.

Just the day before the exhibition, she called. Although she wanted to thank him, she obviously wanted to see if she could save the relationship.

However, Yang Yan didn't respond to her words, and the matter ended in nothing. Since then, the two have never contacted each other again. I don't know if she did it on purpose or it was really a coincidence. She has never appeared in the same occasion with him again.

However, Yang Yan occasionally heard people mention her name, saying that her previous works were full of vitality, but later seemed to have suffered setbacks. There was always a faint melancholy in her paintings, but it was full of tenacity to not admit defeat.

The artistic conception of the early and later works is different, but they are all positive and have won a lot of praise. Gradually, they have also occupied a place in the industry.

Compared with the heroine's free and easy and unentangled, the Fu family is the opposite, completely like a dog-skin plaster.

That day, Fu Yunze was taken away by the police in front of everyone at the old man's birthday party. He thought he was doing things carefully, but he couldn't escape the eyes of the law. He was soon found to have hired someone to take photos secretly and bribed a young painter named Wang to imitate the painting and take it to the competition.

Fu Tao's partiality was fully reflected later. The original owner was caught in a plagiarism scandal and could be ruined at any time. He didn't make any effort, but followed the crowd and beat him to death. He was asking for death.

Now the little son born with true love has clear evidence of guilt, but he didn't blame him and let him reflect on it. Instead, he insisted that it was the eldest son who deliberately set up a trap to frame him, calling him every day and even coming to his house to order him to withdraw the case.

Meeting such a father, the original owner was unlucky.

In the previous life, the original owner failed to wash away the stigma, and later suffered from severe depression. Fu Tao, the good father, his good stepmother, and his good brother played an indispensable role.

No wonder in another parallel world in Man Wencheng's memory, the original owner finally broke with the Fu family and resolutely sent Fu Yunze to prison. It is estimated that the original owner had also encountered what he was experiencing now, and was heartbroken by this family.

Even the original owner himself did not care about this false family affection, and Yang Yan would naturally not do as they wished. He simply deleted the phone numbers of Fu Tao and his family, and notified the property not to let them in.

But it is obvious that neither Fu Tao nor his wife and children gave up. This day, Yang Yan came to visit Mr. Fu, and saw three people sitting in the living room as soon as he entered the door.

"Ayan," Lu Yinyun saw him and quickly put on a fake smile on her face. "You haven't been home for many days. You don't eat well outside, right? Look at you, you've lost so much weight!"

"Don't," Yang Yan avoided her hand that was stretched towards his face and said expressionlessly, "I just washed my face."

Is he implying that her hands are dirty? Lu Yinyun's smile froze, but she was really flexible. She turned her hand in the air and lifted the hair on the side of her face and tucked it behind her ear.

As if what happened just now had not happened, she smiled again: "Knowing that you are coming today, I specially asked Sister Chen to make a few specialties, all of which you like to eat."

"No need," Yang Yan did not mean to settle the matter peacefully, and continued to say coldly, "I have lost my appetite after seeing you."

Lu Yinyun's smile could no longer be maintained. Fu Tao had originally listened to her words and had to hold back today and coax him to withdraw the case no matter what.

But seeing his wife being bullied again and again, with her eyes red with grievance, he could no longer bear it, almost jumping up and shouting: "Rebellious son! How do you talk to your mother?"

"My mother comes from a scholarly family, she is a well-educated and polite lady who knows shame." How could Yang Yan be scared by his unintimidating arrogance?

He looked the woman next to him up and down without any hesitation, until her face turned pale, and then he sneered: "You can't do something to destroy other people's families and be a mistress."

This sentence made Lu Yinyun's eyes full of tears, Fu Tao's face flushed red, and Fu Yunze jumped up in anger: "Fu Yangyan, you bastard, you dare to scold my mother!"

He cursed angrily and raised his fist to hit Yang Yan's face.

If it was the original owner who never liked to exercise and was thin, he would probably suffer a big loss today, but the person standing here now is Yang Yan. If he was beaten by a mortal who didn't even know 30-foot-cat kung fu, he wouldn't have to go out to mix.

He easily dodged the punch by slightly turning his head. Yang Yan didn't even move his feet. He raised his hand to grab his wrist and twisted it gently. Fu Yunze screamed in pain.

He kicked him lightly at the bend of his foot with his toes. In a blink of an eye, Yang Yan had forced him to kneel on the ground with his screams.

"Ah! It hurts!" Fu Yunze struggled with all his strength but couldn't get rid of his control. He screamed loudly for help, "Dad, Mom, save me!"

"Aze!" Lu Yinyun screamed in pain, "Ayan, let him go quickly, he is your biological brother!"

"Fu Yangyan, how dare you?" Fu Tao ran over in shock and anger, and threw a punch without saying anything. Yang Yan also grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind his back.

He held the two big men with one hand each, and his face looked very relaxed. Although Fu Tao was a little younger, he had always taken good care of himself. A man in his fifties still looked like he was in his early forties, and his body was still strong.

Lu Yinyun was almost stunned, but she didn't dare to act rashly after learning from the past. She could only shout: "Ayan, let them go quickly. One of them is your brother and the other is your father! How can you be so cruel?"

Ha! Now we are talking about family affection. Why didn't she say anything when her son took action just now?

Yang Yan snorted coldly, pushed the two men away with both hands at the same time, took out a wet towel from his pocket, and slowly wiped both hands, including the fingers.

Although he didn't say a word, this action can be said to be very insulting. He beat them up and thought they had dirty hands!

Fu Tao was so angry that he kept calling them "rebellious son". Fu Yunze's eyes turned red. He pointed at him and shouted, "I will call the police to arrest you. You beat me and not only beat my father, Fu Yangyan, you are unforgivable!"

Yang Yan had just finished wiping the last finger, and he walked towards him after hearing the words.

Fu Yunze knew that he was not the opponent of this big brother after the previous round of competition. He was so scared that he took a few steps back and said fiercely, "What do you want to do?"

Yang Yan looked at him coldly. As soon as he raised his hand, he was so scared that he screamed and squatted down with his head in his arms. His small body was trembling.

However, the expected iron fist did not fall. Yang Yan just threw the tissue in his hand into the trash can next to him, and then walked past him towards the stairs without even looking at him.

Fu Yunze realized that he had misunderstood. His face, which had turned pale with fear, suddenly turned red. He stood up and shouted at his back: "Fu Yangyan, withdraw the case quickly, or I will call the police to sue you for assault. With the wounds on my hands, you will definitely be punished." "Please do as you please," Yang Yan said coldly without turning his head. "A few days ago, you came to my house to harass me. I have already called the police. Today, you took the initiative to injure people and I defended myself. You can try to see whether the police will believe you or believe you when they come. Mine."

"Besides..." He stopped at the corner of the upstairs, pointed at the door casually, and said, "The camera seems to have recorded the process."

"You--" Fu Yunze looked back, his face almost purple with anger, "You knew it a long time ago, despicable and shameless!"

"I don't deserve it, and only you deserve these four words," Yang Yan curled his lips and nodded his forehead, "I just have a brain."

Then he was too lazy to look at the faces of this family, strode to the study and knocked on the door.

Mr. Fu was indeed here. After calling "Come in", he looked at him helplessly. Obviously, he had heard the movement outside a long time ago, but his palms and backs were all flesh, so he couldn't show up, so he simply turned a blind eye.

"Grandpa." Yang Yan walked in and closed the door behind him. "They have bothered you a lot, right?"

"Ah--" Mr. Fu sighed deeply, asked him to sit down, and said tiredly, "Your father... Ah Yan, I know you have suffered a lot of grievances over the years."

Yang Yan did not answer. The one who was wronged was not him but the original owner, but Fu Yangyan's people were gone now, so it was meaningless to say anything.

"I really don't understand how things have come to this point now," Mr. Fu did not mean to force him to answer, and fell into memories by himself, "I only met your grandmother once when I got married, and we have been supporting each other for a lifetime."

"Your father and your mother were still in love freely back then, and no one intervened to stop them. They were so loving at that time! How could the feelings disappear in just a few years?"

"People's hearts change easily." Yang Yan could only say these four words.

He didn't know whether Fu Tao and his mother had a sweet time, but the relationship between the original owner's parents had not been very good since he could remember.

His mother is aloof and romantic, like an artist, while Fu Tao is busy with business all day, hoping that his wife can be gentle and considerate, and do everything according to his wishes.

There is a natural contradiction between the two people's personalities. One is unwilling to resolve it, and the other is unable to resolve it. It is not surprising that they can't go on.

The mistake is that Fu Tao is unwilling to divorce, but he found another woman outside without his wife's knowledge. He can't wait to welcome the pregnant newcomer just one month after her death.

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