Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 287 The True and False Prince 4 (1/2)

The fact that the brothers of the Su family were studying was not hidden from outsiders. People in the village just felt that the whole family was in trouble. However, due to the presence of the Juren master, they could only mutter a few words at home and did not dare to gossip outside.

But in the eyes of others, this matter has other interpretations.

In Jin Shou Hou's Mansion, Zuo Yangan sneered after hearing the servant's report: "Does he know that he has no future and wants to train those losers from the Su family to work for him?"

"My aunt is quite generous to a fake son. I'm afraid she gave most of her body to him. Otherwise, how could he have the courage to raise such a big family in vain?"

He couldn't help but show resentment when he said this. When he was a child, he was raised by his aunt for two or three years, but as soon as she had biological flesh and blood, she couldn't wait to kick him out, without caring about the mother and child she had. mutual affection.

Now that she knew that she had raised her fake son as her own for so many years, she started to be a good person. She didn't drive him away on the spot, and wanted to stay by her side as her adopted son.

Although he is a bastard, he is still a descendant of his father's blood. How can he, a lowly peasant son with no connections, enjoy treatment that even he can't get?

"Master," the servant carefully guessed his thoughts and made a vicious gesture, "do you want me to find someone to destroy the brothers of the Su family and completely cut off his hope?"

"No need," Zuo Yangan shook his head and said helplessly, "My good brother! He has been praised by others since he was a child. People who have never suffered are always particularly naive."

"Does he think that everyone has a photographic memory like him and can gain fame by just studying for a few years?" When he said this, his face was twisted with jealousy, "How many children of rich and powerful families are enlightened at the age of five and ask famous teachers to teach them? Even hard work may not lead to success.”

"A few hardworking farm boys didn't start to read until they were eighteen, nineteen or twenty years old. I'm afraid their brains are dead. How do you expect them to be able to learn?"

The more Zuo Yangan talked, the more ridiculous he felt, and then he really laughed out loud, until tears came out of his eyes.

"I hope they can learn more. Only in this way will my good brother spend more energy on them and wait for three to five years, ten or eight years..."

"The more you pay, the greater your expectations. Only when they really have something to learn will they learn. When they are full of hope..."

He loosened his fingers and the cup in his hand fell to the ground and broke into pieces. He raised the corners of his mouth and said, "In the blink of an eye, all my expectations were shattered. I really can't wait to see the expression on his face when the time comes!"

"Master, this is a wonderful move!" the servant said flatteringly, "Su Yangyan has been living in a state of depression since his legs were disabled. He must have cheered up this time because he thought he could turn over."

"When he thinks he is going to succeed and we destroy his hopes, he will definitely fall into deep despair and be miserable."

"Don't mention that word in front of me," Zuo Yangan smiled and looked at him coldly, "Disgusting."

The servant was startled and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed. The blue floor tiles were soon stained with blood: "Yes, I promise never to mention it again. Master, forgive me."

"Okay," Zuo Yangan waved his long sleeves and said coldly, "Go down, you don't have to do anything for now, just send someone to watch from a distance."

"Yes, please excuse me."


If Yang Yan knew Zuo Yangan's plan, he would probably have to applaud and say "good intentions", but he didn't have the extra energy at this time.

In the past month, his family finally bought all the medicinal materials he wanted, and he could finally start treating his legs.

Everyone in the Su family knew that he wanted to treat his broken leg himself, but they thought he had gotten the prescription from somewhere and planned to take a bath or wrap it in the affected area. They had no idea that he was so frantic that he planned to break the bone and reattach it!

How painful it is! Ordinary people will feel their scalp numb just thinking about it.

Yang Yan didn't mean to tell them the truth. He mixed the ointment himself. When he was ready to take action, he ate enough and drank enough to tell his family not to come in and disturb him. Then he sat on the bed and groped for the broken bones, breaking the healed leg bones one by one. .

Of course the pain is painful. In order to keep your mind clear, you cannot use anesthesia. You can only stay awake and endure the huge pain. Moreover, this kind of pain is caused by yourself. Most people cannot remove that hand at all.

Fortunately, Yang Yan is not an ordinary person. He has been injured countless times during his long years of practice, and almost half of his body has been destroyed. The upper limit of the pain he can endure is naturally higher.

His forehead was already covered with cold sweat, but he could still control his hands from shaking. He calmly realigned the broken bones and reconnected them. After confirming that they were not crooked at all, he applied a layer of ointment densely, then fixed them with wooden boards, and then took them out. The strips of cloth were wrapped tightly.

He didn't even hum during the whole process. He lifted one leg and then lifted the other. He made a small "click" sound with both hands and the bones broke. There was no expression on his face, as if the legs were not long. It's like it's on yourself.

After doing the same thing, both legs were finished. Less than an hour had passed. Only then did he feel tired all over his body. He put the things away casually, lay back, pulled up the quilt and covered him. He fell asleep within a breath.

At this time, the Su family's parents didn't know how much their fourth son had suffered. They looked at the motionless room with worry in their eyes.

"The doctor said Yan'er's leg can't be cured, but he still won't give up." Mother Su whispered to her husband worriedly.

"He's still so young, it's normal for him to be unwilling. He wants to try as long as there's a glimmer of hope." Father Su sighed and said, "Don't we all hope that he can get better?"

"I understand," Mother Su thought a little more, "but Yan'er has been sad for so long, and it's hard to cheer up again. I'm afraid that the medicine won't work by then. What if he can't bear the blow and becomes the same as before?"

"You're right," Father Su didn't think so much before, but he became worried after hearing her words, "but what can we do? We can't stop Yan'er from trying, right?"

That's of course impossible.

Mother Su frowned and remained silent for a long time, her heart full of bitterness: "Why is Yan'er so unlucky? If I had been more careful and the two families hadn't made a mistake, wouldn't Xiao Si have lived happily in our family before?"

"If there hadn't been a mistake, our life would have been a little harder, but it's better than being high and mighty for so many years and suddenly falling down, and encountering such an accident that ruined his life."

"How can you be blamed for this?" Father Su hurriedly comforted, "It was a chaotic time, and you were lucky to be pregnant and not have any accidents. You don't know that I was so scared when I heard about it."

"Let's not always think of the worst, maybe Yan'er Will the medicine really work? "Seeing that she still looked depressed, he added, "There is no result yet. Instead of worrying here, you might as well think about what to do if something happens. "

This sentence touched Su's mother, and she instantly became energetic: "Old man, this is the most correct thing you said today. We can't help Yan'er at all no matter how much we think about it. I will go to the eldest brother to discuss it. If it really doesn't work, let them accompany him more to counsel him. "

Yang Yan, who knew nothing about his parents' worries, slept soundly all night. Although his legs were still swollen and painful when he woke up the next day, he could feel that the bone setting was very successful and he was in a good mood.

The heavy curtains did not block the light outside. It was obviously late at this time, but no one came to urge him to get up. The Su family knew that he was still a little weak, so they were happy to let him sleep for a while.

He dressed himself, and with his arms he moved himself to the wheelchair. The door was modified by Su the carpenter after the wheelchair was made. There was no threshold and it was widened. He easily turned the wheels and came out.

"Good morning, fourth brother." The four brothers of the Su family were practicing boxing in the yard. When they saw him, they smiled and greeted him loudly.

"Good morning, eldest brother, second brother, third brother, fifth brother." It was the same as usual. Yang Yan replied immediately, but he didn't know if it was an illusion, he always felt that the brothers were a little wrong today.

Hmm... The smile on his face was too bright, and it stayed for too long, a little stiff, and a little fake.

What are they doing?

Yang Yan pretended not to notice, and went to fetch water and wash as usual. He couldn't accept the care of his old mother with peace of mind. Since he got a wheelchair, he has been doing these things by himself.

Su's mother persuaded him not to move, so she could only install wooden ramps everywhere in the house to facilitate his movement.

At first, the brothers of the Su family wanted to help him, but he refused decisively. Seeing that he was indeed fine, they never intervened again. They were all grown men, and they didn't have the care to treat their brothers like delicate flowers.

But today, when Yang Yan turned his wheelchair to the well, the eldest brother Su had already rushed over and threw the bucket down with a "clang", and then lifted a bucket of water in a few seconds.

He quickly ran into the kitchen to scoop a ladle of hot water, mixed it in the washbasin, rubbed a handful of hot hair and handed it to him.

Yang Yan, who had no time to stop it: "..."

There really is a problem.

He took it slowly and said, "I can do these things by myself. You don't have to bother me in the future. If you feel that you have too much energy and want to vent it, why not add half an hour to today's running."

Brother Su, who wanted to let his younger brother feel the care of his family: "..."


After the eldest brother retreated, the brothers did not dare to work to please him. Yang Yan taught the brothers ten big characters, and told the fifth brother an article to let him understand the deep meaning by himself, and then spread out paper and pen under the eaves.

He just broke his legs and reconnected them last night. Now his legs are still swollen and painful, but he is like nothing happened. His thoughts are clear and his writing is smooth. He quickly writes the ending of the second part of the storybook.

The brothers didn't know how much pain he was in. Seeing that he looked normal, they whispered in his ears: "Look at the fourth brother, is it the medicine he prescribed that worked?"

"Are you stupid? What medicine can work overnight? Do you think it's a magic pill?"

"I don't think it's as scary as mother said? Fourth brother is open-minded and won't get stuck in a dead end so easily."

"Xiaowu, didn't you see the look of despair on the fourth brother before? We are just taking precautions for the future. Is this how this sentence is used? I remember it clearly when the fourth brother talked about it yesterday."

"Brother, it's in the future, not in the future."

"Oh, I remember..."

"Duoduoduo" Yang Yan knocked on the desk: "It seems that the brothers have already recognized a few words, and the fifth brother has also understood the meaning of the article. Why don't I test you now?"

"No, no, it's just a stick of incense, how can it be so fast!" The brothers retracted their heads with a whoosh, and sat upright, with serious faces indicating that they were studying hard and not deserting.

Little did he know that Yang Yan had sharp ears and eyes, and had already heard their conversations that they thought were quiet enough, and had almost guessed the reason why several people were acting abnormally today.

I felt angry and funny for a moment. If they did this, someone with a sensitive mind would probably feel like a useless person, right?

"Brothers will write an article for each word, and the fifth brother will copy the article ten times!" Although it was out of good intentions, it was not feasible to skip the class, so it was just for practicing calligraphy.


There was a sudden cry in the makeshift tent.

After lunch, Yang Yan went to talk to Su's mother for a while, trying to reassure her. Although she said yes, he could tell from her look that she didn't listen.

Yang Yan had no choice but to ask her to tell them to stop doing weird things on the grounds that what they did by the Su family brothers bothered her.

Only then did Su's mother realize that her good intentions had led to bad things, and she quickly responded. The Su family once again regained its previous peace, but there was always a dark cloud hanging over the family.

There was nothing he could do about this. He said everything, but he couldn't stop everyone from worrying about their loved ones. He thought that when he got better after a while, they would naturally get better, so he didn't care about it anymore.

Time passed quietly, and Yang Yan completed the remaining nine volumes of the storybook in three months at the speed of one volume every ten days. Not surprisingly, his storybook became a hit.

In addition to bringing him a large amount of income, half of the literati in the capital are now discussing who this Xianyun layman is and want to invite him to come out and make friends with them.

However, Yang Yan acted cautiously. He disguised himself when he first sent Su Wudi and others to submit articles, and later taught them some disguise techniques.

By the time the reputation spread, the brothers had already acquired some martial arts skills, and their whereabouts became even more difficult to find. Even Zuo Yangan, who had been watching the Su family, didn't realize that the words were written by him, let alone Someone else.

This day was the finale of the storybook that Su Sange went to the capital alone. When he came back, his expression was not very good: "Fourth brother, when I came back, I saw Zhang Laizi looking at our house again. This is not the first time. Yes, I'm afraid he has evil intentions."

"Su" is a common surname in He'an Village, but there are also many people with other surnames. Most of them fled here during disaster years, and some of them went to live with relatives and settled here.

Zhang Laizi's family is the latter. Most of them are quite exclusive these days. They have just moved here a few years ago and have not yet been able to fully integrate in. Good errands in the village usually don't go to their family, so life is relatively difficult. .

On weekdays, the Su family and the Zhang family had no contact with each other. One of the two families was at the head of the village, and the other was at the end of the village. They rarely met each other a few times a year. However, in the past six months or so, he had often been seen near the Su family.

In the past, the Su family didn't think much about it. Recently, the family had a lot of money, and the Su family brothers were often asked to think by their fourth brother, so they noticed this strange thing.

After the original owner read the story in the void space, he suspected that the fact that he fell off the cliff and became disabled might not be an accident. Yang Yan had paid attention to his surroundings after he arrived and had long discovered that Zhang Lezi was spying on his home, but he never made any announcement.

Now even the third brother, the slowest brother in the family, noticed it, so he stopped hiding it and told everyone about it during story time that night.

The brothers have become much smarter recently, and they immediately reacted: "Isn't it an accident when the carriage rolled down the cliff?"

Father Su and Mother Su's faces suddenly turned pale: "Yan'er, someone wants to harm you?"

"There is such a suspicion, but I have no evidence." Since Yang Yan decided to speak out, he did not hide it from them.

"Who is it? Who would do this? Who on earth would be so cruel?" Mother Su asked repeatedly, and her voice turned into sobs at the end, and tears couldn't help but burst out of her eyes.

Her fourth son was only sixteen years old, and his best years had just begun, and yet he was ruined by someone like this. She would rather hurt herself than see him suffer like this.

"Father, mother, brother and fifth brother," Yang Yan smiled and said, "I was just suspicious because someone was watching nearby. I am not sure that someone really harmed me. It may also have been an accident."

"It's been so long now that this matter can no longer be verified. The reason why I'm telling you this today is to keep you in mind and be careful not to be harmed."

"Report to the official!" Su Fifth Brother pounded the bed and said, "Fourth Brother, let's report to the official. You are also an official after all. If you are harmed like this, the government will definitely investigate strictly. They are experts in this area, maybe they can Find out the truth."

"How can it be so easy?" Yang Yan shook his head and said, "Not to mention that it's been almost a year and the clues would have been gone. Even if I were lucky enough to find out that they were the people I suspected, it would be useless. Maybe by then Instead, he will be slapped down and falsely accused."

"Does Yan'er mean that the murderer is from the Jin Shou Hou Mansion?" Su's mother was shocked. This was the only noble person her family could relate to, so she immediately thought of this.

"It's hard to say. Of course, someone in the Hou family had a grudge against me, but it's hard to guarantee that it wasn't from outside the house." Yang Yan said, "I used to be kind to others and rarely had conflicts with others. But to be conceited, based on the behavior I showed at that time His talent will inevitably arouse the jealousy of villains.”

"Before, I was the son of a marquis, so naturally no one dared to offend me. Later, my background was exposed, so it's not surprising that some people wanted to take advantage of my misfortune."

"Isn't this as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack?" Second Brother Su scratched his head, "How about I catch Zhang Laizi and beat him up, and force him to tell me who sent him."

"It's like finding a needle in a haystack, second brother," Fifth Brother Su corrected, "It's probably useless to beat him up. Those wealthy families never come forward to find someone to do something, and those who are more thoughtful will transfer several hands. And didn't Fourth Brother say that he has someone he suspects in his mind."

"Who exactly wants to harm you?" The three brothers of the eldest brother Su immediately said, "Fourth Brother, Brother, tell us and we will avenge you. "

"First of all, I only have someone I suspect, but I'm not sure who it is. We can't go after them one by one. I don't think anyone will admit to harming someone without evidence."

Yang Yan reasoned with them bit by bit: "Secondly, I've already said that the person I suspect is from an extraordinary family. Don't blame me for saying something discouraging. With our family's current situation, we can't fight, and we'll get ourselves into trouble."

"Even so, we can't just watch you get bullied in vain. Even if we have to risk our lives, I'll help you get revenge!" Brother Su said excitedly.

Brother Su Er and Brother Su San also nodded in agreement.

"Yang Yan would like to thank all the brothers for their kindness," Yang Yan bowed his hands and said, "But it is said that it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. This matter can be done slowly. I don't want to see everyone's family destroyed for me."

"Fourth brother is right," Su Wudi followed, "and in the current situation, even if we don't care about the destruction of our family and fight with others, we may not be able to hurt the other party."

This sentence made everyone feel sad. The reality is so cruel. It is too difficult for ordinary people to get justice against powerful people.

"If you want to help fourth brother, you might as well study hard and practice martial arts. When our family climbs up, we can get revenge one day." Su Wudi's words were powerful. He not only said it to his brothers, but also set a goal for himself.

Seeing that the three brothers were thinking about something, Yang Yan couldn't help but give a thumbs up to his younger brother in his heart. In fact, he would tell this matter today, firstly to ask everyone to be careful and prepared, and secondly to motivate the three brothers.

Brother Su and the others are not lazy, but that refers to work. Perhaps because they have no ambition in their hearts, they are very passive in studying and writing, and they need others to urge them to work hard.

Now that they know that they are not safe around them, they will probably have a sense of urgency in their hearts, so it is not in vain for him to waste his breath.

And things are indeed as he expected. The next day, the three brothers began to work hard and no longer had the perfunctory look of muddling through.

In order not to scare the three sisters-in-law, this matter was kept secret from them. Seeing their husbands working so hard, the three of them were very surprised, but it is a good thing to make progress. Although they were surprised, they still supported it very much.

Brother Su Wu had decided to take the imperial examination. He was already very hardworking, and he put in twelve points of energy after this incident. The brothers were holding their breath and wanted to learn something to avenge their brothers, and also to avoid being bullied in the future without being able to do anything.

Su's father and mother became a little depressed, feeling guilty that they were unable to help their son. However, after Yang Yan quietly revealed that his legs had improved and he stood up in front of them, they felt much better.

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