Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 274 Genius Ghost Hunter 12

What Yang Yan wanted him to do was not difficult. He just wanted him to take Jinniang to see the world, so that she would not be immersed in love and only think about her Jinlang who would never come back.

But he also understood that some things could not be forced. What he thought was good might not be recognized by others. If Jinniang still thought about the lost love wholeheartedly after a trip in the mortal world, he would send her to reincarnation as she wished.

Luo Yongyuan agreed to these small things, but he did not plan to do it himself. Instead, he recommended his niece: "I either go out to do business all day or stay at home. I don't understand those trends. They have common topics when they are together as young girls."

He completely ignored the fact that Jinniang was a thousand-year-old ghost and much older than the people present.

But think about it, she was only eighteen years old when she died, and she didn't make much progress in the painting for many years. With the lack of information in ancient times, maybe she was not as good as the girls now!

The matter was settled. Luo Yongyuan immediately called his niece. She was also a Taoist, so there was no need to hide her words. When she heard that her uncle asked her to bring a thousand-year-old ghost to broaden her horizons, she wanted to rush over immediately.

Unfortunately, she had classes tomorrow morning, so she had to suppress her excitement and made an appointment to meet in the afternoon, and then hung up the phone reluctantly.

Yang Yan also heard the uncle and nephew talking about the problem of class, and then suddenly remembered that he was still a student, so he quickly contacted the counselor and asked for two days of leave.

Fortunately, the original owner usually performed very well in school and rarely skipped classes. The counselor only learned that it was nothing serious, and nodded and agreed readily.

Luo Yongyuan had been running around for a day, and he couldn't stand it because he was old. He agreed to have free activities in the morning the next day and meet up in the afternoon. He yawned and dragged his tired body back to his room to rest.

Yang Yan couldn't fall asleep, thinking that Jinniang had already shown signs of demonization before, and she woke up when he approached with his corpse.

With some guesses in his mind, he went to the bathroom to get a bath towel and spread it on the coffee table, picked up his backpack and poured the bones on it, and released Jinniang from the jade pendant.

Although Jinniang was trapped in the jade pendant, she could hear and see what was happening outside. After getting out, she bowed to him and said, "Master, you have good intentions, and I appreciate it. But everyone has their own aspirations. Please let me go."

Yang Yan didn't comment, waved to her, and said, "Come and see your corpse, do you feel anything special?"

Jinniang had been trapped in the painting for thousands of years. The power that had been restricting her for a few days suddenly loosened. Before she had time to take a look at the surrounding situation, she sensed the breath of her lover and hurried to find him.

After that, the two of them recognized each other and expressed endless love. Naturally, they would not think of returning to their own graves. Later, they were scared away by the magic weapon brought by Luo Yongyuan, and they also rolled up the possessed painting and hid in a nearby house.

This was the first time she saw her own corpse. She was immediately shocked. She glanced at the pile of things on the coffee table and avoided her sight. Her expression was very resistant: "It's just a pile of bones. What can I feel?"

Yang Yan understood her feelings very well. I'm afraid that most women would find it difficult to accept someone pointing to a pile of rotting bones and telling her that this is yours.

He lifted the bathtub to cover the bones and said, "You almost became a demon before, did you know that?"

Jinniang saw his action and felt a little relieved. She frowned and said truthfully, "I did feel a strong hatred rising in my heart. I wanted to tear Zeng Zijin into pieces and destroy the world. Is this what it means to be a demon?"

Yang Yan nodded, knowing that she knew nothing about these things, and explained in detail, saying, "I had already made the worst plan, but you woke up by yourself. The only thing I had with me at that time was the corpse, which had some connection with you, so I asked you."

Although Jinniang was disheartened, she was still the kind-hearted woman. When she heard that she almost caused a disaster, her resistance faded away. She felt it carefully and said in surprise, "I can feel that it was me."

This sentence was a bit awkward, but Yang Yan understood what she meant. He said "as expected" in his heart, and then taught her a set of skills to refine the corpse bones for his own use.

Jinniang hesitated for a moment and then did as she was told. Although she had lost Jinlang forever and had no intention of staying in this world, she did not want to become a monster that had lost its mind and only knew how to kill.

Seeing her practicing obediently, Yang Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid of this woman whose head was full of love. Fortunately, she still had a sense of justice in her heart and did not continue to make trouble.

After that, he did not rest. He found a piece of jade and began to carve on it. Even though Jinniang was a thousand-year-old ghost and could be immune to some damage from the sun, she could not withstand the sun for a long time.

Since she was going to open her eyes and see this colorful world, at least she had to ensure that she could walk in this world openly.

One person and one ghost were doing their own things. Time passed in the blink of an eye and it was the second half of the night. Jinniang had some results. The pile of bones could be temporarily received in her ghost body, and Yang Yan also completed the work on his hands.

Ghosts do not know how to get tired. Seeing her happily collecting and releasing them like a child who got a new toy, Yang Yan yawned and went to sleep first.

The next afternoon, the three men and the ghost met at the agreed coffee shop. Jinniang was still wearing the bright red ancient costume, with her long hair draped over her shoulders, looking incredibly beautiful.

Cosplay is popular these days, and you can see teenagers in strange costumes in the streets from time to time. Her appearance is not out of the ordinary, and the looks from the people around her are more surprising than surprised.

When Jin Niang was still alive, although she didn't stay at home, she always went to a specific place when she traveled. She would ride in a carriage on the way and her appearance would be completely covered.

After she met Zeng Zijin, she stayed peacefully in the Zeng family mansion. In order not to cause panic among the family, she listened to his words and spent the rest of her time quietly in the painting except being with him. Just like it has been for more than a thousand years.

So although she knew that time had passed and the world was now very different, she had never come out to take a serious look at modern life, let alone being watched by so many strangers.

Jin Niang was a little embarrassed, but a strange feeling arose in her heart. On the surface, she was sitting upright, looking at the coffee in front of her without moving, but her eyes were carefully moving around, like a snail carrying a shell. Explore the world cautiously.

Yang Yan saw everything but kept a calm expression on her face. It was a good thing to be curious, as it proved that she was not hopeless.

Without letting them wait too long, Luo Yongyuan walked in with a young girl. The girl's hair reached her shoulders and she was not particularly beautiful, but the smile on her face made people feel warm at first sight. Have a good impression.

Without waiting for her uncle to introduce her, she immediately saw the girl in red sitting near the bar, who looked out of place in the entire cafe, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

Luo Yongyuan also saw a person and a ghost, and led her over. After greeting both parties, he politely introduced and exchanged names.

As soon as he finished speaking, a girl named Luo Qianqian couldn't wait to get to Jin Niang's side. She was not afraid of her identity as a ghost at all: "Sister Jin, you are so beautiful! When uncle said it, I thought he was exaggerating. Wait. Only after seeing you in person do I know what it means to be beyond ordinary.”

As long as she is a woman, no matter she is a woman or a female ghost, there is no one who does not like others to sincerely praise her appearance. Jin Niang pursed her lips and smiled and said: "Thank you, little sister, you are very cute too."

"In front of Sister Jin, I only have the advantage of being cute." Luo Qianqian's little face fell. When Jin Niang was at a loss and thought she had said something wrong, she immediately became full of energy. .

"Uncle said you don't understand modern society and asked me to take you to see more. Why don't we start buying clothes!" She caught her cold hand and said, "Although you are also very beautiful, but It’s summer now, it looks very hot.”

"Let's go shopping in the clothing street first, then take you to taste the delicacies of our J city, and then go to the video game city for a tour. After dinner, we can watch the latest movie."

Good guy, I have clearly arranged my afternoon and evening time in just one sentence.

"I have wanted to see it for a long time, but unfortunately I have spent all my pocket money this month. I originally thought I would have to wait until the beginning of next month to see it. Fortunately, you showed up and my uncle replenished my small coffers, so I didn't have to wait so helplessly. Long."

"Sister Jin, you are really my lucky star. You don't know how stingy my uncle is. It's rare that he bleeds heavily. We must kill him properly!"

"Hey!" Luo Yongyuan said with a dark face, "I'm still here!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, uncle, what I just said is all nonsense." Luo Qianqian recognized the situation very quickly. After all, he is currently the largest financial financier. "Uncle, you are the most generous person. Uncle, I did the math and suddenly felt that the money you gave me before Maybe it’s not enough, why don’t you transfer another five hundred to me?”

"Um..." Jin Niang was a little confused from beginning to end. At this time, she finally found a chance to interrupt and said softly, "I have money here."

As she spoke, she turned her palm, and a shining gold ingot appeared in her palm. It looked like it might weigh a pound.

"Wow!" Luo Qianqian exclaimed in a low voice, "It turns out that Sister Jin is still a little rich woman, but today we agreed that uncle will pay the bill, and your things will be saved for later use."

Then she pulled Luo Yongyuan's sleeves with a flattering look on her face, shook her head and said, "Uncle~~ I've promised you a treat, but you can't stay longer and ask Sister Jin to pay for it, right? Are you right?"

"Come on, hurry up!" Luo Yongyuanqi waved to her with a groan, "Call me when you're done spending, and I'll forward it to you."

"Uncle is the best!" Luo Qianqian jumped up happily, pulling Jin Niang away who was still in a state of disbelief. She was so distracted by her penetration that she didn't even have time to say no.

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