As the person who slept the most peacefully in the whole courtyard, Yang Yan woke up and it was already light. He heard the rustling sound coming from outside the house. He stood up and opened the door. Sure enough, it was the Green Warbler. This girl is waiting outside.

Her face was haggard, her eyes were red, she hadn't slept well for about a night, and she had probably cried secretly under the quilt.

"Good morning, miss!" The little girl didn't know how embarrassed she looked, so she tried her best to smile, walked in with a teapot, pretending to be nonchalant, and said, "I think you should wake up soon." ”

While fiddling with the things in the room, she said crisply: "Miss, please drink some warm water first to moisten your throat. I will fetch water and wait for you to wash up. The fine rice porridge in the pot is almost ready." , will you drink some later to nourish your stomach?”

The girl was afraid of touching her master's sad things, so she kept chattering her little mouth and talking to herself, trying hard to create a lively atmosphere.

Thanking her for her hard work, Yang Yan didn't mind her being noisy at all. He washed up with a smile, had breakfast, and went to exercise in circles in the small yard as usual. The little girl was still chattering around her.

Such a loud commotion would have woken up the dead. Suo Yuxuan and his servant finally couldn't lie down anymore and opened the door with tired faces and walked out.

"Good morning, uncle!" Lu Ying covered her mouth exaggeratedly, "I'm sorry! I saw you 'working hard' until midnight last night, so I thought you wouldn't get up so early, so I didn't prepare your breakfast. I won't blame you. Servant!"

She sounded like she was admitting her mistake, but her face and eyes were full of provocation, and anyone could tell that she didn't mean what she said.

Suo Yuxuan naturally understood that this little girl was aggrieved by being left alone on her master's wedding night. She rubbed her forehead with a headache and said, "I don't blame you, your first priority is to serve your wife." good?."

"Then, please let me go first. My uncle is so lenient and generous!" Lu Ying blessed her body in vain, and stood up straight before he called out, saying bluntly, "You still have some, my slave?" I need to ask my uncle for advice."

"The young lady has always been weak. The doctor told me to take good care of her. She never stops taking bird's nest supplements every day. May I ask from whom should I withdraw my silver to buy?"

The little girl really has a big mouth.

Yang Yan on the side smiled silently. Outsiders only knew that he was a young lady from the Prime Minister's Mansion.

They should be pampered and pampered, but in fact they know their own business.

The house didn't deprive him of food and drink, but it only kept him from starving to death, and a few pieces of clothing every year so that he wouldn't freeze. Even the money for medicine was the monthly money saved by Aunt Yang's reduction in clothing and diet. How could he give it to him? What expensive supplements does he buy?

But these are all matters in the backyard of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Although Suo Yuxuan lived in the Duke's Mansion when she was a child, she was loved by many people. Of course she didn't know how difficult the life of an unfavored concubine was.

Hearing what Lu Ying said, she believed it and remembered her hatred in her heart. However, she still needed to be close to Qi Xuan as Miss Yang Yan's prime minister's house, so she didn't dare to treat him harshly for the time being.

She could only say: "Since the prime minister has entrusted his beloved daughter to me, I should take good care of her. Yan'er, it's a pity that my family is poor. I'm afraid my wife will be wronged."

While she was talking, she kept looking at Yang Yan, expecting him to stand up and save her. To his disappointment, Yang Yan only lowered his head, as if he couldn't see her predicament.

In desperation, she had no choice but to grit her teeth and take out a purse and said: "I have some money here, which was originally used to buy pen and ink books, but my wife's health is urgent, so you can use it first."

Lu Ying happily stepped forward to accept the good words, and poured out the words as if they were free of charge: "Thank you, uncle, you are so kind to the lady! I will definitely tell the master and his wife when they come back to the door." "

Suo Yuxuan's hand holding the purse was still a little reluctant to let go, but when he heard her mention "Go back home," he finally reluctantly let go. She has no foundation at all now, and she must not let it go. Qi Xuan thought he had treated his daughter lightly.

Lu Ying grabbed the purse and quietly weighed it in her hands, then put it into her arms with satisfaction. Then she said hypocritically: "My uncle gave all the money to buy pens and ink to this slave. What should you do?"

"Nothing," Suo Yuxuan said, "I can still make a living by copying books. Although it may take longer to study and I will be more tired, but I will definitely work hard to make money to treat my wife's illness."

She spoke arrogantly, but deliberately betrayed her. She originally thought that Yang Yan would consider her future like other women and wronged her, but unfortunately she found that her bride seemed not to hear her.

Qi Xuan is a treacherous minister, and his daughter is not a good thing either!

Suo Yuxuan was angry, fearing that he would be angry if he stayed in the same room with them again, and scolded the book boy for not allowing him to cook. After simply washing up, he said, "I'll go out and look for him." If you work hard to make a living, you will come back later at night.

Come. ”, he took him away in anger when he was hungry.

There were only two people left in the yard, the master and the servant. Lu Ying took out the purse and handed it to the master, bowing her head and saying: "Miss, I have just been so impudent. I am just angry that my uncle is treating you so slowly. Don't be angry." The slave’s anger.”

Without waiting for Yang Yan to react, she added: "My uncle's family is poor, but he is still willing to hand over all his family assets to the young lady. After thinking about it, he doesn't have the young lady in his heart. Maybe he is neglecting the young lady because he is newlywed and has a thin skin. It wasn’t intentional?”

"After my uncle comes back in the evening, the lady will return the money to him in person. No matter how good the teacher is in comforting him, I'm afraid my uncle's anger will be gone. You can also take the opportunity to get close to each other, and you will definitely be able to work together as husband and wife in the future. "

Yang Yan was a little surprised: "You little girl is thinking about the long term."

Lu Ying suddenly heard the voice of a strange man, and she let out a frightened "yeah" and barely jumped up. She suddenly raised her head and looked around, but did not see the shadow of the third person.

She was so shocked that her eyes widened, and she said tremblingly: "Miss, did you hear it? Just right? It seemed like someone was talking?"

"That's when I was speaking." Yang Yan cleared his throat and said.

"Miss, your voice is so good!" Lu Ying was delighted, and then asked, "Why is your voice different from before? It sounds like a man."

She suddenly realized that this was not a good thing to say, and hurriedly explained: "Didn't I say that your voice is not good? Listen, what I mean is that it doesn't sound as crisp as before, no, no, no, no. , It’s just that the difference is so big that it scared the slave.”

The more she explained, the more confused she became. Seeing that her face was sweating, Yang Yan hurriedly pressed her shoulders and said with a smile: "I know what you mean, don't worry, there are only two of us here, we can talk slowly." "

After saying that, he motioned for her to follow him. After all, walls have ears, and there were residents on both sides of the yard. What if someone heard her?

Lu Ying obediently followed him back to the middle room. As soon as he entered the door, he lowered his voice and said, "Since your voice has healed, why don't you talk to your uncle? Are you worried that your uncle won't like you?" Actually, I don’t think my uncle is that kind of person, and you can’t pretend to be mute your whole life, right?”

The little girl never concealed her emotions in front of him. Her face was half uneasy and half uneasy. She had to be careful when trying to persuade him.

Cautiously, for fear of touching his sore foot.

Her parents passed away at that time, leaving her with only one daughter. The family house and several acres of land were occupied by her uncle on the grounds that her brother had no successor, and he ruthlessly sold her out.

Lu Ying was so delicate that she was almost sold to a brothel by her husband. It was Yang who kindly gave her a piece of jewelry from the few she had and kept her.

Even at a young age, she knew Nian En, and she had served her original owner with all her heart over the years. The Yang family, mother and son, had never doubted her loyalty, but they were afraid that she would be too young to hide her words, so they did not dare. Let her know the truth.

After getting along with each other for more than a month, Yang Yan felt that the little girl was quite strict with her mouth, but she was also sincere in her treatment of him. He planned to take her with him when he left, so he chose to tell the truth.

"My voice is so charming and alluring, Suo Yuxuan will never like it." Yang Yan said with a smile, "Little girl, you pride yourself on being smart, haven't you noticed that she is actually a girl?"

"Wha, what?" Lu Ying was shocked for a moment, and then said angrily, "Since she is a woman, why would she marry a young lady? Didn't she harm you for the rest of your life, young lady?"

She had no doubt at all about such shocking news. In her little heart, her master's words were always right.

"We will go back to the house immediately to ask the master to live in the house. Fortunately, Miss, you discovered it early. There is still room for improvement. Although Miss' reputation will inevitably be damaged, the impact will not be too great. You can still promise in the future. Good? People.”

"My slave, go hire a car now, and leave before the two masters and servants Suo Yuxuan know that we have discovered their secret. Otherwise, I am afraid that she will be unfavorable to you."

"There's no rush." ​​Seeing that she was really about to walk out, Yang Yan hurriedly held her down, "Since I've left the Prime Minister's Mansion, I don't plan to go back."

"Why?" Lu Ying asked in confusion, "Does the young lady really want to be a fake couple with her for the rest of her life? I know that you have suffered a lot in the house, but this is related to your life's happiness, and the young lady is very precious. Wan must think clearly!”

Yang Yan pushed her onto a chair and sat down, then turned to talk about the past: "Do you still remember when my voice broke?"

"My slave will never forget it," Lu Ying said in a hoarse voice, "It was the winter when the young lady was twelve years old. The slave did not take good care of her, and she caught a cold. She fell ill for a long time. , When the lady's health improved, she could no longer speak. "

Yang Yan was silent for a moment,

She said: "I don't blame you. In fact, my voice has never been bad." Unexpectedly, she had always taken the responsibility on herself, which the original owner did not know.

"Ah?" Lu Ying opened her mouth stupidly, "Then why did the lady pretend to be dumb?"

"When you are young, boys and girls are much more difficult to distinguish, but when you enter the stage of changing your voice, you can no longer hide it." Yang Yan said with a smile, "Don't you understand, little girl? In fact, I am a boy. body."

The author has something to say: Thank you little angel for your subscription. The next part will be "Licking Dogs, So Much Dogs Can't Stand Standing!" (Quick Travel)", still no CP, the protagonist is a dog! If you are interested, you can enter the puppy column and click on the pre-receipt:

Licking the dog, licking the dog, licking until there is nothing left.

Mo Ze was stunned when he saw the future line of the new shit shoveler. What kind of operation is this?

No, it's too embarrassing!

His shit shoveler, Mo Ze, absolutely cannot do this!

Look at his Qiankun Dagouyi!

(PS: Mo Ze is a dog, a real dog.)

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-17 02:20:16~2021-06-18 21:40:27~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Tiheng Huage Dusk;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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