Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 276 Genius Ghost Hunter 14 (Two in One) (1/2)

Ruxin Town is a notoriously poor town in Wohe County. The entire town has less than 10,000 people, including the population of all the villages scattered in the mountains.

There is no beautiful scenery here to develop into a tourist area. The land is barren and the grain production is worrying. There are only ordinary trees in the mountains. The mountain roads are rugged and inconvenient to enter and exit, so it has never been developed.

Xiangma Village, which is located in the most remote location, is the poorest of the poor. A large number of young people choose to go out to work in order to find a way out. The small mountain village with only a few hundred people is left with only a hundred elderly people and children.

Zhou Shuisheng is a young man who rarely stays in the village. It’s not that he doesn’t want to leave this poor mountain village, but because his grandfather, who has been dependent on each other since childhood, accidentally broke his legs last year, and he had to stay at home to take care of him.

The shabby wooden door made a harsh "squeak" sound when it was pushed open, and a tall young man with a slightly darker complexion walked into the dim room with a bowl of vegetable leaf porridge.

His clothes were so old that they had faded in color, the edges of his clothes were frayed, and there were a few inconspicuous holes on them, but they were washed very clean.

"Grandpa, it's time to eat." The young man tried to make his voice sound brisk, but he couldn't hide his deep fatigue.

"Shuisheng~~" The person on the bed moved, and the old voice was very weak and a little floating.

Zhou Shuisheng quickly put down the bowl and walked forward, bent down and picked him up with both arms. The old man's hair was gray, and his thin body nestled in his arms, light and weightless.

Grandpa was getting thinner and thinner, but he couldn't even let him have a good meal.

Zhou Shuisheng's nose was a little sour, he sniffed hard, and tried to blink away the tears in his eyes.

"You've suffered a lot, Shuisheng." After being carefully placed on the chair, the old man touched the young man's head distressedly, He sighed, "My body is not good anymore. You should just leave me alone and go to school! The school can't keep the degree waiting for you."

"Didn't we agree not to mention this?" Zhou Shuisheng said unhappily, "I've said it so many times. I'm still young. I'll have plenty of opportunities to study in the future. If I don't care about you, wouldn't that mean I'll just watch you die? What kind of person would I be? What's the point of studying?"

The old man saw that he was determined and didn't dare to persuade him anymore. He just sighed and said with regret: "If I had known, I should have thrown me to death at that time, rather than being a burden to you now."

Zhou Shuisheng said angrily: "Then according to what grandpa said, you wouldn't have dared to pick me up and let me drown. You wouldn't have to save money and work hard for so many years to raise me."

The old man sighed again: "I don't know if your biological parents are the ones who take care of children. The child has been lost for so many years and has not been found. If they were there, you wouldn't have to work so hard."

"I'm afraid they would have died a long time ago?" Zhou Shuisheng said casually.

He knew from childhood that he was picked up by his grandfather. According to the grandpas and aunts in the village, he was washed into the river under the mountain by the flood. When his grandfather fished him out, his face was pale and he was only breathing his last breath.

It was his grandfather who spent all his savings to send him to the health center in the town, and only then saved his life. Later, he couldn't find his relatives, and took him in out of pity.

Life in the mountains is very hard. When he was young, he was scolded by his friends as a child without a father or a mother. He also hoped that his parents would suddenly appear in front of him to protect him and lead him to a good life.

But as time passed and he grew up slowly, those beautiful dreams were all buried in his memory. Now he just wants to make more money to buy some delicious food for his grandfather who has worked hard all his life, and when he saves more, he can take him to the big hospital in the city to treat his legs.

"Why are you cursing your parents?" The old man was so angry that he slapped him, but it was light and had no strength, and it didn't hurt him.

"You scold them, but don't you think about what if they have been trying to find you for so many years? Maybe they will find you here soon."

"Grandpa, let's not dream," Zhou Shuisheng laughed at himself. "When you picked me up, you went to ask around the villages and even went to the police station to find the police. If they were really looking for me, they would have found me long ago."

The old man also knew this truth. He had no hope before, but this year he broke his leg and had to lie in bed. Seeing that his grandson was unable to study because of him, and had to work hard to make money to support him, the thoughts he had abandoned before started to move again.

I don't know what his parents were thinking. Shuisheng is so smart, he ranks first in his studies every year, and he doesn't have to pay tuition for high school. He is also so filial and sensible. How could they bear to leave him outside and not look for him?

Is it really like what the kid said, that the two of them died a long time ago?

The conversation between the grandfather and grandson came to an end. They were preparing to eat with their own thoughts when they suddenly heard a child's shout from outside: "Here, here, Brother Shuisheng's house is here. Uncle and aunt, I've brought it here. When will you give me candy?"

"Okay, good boy, thank you for your hard work. I'll give you all the candy in this bag."

Zhou Shuisheng had never heard the female voice behind him, but he was very familiar with the child's voice. He walked out of the door with a dark face: "Xiao Hu, why did you come to my place instead of going home to eat honestly?"

"Also, who did you bring with you? You can't take things from strangers, and you can't run around with others. Didn't your teacher teach you that?"

It's not that he doesn't know manners, but mainly because something big happened in the village two years ago. Two children were taken away while playing outside, and they have not been found until now.

The villagers never expected that someone would come and steal children in this remote corner of the mountain, so they were usually unprepared. After experiencing this incident, they became more aware of precautions, but the children were still not vigilant enough.

This village is located in a remote area, and few strangers come here. But now some "uncles and aunts" suddenly appear and give them sweets as soon as they come. Who knows if they have bad intentions?

When Zhou Shuisheng came out, he was full of precautions, but when he looked up, he met a pair of tearful eyes, and he was immediately stunned.

Of course, the group of people were Yang Yan and others who came to find their son. As soon as Mrs. Zeng saw his face that looked very similar to hers and her husband, she had no doubt about his identity. Can't even tell.

Great-father was a little better, but his eyes were also very sour. He couldn't help but took two steps forward and said, "Son, we are your biological parents. We have made you suffer for so many years. It is your parents who are sorry for you."

In his mind, he had already imagined the scene where the father and son held each other's arms and cried, and the son asked him why it took him so many years to find him, and then he explained the original reason and was forgiven. However, the young man was stunned for a moment, then suddenly took a step back, and then "Pa "The door closed with a sound.

Great-father: "..."

This way of opening up the recognition of father and son seems a bit wrong?

Blood relationship is a very strange thing. Zhou Shuisheng actually had a premonition the moment he saw the two people. The man's words later confirmed his guess, but he didn't know how to react, so he ran away subconsciously.

"Shui Sheng, who is coming outside?" Mr. Zhou had difficulty moving and his ears were not working very well. He did not hear his great-father's words clearly and couldn't help but worry when he saw his grandson's abnormal appearance.

Could this kid have gotten into some trouble?

When I first picked him up, he might have been frightened after falling into the water. The child was very timid, and would be frightened like a little mouse at the slightest movement.

Later, after following him for a long time, he gradually regained some of his lively nature. From the age of eight or nine to the age of fifteen or sixteen, he often caused trouble for him. That is to say, in recent years, his health has not been very good, and he became... He has become mature and stable, like a reliable adult.

But maybe it was because I wiped his butt too many times in those years. When Mr. Zhou saw him hiding, his first reaction was that he had gotten into trouble again.

He couldn't help but feel a little anxious. His body couldn't support him now. What should he do if his grandson was bullied?

Mr. Zhou was so excited that he wanted to go out and see what was going on, but his legs couldn't move and he almost fell off the chair.

"Grandpa!" Zhou Shuisheng was stunned for a while with his back against the door. When he came to his senses, he realized the danger he was in. He hurriedly ran up to hold him steady and said urgently, "Why are you moving? What if he falls?" manage?"

"Shui Sheng!" Mr. Zhou grabbed his arm with his backhand, "Is someone looking for trouble? Don't be afraid, grandpa will protect you even if he risks his life."

Zhou Shuisheng didn't expect that he would misunderstand him like this. He twitched his lips and said, "No, grandpa, no one is looking for trouble. Don't think nonsense."

"Really?" Mr. Zhou didn't quite believe it. "Why are you hiding if you're not looking for trouble? Don't even think about carrying it by yourself. Although grandpa's legs are broken, he won't let others bully you."

"It's really not grandpa," Zhou Shuisheng was a little helpless, but his heart felt warm. He pursed his lips twice and whispered, "The people who came said they were my parents..."

"Your parents?" Mr. Zhou was a little suspicious of his ears. Just now, the two of them were talking about how it would be great if they found their grandson's relatives. How many minutes later did they come?

Is his mouth open?

The grandfather and grandson looked at each other, unable to recover. Outside, the great-father couldn't wait to come and knock on the door.

"My child, your name is Shuisheng, right? I know we came very suddenly, and it's normal that you can't accept it for a while, but there are some things I still want to tell you, and there's no need to respond. Just listen."

"Twenty years ago, your mother gave birth to you in the hospital, but something went wrong. We took home another child. It wasn't until we met an expert today that we found out that we had raised you for twenty years. The child is not our biological child."

"Our real child, you, has been living outside. As soon as we confirmed the news, your mother and I immediately rushed all the way to find you under the guidance of the master."

My great-father talked about the cause and effect without any concealment. He kept talking until his mouth went dry, but there was no movement at all in the house. The man who usually went around the mall with ease had no choice but to deal with his long-lost parent and son. Look at your wife for help.

Mrs. Zeng had just burst into tears and her mood had stabilized a lot. She wiped away her tears and walked over and said warmly through the door: "My child, I know you blame us for letting you live outside for so many years, and we don't I beg you to forgive me. I just ask you to give us a chance to get to know us. We love you and will never abandon you on purpose.”

After all, she was more thoughtful than her husband, and she guessed where her son's heart was. She didn't talk about their difficulties, nor was she in a hurry to say anything to recognize each other. She just begged softly to chat with him.

After a while, the wooden door creaked open, and the young man walked out with a wooden face. Facing the two people's longing eyes, he was so embarrassed that he didn't know where to move his hands and feet. After a long while, he stiffly pulled At the corner of his mouth, he spoke the first words to his potential parents: "It is not good to engage in feudal superstition."

"Hiss--" Luo Yongsheng, who was standing at the entrance of the courtyard watching the show, let out a toothache sound. This kid is really ignorant. If it weren't for them, ahem, if it weren't for the big boss, I'm afraid he might not be able to be beaten in this life. The Zeng family found that they had to stay in this ravine forever.

They actually say that they engage in feudal superstition. Is this metaphysics or metaphysics?

However, at this time, the Zeng family and his wife could not care about the mood of the masters. Their son was willing to come out to meet him. They were very excited and looked at him eagerly. They wanted to get close but were afraid of arousing his resentment and tried hard to restrain themselves.

The scene of the family of three hugging each other and crying did not appear in the end. Zhou Shuisheng felt that the process of how they found this place was not reliable. Although everyone said that they looked alike, he still did not dare to recognize them, fearing that the couple had made the wrong mistake. son.

After the two of them learned about the situation in his family, they proposed to take the grandfather and grandson to the city together. You don't believe in metaphysics and science, right? There will be no problems with a paternity test.

My great-father promised that even if they found out they had found the wrong person after the test, he would be responsible for Mr. Zhou’s medical expenses and treat his leg injury in a big hospital. It would be easier if he was confirmed to be his son. The old man raised him like this After many years, they should support him in his old age.

Zhou Shuisheng simply couldn't refuse. He had long wanted to take his grandfather to the city for treatment, but he had never been able to do so because he was short of money. Now he only earns a thousand dollars a month from hard work. When he earns It’s enough and I don’t know how many years or months it will take.

However, he didn't want to take advantage of others in vain, so he proposed that if he was not their son, the money to treat grandpa would be treated as a loan from him, and he would pay it back slowly in the future.

Seeing that he was not bent down by poverty and still had his own pride, the great-father and his father were both relieved and sad. Their eyes turned red and they agreed again and again. Anyway, they had already determined that this was their son, and the problem he was worried about would not happen. exist.

As Yang Yan said before, they did catch up with their son to have dinner together, but instead of taking him to eat well as expected, they had vegetable leaf porridge at Zhou's house.

But for the lost and recovered Zeng family, as long as they are with their son, simple porridge and pickles are also extremely delicious.

Because it was getting late, cars were not allowed on the road leading to the village. The previous few people had parked their cars in the town and walked there. The group decided to rest one night at Zhou's house and return to J City the next day.

However, the Zhou family's house was small and could not accommodate so many people. In the end, Yang Yan and Luo Yongyuan had no choice but to stay at a neighbor's house. Only the great-father and great-mother moved into their son's room as they wished.

Looking at the shabby house, the two of them were both sad and happy. Although their son had been living abroad and suffered for twenty years, they finally found him and did not continue to live in confusion for the rest of their lives.

While the couple was lying on the dilapidated wooden bed where their son had slept for more than ten years, full of pity, Zeng Zijin in the hospital was also tossing and turning in bed.

The conditions of this private hospital are actually quite good. He lives in the best single room, which is spacious, bright, and has a good environment with dedicated nurses to take care of him. Aunt Li also carefully prepared the food for him.

However, he was not feeling well, and no matter how comfortable the conditions were, he could not relieve his bad mood.

Zeng Zijin had gauze wrapped around his neck and a thick layer of medicine was applied to the wound inside, but he knew it was all in vain.

Since coming to the hospital, his wounds showed no sign of improvement. Although there was no bleeding and it was not life-threatening, he was in excruciating pain, and even sedatives were of no use.

"What's going on with my parents? They haven't come to see me even though I'm like this. Do they still want me as their son?" Zeng Zijin's face was distorted by the ever-present pain, and his words were as full as if he had eaten firecrackers. Got angry.

"My wife and Master Zhang went out together, maybe they were thinking of ways to help you, young master." Butler Wang actually didn't know what happened, so he could only guess like this, but even though he said that, he always felt that something was wrong. .

If two masters were invited to treat the young master's injuries, how could they not come here but not know where they went when the young master was here? Even if they need something, the master and the others can tell him to arrange for someone to find it. There is no need to go there himself, right?

But metaphysics is a very mysterious thing, and he doesn’t understand it at all. Maybe there are some things that require preparation by blood relatives?

Butler Wang calmed down when he thought of this. He was just a butler, and it was not his turn to worry about what the master would do.

"I think those two so-called masters are limited in their abilities," Zeng Zijin was not comforted and said with an ugly face, "Instead of asking them for help, it is better to get in touch again and see if there are any other better masters."

Although he managed to save his life in the end, he had not forgotten the incident when the demon strangled his neck and claimed his life. Master Zhang kept saying that as long as he was wearing the jade pendant, the demon could not get close to her. As a result, the jade pendant exploded as soon as she appeared. Bu's formation didn't hurt her at all, it was completely useless!

Thinking of how he was almost strangled to death, Zeng Zijin's face twisted again. He felt a little regretful that when he saw Jin Niang's beauty, he had an impulsive love affair with her.

How could he have thought that working with ghosts would cause Yin Qi to enter the body and affect his lifespan? Moreover, looking at the gentle and gentle beautiful female ghost who only has eyes for him, he would actually go so crazy when he gets angry!

I don't know what his vision was in his previous life. He actually fell in love with such a crazy woman, and he still allowed himself to live a good life as a noble son, but he committed suicide for her.

"But Master Luo is already the most famous master in J City," Butler Wang said solemnly, "If I want to find him from somewhere else, I'm afraid I need some connections, otherwise the young master will ask Miss Yu."

Zeng Zijin: "..."

At that time, in order to save his life, he blamed everything on Yu Fu. He had already offended her to death. She packed up and bowed and left as soon as Li Gui was taken in. It would be strange if she would still take care of herself in the future.

If he had known that Jin Niang was always with him, he would not have said those words. Not only did he not put himself aside, but he also made his girlfriend who loved him with all her heart angry. It was really not worth the loss.

It's not that he loves Yu Fu very much, but he understands the power of metaphysics after experiencing these things, and is a little reluctant to let go of the connections she represents behind her.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now. Seeing how she didn't even want to look at her before leaving, he also knew that the chance of coaxing her back was very slim.

"Don't mention her in front of me again." Zeng Zijin said with some irritation.

Butler Wang didn't know what happened in the room, and was a little surprised. Weren't the two of them inseparable before? Why do you just fall out now?

Is it because Miss Yu is angry about the matter between the young master and the female ghost? But it was true that the young master was too careless in this matter, and it was normal for her to be angry.

Zeng Zijin didn't know that his housekeeper was slandering him. What happened one after another hit him hard. He angrily pulled the quilt over his head. Housekeeper Wang thought he wanted to sleep and left quietly.

But Zeng Zijin's wound hurt all the time, how could he sleep? After a while, he turned over and sat up, punching the bed angrily.

"Xiao Jin, what's wrong with you? Who made you angry?" Aunt Li walked into the ward and saw him looking unbearably angry, and quickly stepped forward with concern.

Zeng Zijin didn't want to tell her the things he regretted, so he blamed his great-father and great-mother and said angrily: "I'm not even my parents. I'm already like this. They don't even show their faces, nor do they care about me." You know what you are doing, do you still have my son in your heart?"

Ever since she came to the Zeng family, Aunt Li had been unhappy whenever she saw her son getting close to the Zeng family. Now that she saw that he had a crush on the two, she suddenly felt secretly happy in her heart.

He began to put eye drops on the two of them: "Don't be sad, my dear. Isn't there still a mother who cares about you? In my mother's heart, you will always be the most important. Biological and non-biological ones are different. The blood relationship is constantly separated. of."

Zeng Zijin was not comforted at all. After hearing her words, he immediately lowered his face and reprimanded in a low voice: "Don't let me hear you say such things again in the future. No matter you are behind your back or not, keep your mouth shut." , there are surveillance and listening devices everywhere now, if you are accidentally recorded, do you know the consequences? "

Aunt Li was startled by his appearance and nodded repeatedly: "I know Xiao Jin, I will never do it again, don't be angry with me."

Zeng Zijin's face looked better now: "As long as you know, that's fine. If nothing happens, just go back. You're of no use here anyway."

Aunt Li's face was a little sad, but she didn't dare to make him unhappy again, so she could only leave obediently.

This night is a sleepless night for many people.

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