"Brother?" The Seventh Prince sneered, "Is this your prince that he wants to be your lover's brother?"

There was a hint of embarrassment on Suo Yuxuan's face that it was true. Alai did have different thoughts towards her. Including Lin Yudian and his wife, they had this intention in sending him to her as a book boy. .

It's just that although she is grateful for Lin Yudian's life-saving grace and also grateful for Alai's deep affection, she is not willing to repay him with her life's happiness. She only has brother-sister feelings for him.

"Why would Your Highness say such heart-wrenching words?" She lowered her eyes and said sadly, "In my heart, you are the only one from the beginning to the end. Don't you still know?"

"Yu'er?" Although Alai had already had a premonition, hearing the woman he liked confess to another man still made him feel heartbroken and almost suffocated.

The seventh prince was very dissatisfied that he disturbed his leisurely enjoyment, but now that he saw the heartbroken expression on his face, his mood suddenly became better.

"My prince understands your intention." He hugged the woman's naked body possessively and showed a contemptuous look at the man who was being held lying on the ground.

His palms flowed on her smooth skin, and he chuckled softly: "You want me to let him go? It's not impossible, but he just disturbed my interest. You have to help me find it again." ”

Suo Yuxuan understood what he meant, his face turned pale involuntarily, and he was very angry: Who did the Seventh Prince take himself to be? Those playthings in his house?

However, now that the situation is stronger than others, her leverage has been taken, and Alai's brother's life is also in his hands. She has no right to refuse at all.

Suppressing the displeasure in his heart, Suo Yuxuan's slender fingers gently scratched his chest, opening and closing her small mouth and breathing hot air into his ear: "Yu'er will serve His Highness to your satisfaction."

The seventh prince was so tempted by her that he glanced at the guards. They quickly dragged Alai out and closed the door. He turned over and pressed the woman under him, and said teasingly: "Then let me The prince wants to see what Yu'er is capable of."

A woman's moans and a man's heavy breathing soon came from the room. Alai was not taken away, but was pushed to the ground by two guards. He covered his mouth and was forced to listen to what was going on. ? movement.

He gradually stopped struggling. When did the guard let him go? I don't know. He was lying like a dead fish.

On the ground, his two eyes were wide open, and the light in his eyes became increasingly dimmer with the joyous sounds inside, until they were finally extinguished and he lost his mind completely.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sound in the room finally stopped. After a burst of low-pitched laughter, the seventh prince walked out in a well-dressed manner. He snorted lightly as he passed by him, and then left with a long smile.

The laughter was full of disdain and contempt, but Alai seemed not to hear it and lay there motionless. It was not until a while later that Suo Yuxuan walked out of the door and gently helped him up, his eyes wide. Tearfully, he called out: "Brother Alai..."

Alai's eyelashes trembled, he pushed her away silently, stood up and returned to the room without saying a word.

The eyes of Suo Yuxuan, who was left in place, turned red. After a long time, he hugged his shoulders tightly as if he was cold, and squatted on the ground huddled up.

All of this was seen by Yang Yan, who was hiding in the dark, but there was no sympathy in his heart.

Alai had always liked Suo Yuxuan in his previous life and helped her do a lot of dirty things. After knowing the true identity of the original owner, he guarded him openly and secretly, and even tried to poison him at one point.

However, the original owner did not let him be punished. The two later shook hands and made an agreement at Suo Yuxuan's suggestion, and worked together to help her infiltrate Qi Xuan's forces and obtain many confidential information for the Seventh Prince. Only then did he finally help him ascend to the throne.

The original owner didn't know Alai's true thoughts. He really respected him as Suo Yuxuan's savior and elder brother, and married Lu Ying, whom he regarded as his sister, to him as his wife.

As a result, the seventh prince ascended the throne and wanted to take his beloved woman as his concubine. Suo Yuxuan wanted to wash away the stain and demanded the life of the original owner. The person who did it was Alai, a good brother. He even killed Luying and her two children. No one's children have been spared. It can be said that the love and righteousness are profound.

However, in the previous life, Suo Yuxuan did not get involved with the Seventh Prince so early. In Alai's heart, she has always been a pure and good girl, so he has been willing to pay for her, and in the end he suppressed his inner feelings. He personally handed her over to the seventh prince in the name of his brother.

Now that he has seen the two of them having sex with his own eyes, and listened to a confrontation, he wonders if this "true love" can still be maintained?

The three people who once formed a tightrope and worked hard in the same direction, now their relationship is so bad. I really look forward to seeing where they will eventually go!

Yang Yan hugs

He thought it was a joke, but the heroine was more capable than he imagined. Even though it was like this, Alai hadn't left her yet.

Still guarding her, silently being a book boy, even if he was humiliated by the seventh prince from time to time, he endured it silently.

The time soon came in the spring of February, and Suo Yuxuan entered the examination room. Without her original owner to study with her day and night, her results in this life were far less impressive than those in her previous life, where she topped the list, but she was still among the top 100, and she was qualified for the palace examination. .

The old emperor seldom saw him in person. Recently, he invited him to any banquets he was keen on. However, he was not willing to deal with those people and rarely responded.

This time, the old emperor sent someone to invite him again, saying that he wanted to see him and select talents for Dahuan. If the new scholars knew that their future still needed to pass the test of immortal master, I am afraid that all the major avenues would be affected. The number of people who watch burning incense will increase several times.

Yang Yanzheng wanted to give the heroine a big gift, so he agreed without hesitation.

On the day of the palace examination, the old emperor was sitting on the dragon throne. After nearly half a year of medication and conditioning, as well as diligent and continuous practice of breathing every day, he was full of energy.

Not only has the skin on his face become much tighter, but even his half-white hair has darkened back. He looks more than ten years younger. The second and third princes, who are in their thirties, are sitting under him, unlike him. His son is like his brother.

The two princes, who usually looked at each other displeasedly, glanced at the immortal master who was sitting above them, and exchanged glances with each other. At this time, the same thought came to their hearts——

If this continues, they may never have the chance to sit in that position. Maybe when they all die of old age, their father and emperor will still be alive and kicking!

Yang Yan clearly sensed several waves of hostility, but he didn't take it to heart. If he wanted to kill him, he would have to at least send someone dozens of times more powerful than the previous assassins to have a chance.

Besides, the old emperor is not a fool. What is the prince below him thinking? He can't understand. He hasn't had an attack yet, but it's because he still has a fatherly heart. If they continue to seek death, their love will be worn away sooner or later. one day.

At this time, all his attention was focused on the candidates who were working hard to answer the questions. Although he agreed to come to the old emperor mainly to solve his own affairs, since he agreed to help him look over, of course he also had to fulfill his obligations. responsibilities.

Speaking of which, the heroine is quite tough by nature. Even though so many things have happened, she has not lost her temper.

Knocked down, he is now answering questions in front of the emperor and a group of officials, and he behaves very calmly.

Compared with the previous candidates who were so nervous that they fainted, and there were still a few candidates who were obviously in a state of disbelief, their mentality was many times better.

If her goal was to enter the officialdom and achieve something, Yang Yan would have to look down upon her. Unfortunately, she only came here for revenge and overturning the case with all her knowledge. After achieving her wish in her previous life, she gave up everything and entered the harem. , all his life? Survive on the favor of men.

Suo Yuxuan didn't know that someone was observing him silently. He noticed that eyes were falling on him from time to time, but he just thought it was normal. After all, in addition to knowledge, Suo Yuxuan also tested his mentality. Many officials, including the emperor, Everyone will pay attention to their posture.

I have to say that although Qi Xuan is her enemy, she does feel much more relaxed when he is around. Now that she has lost the support of Qi Xiang, she needs to perform better to stand out.

Thinking of this, Suo Yuxuan's back straightened up even more. He eliminated all the distractions in his mind and started writing smoothly, with a calm look on his face, trying to show his best side.

Time passed quietly with the gentle turning of pages and subtle rustling. As soon as the gongs and drums sounded, all the candidates stopped writing, and the examiner immediately came forward to take away the answer sheets in front of them.

The time to answer the questions was very long. The old emperor only stayed in the examination room for the first half hour, and then left to deal with political affairs. According to usual habits, he should have waited for the examiner to mark the papers and then select the top ten and submit them. He personally selected the top three.

However, today he specially invited the immortal master to come, and the process changed. The examination papers were taken away by the examiner for review, but the candidates were asked to stay in the examination room.

"Master Immortal." As soon as the old emperor heard the sound of the end of the exam, he rushed over and bowed to Yang Yan, who had been staying here.

This action caused a small commotion. Although they knew it shouldn't be done, some of the courtiers below couldn't help but let out a low voice.

They all knew that the emperor attached great importance to this immortal master who lived in the Immortal Palace, but they did not expect that he would attach such importance to this level. The king of a country would only salute when he paid homage to heaven and earth. Your Majesty behaved like this. It is equivalent to treating him as having the same status as heaven and earth.

Yang Yan accepted it calmly amidst everyone's surprise, as if everything was taken for granted. Then a happy smile appeared on his face and he said: "It turns out that Dahuan has allowed women to be officials. This

That's very good. Women's talents are not inferior to men's. "

The old emperor looked confused: "What do you mean by the immortal master's words? There is no precedent for women to serve as officials in our dynasty!"

"Huh?" The expression on Yang Yan's face was even more confused than him. He raised his hand and pointed to the examination room, "Is this person not upright? Is he born as a girl?"

The author has something to say: Thank you little angel for your subscription. The next part will be "Licking Dogs, So Licking Dogs Can't Stand Standing!" (Quick Travel)", still no CP, the protagonist is a dog! If you are interested, you can enter the puppy column and click on the pre-receipt:

Licking the dog, licking the dog, licking until there is nothing left.

Mo Ze was stunned when he saw the future line of the new shit shoveling officer. Is this a magical operation? (silence)?

No, it’s too embarrassing!

He, Mo Ze's shit-sweeper, must not be a bastard!

Look at how big the world has changed!

(PS: Mo Ze is a dog, a real dog.)

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