Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 279 Genius Ghost Hunter 17 (1/2)

"These three people are so shameless!" Great-father was so angry that he slammed the table on the table. The skin on his finger joints was suddenly broken, and traces of blood seeped out.

"How could there be such vicious people in this world?" Mrs. Zeng cried uncontrollably when she heard about Shui Sheng's experience.

It turns out that their son was not only replaced, but also not treated well. His falling into the water was not an accident, but something they did deliberately.

He was only three years old at that time! How could these two people be so heartless? If he hadn't been saved by Mr. Zhou, they would have lost him without knowing it and happily raised their enemy's son!

And the child they had loved since childhood and spent countless efforts to raise had never thought of telling them the truth after learning about this incident, and allowed the man named Yang to call their son "evil" one after another.

No wonder they were both serious people, and they had been very diligent in their education over the years, but Zeng Zijin did something like cheating on their relationship behind their backs.

Although he was said to have deceived a vicious ghost, his nature was equally bad, and he also had the intention of killing ghosts to avoid future troubles, which shows how vicious his heart is.

It turned out that he was rotten from the root. As the saying goes, these three people are really from the same origin, and they are all so disgusting.

"Call the police, husband," Mrs. Zeng gritted her teeth with hatred, "I never want to see these people jumping around in front of me again. They should be punished."

"But this recording alone may not necessarily convict them." Great-father hesitated.

"Even if we can't beat them to death, we can at least file a case. If the police intervene in the investigation, it will definitely be faster than if we hire people to investigate secretly. If we take a step back and say that they really escaped, we can also let them in for a while, which is better than Watching them live freely and insulting Shui Shengqiang behind his back. "

Zeng's father thought so, and the two immediately called the police. When Zeng Zijin and the three of them were still discussing how to pretend to know nothing about everything and use the sympathy and years of relationship between the two couples to stay, the police with serious faces descended from the sky. , brought them together to the police station to assist in the investigation.

The parties' great-father, great-mother, and Zhou Shuisheng's two grandsons all went to the police station to record statements. Originally, these had nothing to do with Yang Yan and Luo Yongsheng, but they were mentioned in the recording, so the two had to go with them.

As a result, they were detained the first time they went there because they promoted feudal superstition and involved fraud. A middle-aged man and a young man were really more unjust than Dou E.

At this time, the results of the paternity test had come out, and his great-father and great-mother were weeping with joy. Zhou Shuisheng knew the reasons why he would be living outside, and he had no feelings for the two of them, so he awkwardly recognized his parents, but this became the suspicion of the two. Another reason.

"Tell me honestly, did you meet Zhou Shuisheng somewhere? After conducting a private investigation, you decided to find the Zeng family to commit fraud?" The middle-aged policeman opposite had a serious face and pressed the folder on the table with a "pop" sound. , the words "lenity for those who confess, severity for those who resist" clearly remind him of the consequences of not confessing.

Yang Yan silently took out his Taoist certificate, but unfortunately the selfless police officer didn't listen to him at all: "Nowadays, if you have a little money, you can do this. It's better to deceive ordinary people, but don't fool me in front of me!"

"Tell me quickly, where did you meet Zhou Shuisheng, and how did you get in touch with Zeng Weiyan and his wife? What happened to the female ghost that was created before? You can save yourself a lot of trouble if you tell her earlier."

For the first time, Yang Yan felt like he was speechless and asking the heavens. In a modern society where atheism is the mainstream, Taoist priests are really not an easy profession!

It seemed that he had to show some real skills at this time. He didn't want the police to find him in the school and scold him for promoting feudal superstition. You can imagine his end by then.

"Your father is also a policeman. He died in the line of duty when you were twelve years old. Your mother should be a medical staff and is now retired. Your wife is a teacher or other profession. You have a son and a daughter. The eldest has just entered college and the younger ’s thirteen years old.”

After hearing his words, the middle-aged police officer's face turned blue and white, and he said angrily: "You have even investigated my family situation, you are quite capable!"

Yang Yan: "..."

Very speechless.

"First, I didn't expect to be taken to the police station. Second, I couldn't have predicted in advance that you would be the one interrogating me. Third, I really figured it out. If you don't believe me, you can just call someone in and try. ”

"Don't do this to me!" The middle-aged police officer didn't buy it at all. "Who knows if you accidentally knew these things and used them to get away with it when you met me."

Yang Yan had no choice but to calmly analyze to him: "First of all, I just came to J City a few days ago. I have never been here before. Secondly, you said one moment that I was investigating you, and the next moment you said that I knew it unintentionally. Isn't it a little bit... What about inconsistencies?”

"Also, I saw that you were investigating a case recently. Everything has been investigated clearly, but the suspect is missing. If you are willing to believe it, you can use his information to calculate for you and help you find the person. ”

"It's useless for you to do this to me. Don't even think about going out today unless you explain everything clearly. I'll give you some time to think it over." The middle-aged police officer's expression changed slightly, but he still rejected his proposal. After warning him again, he stood up and left. .

Yang Yan was the only one left in the interrogation room, but he could keenly feel that someone was looking at him behind the one-way glass and sighed silently.

He had sensed that he was about to face a minor disaster, but he never thought that it would be a prison disaster. He just hoped that they would give him a chance after investigating his identity!

Being locked up here and being asked the same questions repeatedly, answering honestly but being considered a liar, and then repeating the previous questions again, it was really boring.

He did not read his face wrongly. The middle-aged police officer looked very stubborn on the surface, but he was not the kind of person who would stick to one path to the end. After leaving him alone for almost three hours, he decided to give him a chance.

After that, Yang Yan accurately told the general life stories of ten people. In addition to a few people in the police station, there were several people they found from relatives and friends or even in a roundabout way. When they put on police uniforms, he revealed their true identities.

Now the middle-aged police officer couldn't believe it. One or two could be said to be coincidences. If he had the ability to investigate the family conditions of ten randomly invited people clearly, wouldn't he be all-powerful? Why would he need to cheat?

The commotion here was so loud that the whole police station soon knew that a fortune teller had come to the police station. One only needs to look at a person to know his life and past. The police are also human and gossipy. The interrogation room was soon crowded with people.

Being stared at by so many people, Yang Yan felt no pressure, but he was also quite uncomfortable, so he discussed with the police officer opposite: "Can the sixteen police officers outside stop watching here?"

The middle-aged police officer said calmly: "There is only one recorder there."

Yang Yan spread his hands: "It's boring to chat like this."

Seeing that he really confirmed it, not just saying it casually, the middle-aged police officer got up and went out to chase people away. By the way, he counted and found that there were really sixteen people in addition to the recorder. This kid is amazing!

When he came back, he had an extra stack of information in his hand. He didn't say anything and silently pushed it in front of the young man.

Yang Yan understood what he meant. He picked it up without flipping through the back. He only glanced at the top photo. After comparing it with the ID number next to it and seeing that it was not fictitious, he quickly gave an address.

An hour later, the suspect was captured, and he could finally leave the small room where he had been sitting for almost a day.

Zhou and his son needed to rest, and Zhou Shuisheng must accompany him. Mrs. Zeng was worried about her son, so she went home with him. Only Zeng's father was still waiting outside.

As soon as the man saw him, he greeted him with a guilty look on his face: "I'm sorry, Master Zhang, it's all because of our family's affairs that you have been in so much trouble."

"Nothing, just a disaster." Yang Yan waved his hand and said generously that he didn't care.

In fact, this matter is really not a big deal. Promoting feudal superstition is usually just a verbal criticism. The Zeng family didn't report fraud themselves, and the police couldn't file a case based on this.

He was just worried that the police would contact the school and cause some unnecessary trouble, so he had to show his ability to prove himself, but he was kept for a longer time.

Compared with Luo Yongyuan who was released a few hours ago, it feels really miserable.

Yang Yan has become famous in this police station. Although the police officers seem to be very busy, their little eyes from time to time still reveal their gossip.

He quickly pulled Zeng's father out of the police station and learned that their case had been officially filed. Uncle Yang and Aunt Li were temporarily detained pending further investigation. After comforting him, he declined his offer to treat him to a meal and set off on his way home.

Students who are still studying can't afford to be hurt. If they don't go back for two days, they will inevitably be criticized and write a self-criticism!

When Yang Yan was busy with his studies, Zeng's father, who had added contact information, would send some progress of the case from time to time. The recording evidence alone was not enough.

Uncle Yang and Aunt Li didn't know whether they thought it themselves or were reminded by others. They refused to let go. More evidence was needed to convict the two.

Unfortunately, twenty years have passed. How easy is it to find other evidence? However, with Yang Yan's plug-in, they really found a witness.

Someone had seen Aunt Li sneaking into Madam Zeng's ward, but she didn't care because nothing happened at the time.

In the end, the couple was convicted of child abduction, and the attempt to murder Shuisheng was implemented because Uncle Yang couldn't bear the pressure and pleaded guilty. Both of them were sentenced to fifteen years.

Zeng Zijin was also removed from the household registration book and expelled from the Zeng family. Zeng's father and mother not only took back everything Zeng had given him, but also took him to court and demanded repayment of the money spent on him for so many years.

In view of his performance in that recording, he was finally found to have lost the case and needed to repay the Zeng family's up to 20 million yuan in child support. For a college student who has not yet entered society, it is undoubtedly a huge debt.

Zeng Zijin will never live a good life in his life, and he still has the "little gift" left by Jinniang on him, so his miserable end can be foreseen.

Yang Yan, like the original owner, occasionally goes out to take orders, and usually studies like an ordinary college student. The peaceful days lasted for three months, but a pair of uninvited guests broke the tranquility of his life.

Yu Fu, who suddenly appeared at the doorstep, had changed a lot since the first time she met him. Although she was not the best looking at that time, she was still sweet and beautiful, and her whole body was filled with youth.

But now she looked haggard, her face was pale and a little blue, her eyes were dull and lifeless, her lips were bloodless, and her neck and arms were so thin that there was almost only a layer of skin covering the bones.

"Ms. Yu," Yang Yan looked her up and down calmly, and asked in a cold tone, "I wonder what you are doing here?"

"Zhang Yangyan, how dare you harm me?" Yu Fu bit her lips and teeth and spit out these words, her face was gloomy, like a devil crawling out of hell, without a trace of sunshine.

"Why do you say that, Ms. Yu?" Yang Yan asked in surprise.

"You little brat, you still dare to act so pretentiously!" The gloomy old man beside her said coldly, "I ask you, what did you do to Fu'er? Why is the Yin Qi lingering in her body and can't be removed no matter what method you use?"

"No way?" Yang Yan looked at him in surprise, "I heard from Ms. Yu that she is also a Taoist, and her grandfather is a famous old senior. It's just a little Yin Qi of a fierce ghost, how can it not be removed?"

He almost wrote the word "contempt" on his face, deliberately wanting to anger the two people, who told him that in the original owner's memory, it was them who stepped on him to promote their own reputation?

Moreover, the original owner had heard the master mention that Yu Zhen was quite cruel. No matter whether he met ghosts or monsters, he would show no mercy.

Ghosts are also transformed after death. The two are not completely opposite. Generally, people in the Taoist sect will not kill them. Those who have no blood on their bodies will send ghosts into reincarnation after the other party agrees.

Those with blood sins will also be sent to the underworld for salvation. When they enter the underworld, someone will judge their sins. Only those evil ghosts who have lost their minds and harmed others and are beyond redemption will be beaten to death.

But Yu Zhen killed the ghost with a stick. In his previous life, he ignored Jinniang's lack of blood sins and directly killed her heart. Later, he refined her thousand-year cultivation into a ghost bead.

Whether he really hates evil so much or covets the ghost's cultivation is worth pondering.

The old man was Yu Zhen. Seeing that a junior didn't take him seriously, he immediately flew into a rage: "I originally thought that I knew your master well. As long as you sincerely repented and withdrew your actions, this matter would be over."

"Now it seems that you are too arrogant, so I will take over your master's job today to teach you a lesson, so that you won't be ignorant of the world at such a young age and step into the wrong path."

After saying that, he turned his wrist and the Tianfan Seal in his palm hit him in the face. Seeing that he moved so quickly, it didn't seem like he was angry and impulsive, but he had been prepared for it.

Yang Yan sneered in his heart, but there was no expression on his face, and his feet didn't move at all.

Yu Zhen thought he was scared and didn't react, and his eyes flashed with contempt. What the first person of the new generation of Taoism was probably all boasted by the Maoshan Sect. He was completely vulnerable in front of him.

Today he took the opportunity to destroy this kid, and let the majority of fellow Taoists know that Maoshan has long been in decline. Let's see if Zhang Taihe will have the face to show off outside in the future.

Thinking of this in his heart, a trace of viciousness flashed in his eyes, and he urged the power of the Heaven-turning Seal in his body to move faster. The air around him stagnated, and a huge pressure went straight to the stunned young man.

Seeing that the square seal that became heavier and heavier was about to hit Yang Yan's forehead, Yu Zhen showed a sinister smile on his face, but soon the smile froze at the corner of his lips.

There was an invisible wave in front of the young man, and his move, which even his peers with similar cultivation dared not to take, became invisible in an instant. What's worse, he didn't know what the other party did, and he couldn't sense the magic weapon connected with his heart and blood!

Yang Yan reached out before the old man and grabbed the Heaven-turning Seal that was suspended in the air, and turned it over in his hand and played with it twice.

Then he raised his head and smiled, "Thank you for the gift from Senior Yu. I was embarrassed to accept such a valuable thing, but as the saying goes, 'I dare not refuse a gift from an elder', so I will be disrespectful to refuse it."

"Give it back to me!" Yu Zhen was almost angry and spit out blood, "When did I say I would give it to you?"

"Didn't Senior Yu hand it to me himself?" Yang Yan laughed sarcastically, "Are you regretting it right after giving it to me? It's just a seal, not a valuable thing. You are too stingy."

If you think it's not valuable, then give it back to me!

Yu Zhen's face twisted. This was a magic weapon that he had spent a lot of effort and a lot of money to find. Even his most beloved youngest son asked him for it, but he was reluctant to give it to him. Now it was taken away from him in front of him.

"Don't bother talking to me," he said in anger, and took out a small jade sword from his bag, pointed the tip of the sword at the young man, and said sternly, "If you don't return the things, I will be rude to you."

"Okay, since Senior Yu doesn't care about his face and wants to take the things back to Yun, I have nothing to say." Yang Yan pulled the corner of his mouth and said.

Then he threw the Heaven-shaking Seal into the air, and then let it fall to the ground. The seal was carved from jade. If it really fell like this, it would be damaged even if it didn't break into pieces.

Yu Zhen's eyes were about to burst, and he reached out to rescue it, but unfortunately the two sides were five or six steps apart. He used all his strength but couldn't make it in time. His fingers didn't even touch it, and he watched the seal fall to the ground.

With a "click", the Fantian Seal, which he had carefully kept in his hands for more than ten years and helped him kill countless evil spirits, broke into two halves in front of his eyes, and the remaining magic power on it instantly disappeared.

"Oops!" Yang Yan exclaimed exaggeratedly, with unabashed gloating in his tone, "Why is Senior Yu so careless? He can't even catch anything."

"You obviously did it on purpose!" Yu Fu saw her grandfather being teased and angrily pointed at his nose and cursed, "Zhang Yangyan, don't go too far. You don't have any respect for your seniors and you still do this. A bad means."

"What?" Yang Yan's face turned cold, "You are allowed to kill me when you come to my door, but I am not allowed to play tricks on you?"

"You -" Yu Fu felt guilty for a moment, but then became confident, "If you hadn't done something dirty to me before, how could grandpa and I come to settle accounts with you?"

"The yin hand is just your own speculation," Yang Yan smiled contemptuously and said, "I am not good enough to remove the yin energy of the evil ghost, but it is all my fault."

"Who are you saying is not good enough?" Yu Fu jumped in anger, "Zhang Yangyan, you are too arrogant. When my grandfather was famous, you were probably still nursing! No, you haven't been reincarnated at all!"

Yang Yan spread his hands and said mockingly: "But the fact is that the Yin Qi that I can remove in a while, you haven't removed it in three months!"

"You -" Yu Fu's pale face was so angry that there was a rare trace of blood, "That's because you tampered with it."

"Okay, if you want to blame me, just think that I did something." As soon as Yang Yan said these words, a smile of victory suddenly appeared on her face.

But the young man then changed his tone and said, "But I'm surprised. Since your grandfather is so powerful, and I, a junior, just do some tricks, why can't he solve it and want to find me to blame?"

Yu Fu's face froze instantly. It was obvious that her grandfather was not as good as others.

Yu Zhen was already feeling heavy after losing the Heaven-shaking Seal. Seeing his granddaughter losing the verbal dispute, his face was so gloomy that it could make him cry: "What a junior. He is very capable. He has a louder tone and is sharp-tongued." Yes, I would like to ask your master how he taught you."

"Thanks for the compliment, I am indeed very good. As for how the master taught me," Yang Yan curled his lips and said, "If Senior Yu wants to learn from me, why don't you give me a call?"

"You -" Yu Zhen was so angry that his chest kept beating. He finally calmed down. He knew he couldn't defeat him and stopped arguing with him.

The small jade sword in his hand turned into a long sword in an instant. He raised his hand and stabbed him, saying angrily: "I will definitely cut your mouth today to show you what the sky is and the earth is thick!"

The seemingly blunt jade sword immediately turned into a sharp blade after the input of mana. When he swung it, there was a sharp sound that cut through the air. Yang Yan did not catch the wind, and stepped backwards with his feet.

A ferocious smile appeared on Yu Zhen's face and he continued to chase forward.

He knew that what blocked him from the Heaven-shaking Seal before must have been something that old man Zhang Taihe left to his apprentice to save his life. Otherwise, at this kid's age, even if he started practicing from his mother's womb, he would not be able to achieve such a high level of cultivation.

"Boy, you can't escape today, just accept your death!"

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