Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 238 The Cold Sect Leader 4

The so-called treasure of the demon clan is a giant dragon from ancient times whose resentment condensed for thousands of years after its death. The former demon lord was ambitious and kept it well after he got it by accident, intending to use it as a surprise weapon when he went to war with the cultivation world.

Unexpectedly, not long after the two sides fought, before he had time to use it, he was taken over by the current demon lord Zeyu who was lurking in the dark. He took over all the treasures accumulated for thousands of years and the poison.

Demon lord Zeyu was as ambitious as his predecessor and wanted to dominate the world, but after meeting the heroine, his road to dominance was aborted halfway. With the help of his beloved, he shook hands with the cultivation world and made peace.

He met Lou Yuzhen the earliest, but because he did not see his true heart clearly, he did a lot of things to hurt her. When they met again, she already had eight outstanding men around her.

After a lot of chasing each other and abusing each other, he finally got the beauty back, and for various reasons, he pinched his nose and agreed to share with several other people.

But he was definitely not willing to add a former owner who had done nothing, so he used the poison condensed from the resentment to eliminate potential rivals.

The poison refined by the former Demon Lord with the resentment of the dragon was extremely insidious. After entering the body, it would not only confuse the meridians of the cultivators and cause the true qi to go astray, but also entangle the soul and affect the mind.

The former owner was able to escape after his death in the previous life without his soul being scattered, and it was all thanks to the soul fragments scattered in his soul by Yang Yan. Now it took a full three months to clear the poison.

Before being poisoned, the original owner was already in the late stage of transformation. He did not dare to practice too much, fearing that he would immediately attract thunder tribulation and ascend to the upper realm. He only slightly repaired his body, consolidated his realm, and then broke through the barrier.

Outside was an endless wilderness. The immortal mansion behind him collapsed with a bang as Yang Yan left. This was a treasure land that the original owner accidentally discovered during his training a hundred years ago.

At that time, he randomly chose a relatively safe place in his memory, but he didn't know that the spiritual energy inside was exhausted after practicing for several months, and the cave could not support it and turned into a wasteland.

This place was originally left by the ascended monk to the destined person. When the original owner found it, he already had his own way of practice. He didn't take anything that day, and left after repairing it. Now it was destroyed by his own hands.

Yang Yan touched his nose in embarrassment, thinking that only in the future would there be a chance to help him choose a suitable disciple to make up for it.

Having made up his mind, he was about to fly away on his sword, but a figure stumbled towards this side. Seeing someone here from a distance, he immediately shouted for help: "Daoyou, help me!"

With Yang Yan's five senses, although the two were still several miles apart, it was enough for him to see the appearance of the person coming. The voice of the person sounded like a young woman.

The long hair covered most of the face, and the exposed part was covered by dust and blood. The clothes on the body were also dirty and torn everywhere, looking extremely embarrassed.

If it was a person who was chasing her, Yang Yan would have looked at the situation first, so as not to save the wrong person, but it was just a monster chasing her, so he attacked without hesitation.

The monster, which was as tall as three people, fell to the ground dead within a few feet, and the woman also fell to the ground exhausted, but she only took a breath and struggled to kowtow and said: "Thank you for saving my life, senior."

Hearing the name, he knew that she was also a cultivator, but looking at the aura around her, she had no cultivation. Yang Yan guessed that she might have destroyed her foundation for some reason.

However, they were just casual acquaintances, and he had no intention of interfering in other people's affairs. He just said out of pity: "Where are you going? I can take you away from this wasteland."

There are thousands of miles of wasteland here, and monsters often appear. With her current mortal body, she will only die if she stays. Since the person has been saved, he doesn't mind taking the person out.

"Thank you, senior. I am so grateful for your kindness!" The woman raised her head in surprise. After a moment of shock, she said in a lost voice, "Master!"

Only the disciples of the Supreme Sect would call him that. Yang Yan did not expect that the person he saved was actually from his sect. He asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

"Disciple Li Qinghan, daughter of Qingnan Peak Master Xiang Chen Zhenzun," the woman couldn't help but burst into tears after she finished saying her identity. "Disciple's father died so unjustly. Please help him, Master..."

She has been abandoned and left here to fend for herself for half a year. She has lived in fear every day for the past six months. Not only does she have to endure the pain in her body, but she also has to be on guard against being discovered by monsters. She runs dozens of miles every day to find food in the barren soil...

All of this is not as much as the hatred and pain of her father's death. Now she finally meets someone she can rely on. She can't help but cry. The majestic tears flow down her cheeks, washing away the dust and blood on her face, revealing the uneven skin underneath.

The original owner rarely appeared in front of the public, and did not pay attention to which disciples there were under the sect, but the master of a peak would certainly remember them, and the two father and daughter were mentioned in the storybook.

Yang Yan threw a dust-cleansing spell on her, removing the dust on her body. Without anything to cover her, her face damaged by the poison was completely exposed, and her identity was confirmed in his heart.

As a book with a strong female protagonist, there are of course vicious female supporting roles in the book, because there are as many as nine male protagonists, and there are even more female supporting roles in it, and Li Qinghan is one of them.

According to the description in the book, Li Qinghan relied on her identity as the daughter of the master of Qingnan Peak. From the first day the female protagonist Lou Yuzhen entered the sect, she disliked her. It was common for her to mock and ridicule her, and she also joined forces with the female cultivators in the sect to isolate and bully her.

Lou Yuzhen didn't know the reason at first, but later she heard from others that Li Qinghan was a person with superior aptitude and single water spirit root, and she had always wanted to join Shangshui Peak to practice with the peak master who also had water spirit root.

However, Master Yiming rejected her on the grounds that he didn't want to accept a disciple. Even the peak master of Qingnan Peak personally pleaded with him and he didn't change his mind. Li Qinghan had no choice but to practice with her father.

As a result, only two years later, Master Yiming brought Lou Yuzhen back to the sect. Not only did he accept her as a disciple with only five spirit roots, but he also treated her like a treasure.

After Li Qinghan knew about it, she was naturally very dissatisfied. She couldn't do anything to Master Yiming, so she hated the heroine and did many things against her, but she resolved them one by one, and also made Yuanqing Zhenjun, the sect master's disciple that he liked, notice her and then fell in love with her.

Not only did she fail to harm the person she hated, but she also robbed the person she loved. Li Qinghan was almost mad, so he framed her during a secret trial, causing her to almost lose her life.

Unfortunately, Lou Yuzhen was the heroine. Not only was she not killed by her, but she also saved the demon prince who turned into a young bird because of injury in the secret realm, and got an opportunity for the boss.

Afterwards, Master Yiming wanted to seek justice for his disciple, but it was his father Master Xiangchen who protected him with all his strength and compensated Lou Yuzhen with many treasures, which saved Li Qinghan's life. However, she was still punished to reflect on her mistakes for fifty years on the Cliff of Repentance.

The Cliff of Repentance of the Supreme Sect was not only bitter and cold, but also had no spiritual energy. Li Qinghan suffered a lot there, but when she was released after serving her sentence, she found that it was not the most painful thing.

Because of framing Lou Yuzhen, Master Yuanqing turned against her. Whenever he met her, he would look at her coldly and warn her that if she dared to deal with the heroine again, she would definitely make her pay.

Being treated like this by the person she loves, Li Qinghan hated Lou Yuzhen even more. Not only did she not repent, but she tried to harm her again, but unfortunately she still failed, which led to her relationship with the young master of Yifeng Tower.

This time she was much more careful and did not leave any evidence, but those men who loved Lou Yuzhen did not even need to look at the evidence and directly determined that it was her who did it.

They killed her father, Xiang Chen Zhenzun, first, and lost her biggest backer. Li Qinghan was just an ordinary disciple in the sect and could no longer be arrogant.

But they still did not intend to let her go. When she went out for training half a year ago, Yuan Qing Zhenjun followed her and personally abolished her cultivation, destroyed her appearance, and threw her into this thousand-mile wasteland.

"I did some wrong things before, but I have repented since I went to the cliff of repentance. The last time I went out to sea, I aimed my palm at the monster in the sea. I don't know why Lou Yuzhen appeared in front of me and was hit and fell into the sea."

"But no matter how I explained, Master Yiming and Master Yuanqing didn't believe it. They insisted that I did it on purpose. It's okay for them to deal with me, but what's wrong with my father?"

"Father is the peak master of the Supreme Sect after all. They actually teamed up with outsiders to kill him. I finally collected evidence, but before I could report to the sect, they harmed me like this."

Li Qinghan thought of his father's miserable state, and he trembled with anger: "Every word I said is true. If the sect master doesn't believe it, you can search his soul. I only hope that the sect master can give my father justice after I die!"

The results of the soul-searching technique will never be false, but this technique will hurt the soul. Even a cultivator in the God Transformation Stage will be damaged, not to mention that she is now just a mortal body. If she really uses it, she will die.

Li Qinghan took the initiative to propose that she had already made up her mind to die. She knew that she would not have the chance of revenge in her current situation, so she had to bet everything on it.

She was betting that the master was upright and would not stand idly by after knowing the truth. She was also betting that the master was the best in the world. If he was willing to take action, he would definitely punish those people.

She risked her life and placed her only hope on others. It was not that she did not want to work hard, but that she really had no other choice.

Li Qinghan bowed her head and pressed it into the dust, silently waiting for the man's final decision. Her tears had already dried up, and her thin body exuded endless sadness.

"No need to search the soul, I believe you."

As if she had waited for a lifetime, the man's extraordinary voice sounded above her head. She raised her head in disbelief, and her eyes burst into strong hope.

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