The palace examination ended with the court officials trembling with fear. The candidates named were detained on the spot. The subsequent investigation confirmed that there was no discrepancy between what Yang Yan said.

Since then, no one in the court dared to provoke this immortal master. Few people who could sit in their position had not done anything wrong. He only needed one glance to see through what people did a few years ago. How could he not be afraid?

There were many people in the court on the day of the palace examination, and the old emperor did not issue a gag order. The news spread quickly. Since then, Yang Yan has completely established the reputation of the immortal master, and no one dared to doubt his ability.

As for Suo Yuxuan, after she was arrested in court, the grave of "Qi Si Niang" was dug up, and it was confirmed that the girl had indeed died of illness, but she could not escape the charge of marriage fraud.

Dahuan did not punish marriage fraud severely, and there were no serious consequences directly caused by her. As for her concealing her identity to participate in the imperial examination, the old emperor had already pardoned her crime, so according to the law, she would only be sentenced to one year in prison.

But there were some twists and turns in the process. The spy found out her true identity during the investigation. She was the granddaughter of Duke Rong. If she had not faked her death and escaped, she would have ended up in two places: either a prostitute in the Jiaofangsi or a slave in the palace.

At the beginning, the old emperor hated the Duke Rong's family, who were the prince's mother's family. Instead of persuading and guiding them, they instigated and helped him to rebel. Therefore, they were severely punished, and all the relatives who were slightly related were more or less implicated.

Now that more than ten years have passed, he has softened his heart a lot. After hesitating for a while, he did not send her to the nightmare place where women should go, but sentenced her to exile and sent her away from a distance.

However, this result was still like the end of the world for Suo Yuxuan. Although she had lived a poor life in these years, she had not suffered much.

These ten days in prison were the most difficult days for her. She could not imagine what kind of life would be waiting for her after going to that bitter and cold place.

Suo Yuxuan was unwilling to live with the yellow sand all her life in the future. She thought that among all the people she knew, only the Seventh Prince could save her.

Unfortunately, she tried to pass on the news since she was imprisoned, but all the money on her body was squeezed out, and the expected figure never appeared, and there was not even a little news.

What she didn't know was that the Seventh Prince heard about what happened in the palace examination that day, and gave a two-word evaluation: "Waste!"

I thought that this woman would bring him some help in the future after entering the court, but who knew that she was so useless that not only did she expose her identity, but also implicated him.

The old emperor even found out about Suo Yuxuan's fake death and escape, and naturally found out that his son was very close to her, but the Seventh Prince reacted very quickly, saying that he cherished talents and had no idea about her identity as a woman, and pushed away the relationship completely.

Although the old emperor seemed to believe it, he also scolded him and made him reflect on his mistakes in seclusion for a month as a punishment.

The Seventh Prince didn't get any benefit but got into trouble. Now it's too late to cut off the relationship with her, let alone help her. Those messages for help were delivered to her, but he just sneered after reading them and asked someone to burn them.

Suo Yuxuan waited until the day of exile, but still didn't get any news from him. Then she realized that he had never had any affection for her at all, and those praises and promises were just sweet talk to coax her.

Although she might not have much sincerity towards the Seventh Prince, she still hated him deeply after understanding it. This hatred even exceeded that for Qi Xuan and the old emperor who personally issued an order to liquidate the Rongguo Mansion.

With this hatred, when she was escorted through the most prosperous streets in the capital, she shouted loudly that she had an affair with the Seventh Prince and was pregnant with his child.

Although the escorting officers quickly covered her mouth, her shouting was still heard by many people, and Suo Yuxuan soon fainted without knowing whether it was true or not. The crowd surrounded them, and the officers couldn't drag him away.

People are always particularly interested in erotic things. When the news reached the old emperor, the whole capital was already in an uproar, and he was furious on the spot.

The seventh prince, who was still in confinement, turned green when he heard about it. A few days ago, he pretended to be stupid in front of his father and swore that he had no idea about her identity. Now this woman made a fuss.

He felt a little regretful. If he had known that she would be so bold, he should have appeased her first. He couldn't change his father's decision, but he could still make some arrangements to make her suffer less.

After coaxing her to go to the place of exile safely, after a few years, the matter would fade away, and even if she wanted to make a fuss again, it would be useless.

Or maybe he could be more ruthless and kill her off completely once she left the capital. Even a strong man would die during the exile, but no one would suspect that a weak woman would die.

But it was too late to say anything now. The swordsman could no longer cover up the incident. The worst thing was that the emperor knew that he had lied before, and his impression of him would definitely not be good.

The one-month confinement turned into half a year, and he didn't even see the emperor. His official position in the Ministry of Revenue was also removed. The seventh prince looked at the unconscious woman who was carried into his palace, and he really wanted to eat her alive.

"The emperor has decreed that since this woman has a royal child, she should be allowed to enter the seventh prince's palace as a concubine to expand the royal family."

This means that he can't do anything to make her have an "accident", and he needs to take good care of her.

The Seventh Prince knew that his father was really angry with him. This move did not mean that he cared much about the child in Suo Yuxuan's belly, but more of a warning to him.

After all, his father has never lacked grandchildren. He himself has two sons and one daughter, and several of his brothers and sisters also have children. How could he pay attention to a criminal woman?

After this incident, let alone competing for that position, he might even be abandoned by his father, and he would be worse than an ordinary member of the royal family in the future.

With a thousand twists and turns in his heart, the Seventh Prince had to accept the order honestly and settle the woman in the mansion. After all, he couldn't stand the tossing now.

"How long are you going to pretend?" After the people in the palace left, the Seventh Prince spoke coldly.

Suo Yuxuan had fainted before, but she woke up soon. The imperial physician came to the palace to check her pulse. She was so scared that her heart almost jumped out of her chest, because she had said she was pregnant before.

Who knew that she was lucky enough to be pregnant, but she was still pregnant in the early months and she didn't notice it.

It seems that even God is helping her. Suo Yuxuan is very lucky. This child came at the right time and helped her escape the tragic fate that was already determined.

Knowing that she was going to the Seventh Prince's Mansion, although she was just a concubine, it was better than going to suffer in the bitter cold place, so she "woke up" with a "moan".

"Where am I?" She pretended to have just woken up, and after a moment of stunned silence, she said "surprised", "Your Highness, it's so nice to see you!"

"No need to pretend anymore," the Seventh Prince did not cooperate with her acting interest, his voice was almost frozen, "What is your purpose, we both know each other."

Seeing that he had laid out the matter, Suo Yuxuan simply stopped pretending and replied coldly: "If it weren't for Your Highness's cold-bloodedness, I wouldn't have to use this method."

Anyway, the emperor's order is there, and there is nothing he can do even if he is not happy. What if he is not happy? He still has to serve himself?

The Seventh Prince was very angry at her fearless look, and he snorted coldly and left, but he sneered in his heart and thought: Does she really think that she can do nothing to her with the will of her father?

There are so many ways to torment a woman without damaging her body. After all, she is raised in a small family and lacks knowledge. There is a long way to go, so let's wait and see!

The Seventh Prince did not need to do anything after that. He only needed to give some hints to the Princess, the Concubine, and the women in the mansion, and they would know how to deal with the new woman in the mansion.

Suo Yuxuan's happiness only lasted until she fell asleep that night. From the next day on, people kept bothering her. The Princess asked her to cut clothes, the Concubine wanted to eat the food she made, and another Concubine liked the lace she made.

She had studied literature and had never done housework since she was a child. How could she understand these things? However, her refusal, even asking for the child in her belly, was useless.

Although the emperor wanted the Seventh Prince to raise this child well, it was also the guarantee of her life now. Those women did not believe that she could sacrifice her life.

In fact, they were right. If they used more intense means to torture people, Suo Yuxuan would resist even if she risked her life.

But the things they asked her to do had not touched her bottom line. Seeing that threats did not work, she thought that she would just endure it and finally chose to bow her head.

The prince's wife and others didn't want to really tire her out, but they kept her busy all day long so that she didn't have time to rest. She was physically fine, but mentally she was tortured.

She had never learned needlework, and they asked her to cut clothes and cook, and deliberately didn't let anyone teach her. As you can imagine, she was a mess in any of them.

At this time, the people who were sent to "serve" her would mock her, and in short, they would say that she was useless. She looked around and found that she was isolated and helpless, and could only let others degrade her to dust.

After being suppressed and degraded for a long time, Suo Yuxuan's confidence became less and less. When the seventh prince was released half a year later, her whole spirit seemed to be drained.

Although no one tortured her physically, she was still very thin, her chin was so sharp that it could poke people, and her limbs were dry as if there was only a layer of skin wrapped around bones, and only her belly was high and scary.

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