Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 289 True and False Prince 6

The original owner had come to the palace before when he was the eldest son of the Jin Shouhou Mansion, but he usually came with his father to attend banquets in the palace. This was the first time he was formally summoned by the emperor in the Taihe Palace.

As soon as he was carried over the high threshold of the palace entrance, a somewhat familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from inside: "Ayan has suffered a lot, look at your little face..."

As the person approached, the emperor saw his appearance clearly and could not say the word "Qingjia" no matter what, and was suddenly stuck there in embarrassment.

An imperceptible smile flashed across Yang Yan's eyes. He lowered his head and said, "Common man Su Yangyan pays homage to His Majesty. Long live my emperor. Please forgive me for my inconvenience and inability to salute you."

The emperor coughed lightly and said: "It doesn't matter. I heard that you were wronged a few days ago. I didn't know about it until recently. But judging from your appearance, your life in the Su family seems to be pretty good."

"Your Majesty, please remember that my parents, brothers and sisters-in-law are very kind to the common people." Yang Yan showed a hint of just gratitude on his face, and then sighed, "The common people are not wronged in this matter. It is Zuo Yangyi who is really wronged."

The emperor was very satisfied with his performance. If what he said was sincere, it would be enough to show his innocence. If it was a disguise, being able to pretend so perfectly without revealing a trace would also be enough to show his ability. Either way, it can prove this. Zi is by no means a mediocre person.

"It's rare that you can be so open-minded when faced with a great disaster," he said without going into details. He picked up the storybook on the case and said, "I guess you know why I'm looking for you. Your book has caused a sensation all over the country!"

"Yes, Cao Min knows." Yang Yan pursed his lips slightly, with a hint of excitement and shyness on his face, "When Cao Min wrote the storybook in the early days, he just saw that his family was poor and didn't want to be a useless person and drag down his family. Later, he was unwilling to do so, so he wrote the story after years of thinking. I wrote something in it, but I didn’t want to alarm His Majesty.”

When he said that he was unwilling to give up, there was inevitably a hint of sadness in his eyes, but he soon showed a smile: "But if you can show what you have learned in another way, ordinary people can be considered satisfied."

The emperor was noncommittal about his statement and mentioned several of the strategies that failed to be implemented. Then he was slightly disappointed to find that these were really just his immature ideas, including those that were proven to be feasible. They were just his whims at first. Just a wonderful thought.

However, this does not mean that he is useless. On the contrary, after testing his knowledge, the emperor is more convinced that this son can be called a rough jade, and he will definitely shine after being tempered.

He glanced at the young man's legs without leaving a trace, thinking that he just didn't know if he could withstand this process of being polished.

The emperor hesitated for a moment, but decided to give him a chance and offered to promote him to the court as an official, but he was unexpectedly rejected.

"Thank you for your kindness, but the ordinary people are not interested in this now." Yang Yan looked calm, as if what he rejected was just an ordinary person, not the king of a country.

The emperor did not get angry because of this, but asked him calmly about his future plans: "Aren't you planning to write scripts for a living in the future?"

Yang Yan smiled shyly and said: "Your Majesty, to be honest, in recent years, in addition to writing storybooks, Cao Min has also been teaching several elder brothers and younger brothers to read, and found that he has some talents in this area."

"The common people have an idea in their hearts. They want to build an academy to cultivate talents for our court. This can be considered as a small effort. I hope it can relieve your majesty's worries."

"Your ambition is not small," the emperor was a little surprised. "Do you know that building an academy is not as simple as you think?"

Someone had already investigated the Su family's affairs and brought them to the table. Naturally, he knew that the Su family brothers had been taught well by him, but that was only after the Su family convinced him and their vision was limited.

A young man who is not as good as a weak man, even if he is a layman of Xianyun and has a lot of fame, but that is just because his words are wonderfully written, and it is not very possible to attract students to study.

And there can’t be only one teacher in an academy, right? Are those famous teachers and scholars willing to serve under him? The emperor shook his head and sighed, the young man's thinking was too naive.

"Caomin understands the difficulties involved, but Caomin is just determined to do so, and does not want to build the academy immediately." Yang Yan said, taking out a few books from the side of the chair, and respectfully lowered his head and raised it above his head, "Caomin compiled a book here. I have some enlightenment teaching materials, and I would like to ask your majesty to help me with my eyes."

Although he thought his ideas were a bit whimsical, seeing that it was his immature ideas that put forward some suggestions that benefited the country and the people, and seeing that he did have some talent, the emperor was more patient with him and waved the eunuch over. Presented the book.

Taking the book into his hands and seeing the big words on the cover, he praised "good words" in his heart. He recalled that when he was the heir apparent of the Jin Shouhou Mansion, he heard that he ranked first in the junior examination. He even praised him once.

If he had not fallen off the cliff and lost both legs, he would have continued to take the imperial examination even if he returned to his farm. With the temperament of Jin Shouhou, he would have supported him from the side, and he would have had one more good minister in the court in the future. However, after his ordeal, He actually changed his ambition.

The emperor felt a little regretful in his heart. He couldn't help but have some expectations when he opened the book. But when he saw it, he was surprised and said, "Are your ink dots and horizontal lines used to break sentences?"

"Your Majesty, ordinary people call them symbols." Yang Yan replied calmly, "Nowadays, when the master teaches students, he only relies on his own understanding of sentences."

"But everyone's level is different, so it's inevitable that someone will make mistakes in punctuation. If the teacher himself punctuates incorrectly, the students will naturally follow suit. If the punctuation can be unified, this situation will not occur."

"Good idea." The emperor said lightly, and the rest of "But how can you guarantee that you don't punctuate incorrectly?" was not said out loud, and he continued to read on.

Soon he found that there was really no unreasonable punctuation in the whole text, and this book was full of words that would be used in daily life, and it was compiled into meaningful short stories, which was much simpler and easier to understand than the enlightenment books commonly used nowadays.

"You are very good." After reading the five books, the emperor completely put away his previous contempt. Although it was just a simple enlightenment book, it can be seen from it that his knowledge is very solid and he has fully applied what he has learned.

Somewhat fortunately, he didn't say contemptuous words before, otherwise he might slap himself in the face in the future, which would be a great shame.

The emperor was really looking forward to him now. He closed the book and looked at the young man below with a sharp gaze: "Su Yangyan, I can promise to build a college for you when you are famous enough and let you be the dean."

He immediately understood the young man's plan. Now "Xianyun Jushi" has a reputation, but it is not enough to open a college.

But if he publishes this enlightenment book, and even writes a higher level of books in the future, he will accumulate enough reputation sooner or later. If everything goes well, he may be able to achieve his goal in a few years.

Perhaps he can really look forward to the day when the young man's promise comes true.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Yang Yan bowed his hands.

"Don't thank me yet, wait until you really do it." The emperor waved his hand, and the smile on his face was more sincere than before. "Let's put it one way or the other. The strategy in your book has made great contributions this time. I originally wanted to reward you with an official position. Since you are not interested in this, I will reward you with a thousand taels of silver."

"Your Majesty," Yang Yan said hesitantly, "Can I not give up the reward and ask for your grace?"

"Oh?" The emperor's face did not move, "What grace do you want?"

Yang Yan lowered his eyes and his voice became low: "Your Majesty also knows that seventeen years ago, I took the wrong child with the prince of Jinshouhou Mansion. Over the years, I have occupied the identity of the prince and enjoyed the wealth and careful teaching that should have belonged to him."

"What happened back then was a mistake, and you were just an ignorant baby at the time. You can't be blamed for this." Seeing his guilty look, the emperor comforted him rarely.

"That being said, it is true that he lived a poor life in the farmer's house instead of me. When I ate delicacies, he was drinking vegetable soup and eating coarse grains. When I slept on a high bed with soft pillows, he slept on a shabby hard bed, covered with moldy cotton wool. When I was learning to read, he had already started to work in the fields with his parents..."

The emperor was silent for a while. Before, everyone talked about the mistake of the two families as a strange thing, and no one seriously thought about the difference. Now listening to him word by word, you can deeply understand how much grievance Zuo Yangyi has suffered.

I heard that it was because he made a fuss at home that the Jinshou Marquis's Mansion decided to send Su Yangyan back to the Su family for temporary residence, and he fell off the cliff and broke his leg. The emperor also took his anger out on him in his heart. Now recalling his thoughts at that time, he was actually a little ashamed.

I am afraid that even Jinshou Marquis, the father, has not thought about these things seriously, but the young man in front of him, as a beneficiary, can think about the child after experiencing these things. It is really difficult for him.

"You don't have to think too much," the emperor advised, "If you feel that you owe him, you can take care of him when you have the chance in the future."

"Does your majesty think so?" Yang Yan's eyes lit up, "I have the same idea. I heard that the prince didn't live well after returning to the Marquis' Mansion. After all, his identity suddenly changed, and it was difficult to adapt in a short time."

"So I want to ask your majesty for a favor. Please give me an identity and let me teach him to become a qualified prince."

"This..." The emperor frowned. It's not that he suspected that the other party had bad intentions. He thought he was very accurate in judging people. This young man really had a pure heart.

But his request was a bit embarrassing. Even if he was the king of a country, it would be difficult for him to rashly interfere in the family affairs of his subjects. What would people outside think if he asked the fake prince to teach the real prince?

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