Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 258 The Cold Sect Leader 24

The Demon King and his subordinates took turns attacking day and night for a month before they broke the turtle-shell-like formation that covered them. As soon as they came out, they received countless distress messages from the Demon Queen.

Looking at the urgent messages one after another, he didn't even have time to settle accounts with the fox demon who framed them, and hurried to the Demon King's Palace. As soon as he arrived, he saw Bai Feng cultivating into a nine-tailed monster and all the monsters surrendering.

Although the demons' hearts are now on Bai Feng's side, the demon world respects strength, and she and the Demon King can't avoid a battle.

One of the two demons was trapped for a month and finally got out, but lost the palace, and his son and wife became prisoners. When he was exhausted physically and mentally, the other one came out with the power of promotion.

Although their cultivation levels were similar, their momentum was very different. In the end, Bai Feng won without suspense. This little girl from the fox clan, who was still a few years away from turning a thousand years old, became the well-deserved new Demon King.

Yang Yan did not intervene in how she dealt with the former Demon King and Queen and their trusted subordinates, and how to stabilize the situation in the demon world. After his apprentice won a great victory, he took the former crown prince Hongyu back to Jueling Cliff.

Honghe was still alive on the cliff. Although Yunting wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood, her master still had a use for him, so she could bear the hatred in her heart and let him go temporarily.

As both were servants of Lou Yuzhen, the relationship between the two was not good in the past. They barely maintained peace in front of their beloved women, and they never stopped quarreling behind their backs. When they met in this situation, they actually felt a sense of mutual appreciation.

Seeing that Hongyu's cultivation was not abolished, Honghe quietly urged him to escape, but unfortunately he was caught when he stole the six-ear grass in the first step.

One had a complete abolishment of cultivation, and the other had restricted meridians. What gave them the courage to sneak under the nose of a cultivator in the God Transformation Stage?

When Yang Yan caught the two, he thought about it seriously and thought that maybe it was because he was the second male protagonist of the storybook that he gave them this illusion, and then he used them as test subjects without hesitation.

This time, with the comparison, it didn't take long for him to find that both of them had wood spiritual roots in their bodies. Before, Honghe's dantian was destroyed, and all his spiritual roots were shrunk and not obvious, but the spiritual root in Hongyu's body was thicker than the others.

But the storybook that the original owner saw in his memory clearly said that the prince of the demon clan was gold, and Honghe was fire, and the wood spiritual roots were all in their bodies, but they themselves never noticed it.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal. Yang Yan dug the spiritual root out of Honghe's body. He was in so much pain that he soon fainted, and the spiritual root was like a living thing. It lay in Yang Yan's hand for a while and tried to drill into his body.

Yang Yan immediately gathered his spiritual energy to wrap it up, but it only blocked it for a moment, and the spiritual ball was eaten by it, and it looked more energetic, and continued to drill into his hand.

He hurriedly threw it away, tried many other ways, and finally covered it with a golden magic weapon. Looking at it lying motionless in the box, like a small piece of ordinary dead branches, Yang Yan searched his mind and couldn't find any memory related to it.

This is really strange. You know, his memory has been restored now. He has cultivated from an ordinary mortal to a Daluo Jinxian, and he has experienced thousands of worlds in the past, and there are even species that he doesn't know.

Yang Yan was just sighing that the world is full of wonders. Honghe, who had just fainted in pain, groaned and woke up. He held his head, his expression was unpredictable, and suddenly he let out a heart-wrenching wail.

His screams were so tragic that not only did they startle the spirit beasts and birds on the cliff, but also attracted the women who had not been in seclusion, as well as Yutang who was recovering on the cliff.

Honghe's appearance was really the expression of extreme pain, but the people who knew what he had done did not have much sympathy. Seeing him like this, they only felt happy and silently praised their master in their hearts.

"..." Yang Yan, who did not torture people.

"Yun Ting, Yun Ting..." Seeing the familiar figure, Honghe rolled and cried in front of her, "It's not me, I don't want to do that to you, it's Lou Yuzhen, the witch, she used magic to confuse me."

The parasitic thing in the body was removed, and the past memories did not disappear with it, but became clearer, but his crazy obsession with Lou Yuzhen no longer existed. Thinking back to those things, he felt unbelievable and regretful.

How could he demand anything from a woman, be so low as to share a woman with eight men, and serve her with them, and even more so, just because his childhood sweetheart scolded her a few times, he cruelly did such a cruel thing to her?

"..." Yun Ting, who was happily eating melons.

Looking at the man in front of her crying and in a mess, her heart was a little sour, but that was only because of her misplaced feelings, not because of his confession.

"Hehe!" She sneered twice and questioned, "According to what you said, everything was done by Lou Yuzhen?"

"It was that woman, I don't know what kind of magic she used to confuse me." Honghe's face was distorted with pain, "I was like I was crazy, I only had her in my eyes, and I thought everything she said was right. I'm sorry, Yun Ting, I didn't keep my heart and hurt you."

"I don't think so, do I?" Yun Ting sneered, "Lou Yuzhen used some tricks to make you 'fall in love' with her, but you made the decision to harm me in order to please her, and you also took the initiative to join forces with your father to take the initiative because you were afraid of being discovered by my father."

"Now you find out that she is not your true love, but do you dare to say that if you meet true love, you will not do these things?"

"..." Honghe was stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted, "These are all your assumptions. Please believe me, Yun Ting. If I hadn't been confused, I would never do that. Our relationship of hundreds of years has been... , Don't you know what kind of person I am?"

"Don't mention hundreds of years of love, I'm disgusted." Yun Ting rolled his eyes at him directly, "Also, I don't believe a word you say."

"What do you want me to do to believe me?" Hong He felt that he was extremely innocent, "It was all caused by that bitch Lou Yuzhen, I am also a victim in this matter! Please be fair to me."

Yun Ting couldn't make sense with him, so he simply helped his father turn around and leave. Hong He was unwilling to chase after him, but he was just an ordinary person now, how could he catch up with Yun Ting who had a good cultivation?

He tripped in panic and fell to the ground with a "thump". Dust flew all over his face. When he looked up again, he found that the figures of the two people faded in a flash. Tears of regret burst out, leaving two obvious marks on his cheeks.

"I never thought you were such a person," Hongyu looked at him with contempt, "When you are in trouble, you put all the blame on innocent Yu'er. She must be blind to like you. I am ashamed to have been with you."

"..." Honghe didn't want to say anything anymore. After the thing in his body was removed, he would know how stupid he was now.

It was exactly as he thought. Yang Yan quickly pulled out the "wood spirit root" in Hongyu's body. This time he was prepared. The thing lay obediently in the box and turned into a small piece of dead wood.

But the color was more vivid than the previous one, perhaps because Hongyu's demon pill was still there and there was spiritual energy in it.

Without the control of that thing, Hongyu was like Honghe before, with blue and red on his face, sometimes angry and sometimes ashamed, but Bai Feng was still in the demon world, and there was no one here to beg for mercy for him, which made everyone watch less of a good show.

Yang Yan studied the two dead branches taken from their bodies and roughly figured out that this was a plant branch that he had never seen before. After parasitizing the human body, it would confuse people's minds and make them absolutely loyal to the person with the main branch.

Moreover, they might transfer the host's cultivation to the main branch, and then release a mixed breath. These breaths are somewhat confusing, so that the host cannot detect them, and there is also an illusion that their own cultivation is increasing.

As for how they parasitize and how they transfer their cultivation, thinking of the shameless life of nine men and one woman described in the storybook, it is probably through intercourse.

No wonder the storybook ended without mentioning how many people ascended. Their cultivation was plundered by the heroine. It was good that they were not taken away, and it would be strange if they could ascend.

Yang Yan had reason to suspect that this plant could also emit a seductive breath. After all, there were many men who were not Lou Yuzhen's servants, and they had an unusual liking for her.

However, whether it is because its aura can only confuse men, or because the main body is parasitic on the heroine, or the heroine herself is the main branch, and it is affected by her, only those who have studied the heroine can know.

He told several disciples the result, and they knew that they were the culprit of all the suffering they suffered. Several people suddenly realized their sympathy and did not think that the one who hurt them was innocent.

Just as Sister Yunting said, although it was Lou Yuzhen who confused them, it was actually their original intention to do those evil things to themselves and others. Even if it was not her, and another person they fell in love with had a conflict with them, their choice would probably not change.

So the revenge still needs to be taken, but now they can choose not to end their lives quickly, and take out the things in their bodies first, and it is also interesting to appreciate their wonderful expressions when they look back on their memories.

The connection between the demon world and the cultivation world is not close, so at this time the heroine and others did not know that the demon clan had changed, but when Yang Yan took out the things in Hongyu and the others, Lou Yuzhen, who had just come out of Shuiyang Palace, suddenly felt something and had a sharp pain in his lower abdomen.

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