Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 294 The True and False Prince 11

Time passed by like water. In the blink of an eye, Zuo Yangyi had stayed in the East Palace for half a year. During these six months, he was almost isolated from the world. With the emperor's order, except for everyone in the East Palace, not to mention the people in the Jinshouhou Mansion, Even the masters and slaves in the harem have never seen him.

Therefore, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty who initially envied Jin Shouhou gradually smelled a different atmosphere, and their eyes when looking at him changed from the sour lemon before to a slightly sympathetic look.

They all suspected that the prince actually angered the prince after entering the palace and was secretly executed. His majesty made that order to cover up for his son. After a while, he casually found an excuse to say that he died unexpectedly. This incident It was over.

Jin Shouhou himself also had this suspicion. Although he felt that it was a bit muddy, he was his biological son after all. These days, he had hinted to the emperor from time to time that he wanted his son to return to his home.

He didn't know what to do if his guess came true. After all, they were the father and son of the Tian family. Outside, he was a famous marquis, but the fate of the family was only a matter of words between the two of them. There was no way they could compete with it. , but always requires a result.

The gossip in the capital quickly reached the emperor's ears, and he didn't know whether to be angry or laugh. His ministers' imaginations were really rich day by day.

However, for the sake of his reputation and that of the prince, he really couldn't keep holding on to other people's sons, so he simply sealed a second-class guard with a stroke of a pen and ordered him to guard the East Palace. He could leave the palace and return home on his own when not on duty. Home.

Don't underestimate the second-class bodyguard, which is a fourth-grade official position. You must know that the number one scholar in the imperial examination usually means entering the Hanlin Academy to compile and become a sixth-grade official.

Although the military position in the current dynasty was one level lower than the civilian position, it was already a very high starting point for young people who had just entered the officialdom.

Moreover, in the past six months, Zuo Yangyi's future prospects can be said to be limitless because the prince also joined Teacher Su's intensive training team after his health improved, and formed a deep friendship with him.

However, only people within the East Palace knew about this matter. The emperor protected the only Miaomiao without leakage, as long as he did not allow anyone to dare to spread the news about the East Palace.

People outside were still sympathizing with the ill-fated Crown Prince, but they didn't know that their eyes were almost red with envy. Why didn't they have such good luck? Why had they been given the wrong child since childhood?

"I will leave the palace soon," Zuo Yangyi had been looking forward to this since the first day she entered the palace. When she really got her wish, she was a little reluctant to leave, "During this period... …Thank you.”

He is not the kind of person who is ungrateful. Although at first he thought that his adopted brother was deliberately tormenting him, after a while he came to understand that he was actually thinking about himself.

In fact, he has always been grateful in his heart, but at that time, he was so miserable that he only had the motivation to continue by cursing. Only now did he finally say what he had hidden for a long time.

"Don't take it to heart, just think of it as compensation for me occupying your resources for more than ten years." Yang Yan said with a smile but not a smile, "You don't have to be reluctant, His Majesty will hire me to serve as a tutor for the palace guards, and we will see each other often in the future. of."

Zuo Yangyi shuddered suddenly. Unexpectedly, he still couldn't escape from his clutches. The previous feeling of reluctance dissipated instantly. He said "Oh——" with a blank face, not knowing what to say. expressions to express your feelings.

"You seem to be happy?" Yang Yan opened his eyes and lied, "Then I'll be relieved."

Which eye did you see that I was happy? Zuo Yangyi has dead fish eyes.

But then he thought with pleasure, since he was teaching the guards, he was training all the guards, right? Knowing that he was not the only one being drilled, I didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore.

Probably because it was interesting to see his expression change, Yang Yan was amused and chuckled, and comforted him in a rare way: "The level of those guards is not as high as yours now, and the training intensity will not be greater than yours before. If you perform well, you may even be able to become an assistant coach, which will be of great benefit to your future. Work hard, young man."

"Thank you so much." Zuo Yangyi said through gritted teeth. If the gloating in his eyes hadn't been too obvious, he might have actually believed his lies.

When he first started training, he once said that this intensity was just an appetizer, but the result was that he just exceeded his limit every time, forcing him to break through himself again and again.

Do you think you can feel more relaxed now that you have someone weak with you? He had such naive thoughts when the prince was training with him, but this guy actually came up with targeted training...

He didn't think about it anymore, but when he thought about it, he burst into tears. The only joy he looked forward to was that when others were tortured to the point of breaking down and crying, he could watch the joke as a person who had been through it.

It's so humble.

"It's time, goodbye." Zuo Yangyi turned around indifferently, crying in her heart. It would be nice if this "goodbye" could last longer, but the Holy Father only allowed him three days' leave.

"Wait a minute," Yang Yan stopped the person, handed him a box, and said, "I didn't attend when you got married. This is a gift given to you. I wish you two a happy marriage. old."

Zuo Yangyi's face turned dark, she knocked the box out and shouted in a low voice: "What the hell do you mean? Are you kidding me?"

"Why did you say that?" Yang Yan slowly took back his empty hand.

"Su Laosi! I am grateful that you brought me into the palace to practice and plan my future, but it does not mean that I can let you humiliate me." Zuo Yangyi almost jumped up as if he had been stabbed in the foot.

"The person Qin Yun wants to marry is you, a talented man who is famous in the capital, instead of me, a vulgar and ignorant farmer who was raised by a peasant woman. You come here to bless us. What are you thinking about?"

"The idioms are used well. It seems that I haven't learned them in vain during this period." Yang Yan looked at him coldly, "But what does it mean to be 'raised by a peasant woman'? Do you look down on your mother?"

"That's not what I meant. Don't change your mind!" Zuo Yangyi said angrily, "It's the people in the capital who look down on me. They say I'm vulgar and rude, that I've been neglected, that I don't deserve to be on the stage, and that I The mud won’t stick to the wall…”

Hearing those comments, he felt sad, but Mr. Hou's father only cared about his face and forced him to study and learn etiquette all day long. Mrs. Hou would just tell him not to take it to heart and then teach him how to do it. To please my father.

The servants in the mansion were respectful to him on the surface, but they didn't know how to laugh at him behind the scenes. The so-called friends they made were all because of his current status, so that he could be generous with money.

Although he was well-dressed and well-fed, living a wealthy life that he had never dared to imagine before, he was not happy. He felt sad that he had no one to whom he could express his grievances, and even the wife he married had someone else in mind.

Zuo Yangyi didn't know why, but the person in front of him was supposed to be against him, but at this time he couldn't help but pour out all the feelings he had suppressed for two years, like a flood that couldn't be stopped.

Yang Yan's understanding of his life after returning to Jinshouhou Mansion was limited to what the original owner read in the storybook. After all, he was just a cannon fodder supporting role, and the book would not describe it in such detail.

He only knew that he had been ridiculed by others, his father didn't like him, and his mother who cared for him passed away within a few years. After that, he was deprived of his position as the heir apparent, and only received a small amount of family property and was divided out of the house.

There was some mention in the book about the bad relationship between him and his wife, but it only talked about that although he did not have a concubine room, he fooled around in a romantic place all day long. The reason for the discord between the two was not mentioned, but it turned out that there was still something wrong between them. Have your own business.

"Who told you that Mrs. Zuo admires me?" Yang Yan said helplessly, "I have never even seen her face before. At that time, marriage discussions were all decided by the elders of the two parents. What both parties valued was family background. As for getting married, It doesn’t matter whether that person is me or you.”

"Don't think I don't understand," Zuo Yangyi was not comforted by his words. "Although aristocratic marriages value family background, they do not ignore individuals. If we are wrong and find out that before the marriage discussion, Nanxiang Marquis The government doesn’t like me at all!”

Seeing the aggrieved look on his face, Yang Yan actually laughed out loud.

Zuo Yangyi: "!" I'm about to explode!

Seeing that he was on the verge of explosion, Yang Yan withdrew his smile in time: "If you are willing to embarrass yourself with non-existent assumptions, then continue to get into trouble!"

"Anyway, you are the one who will suffer in the end, and Mrs. Zuo, who married you by chance, just fulfilled the wishes of those villains who sow discord and only want to see jokes."

"But please don't blame me for this in the future. It was already miserable enough for me to be the one who was abandoned. I don't want to become someone else's laughing matter."

After saying what he said, he waved his hand impatiently and said "Go away". Then, without waiting for his reaction, he pushed the wheelchair into the inner room and closed the door heavily, as if he didn't bother to talk to an idiot. look like.

Zuo Yangyi was not untouched. Thinking back carefully, it seemed that he didn't have much feeling when he first learned about the marriage.

Later, he often heard the servants talking quietly behind his back, and then he gradually became more and more resistant. Until when he got married, he saw the cold expression on his newlywed wife's face, and subconsciously thought that she was unwilling to marry him.

But in fact, these were just his own conjectures. He had never tried to verify what Qin Yun was thinking, and he simply ignored her and refused to give her a chance to get close.

Zuo Yangyi thought seriously and left the palace with worries. The emperor only gave him the decree and did not notify the prince's mansion, so no one came to pick him up outside the palace. Fortunately, the prince lent him a horse, so he didn't have to walk back to the palace. .

But he never expected that he would be unable to enter the house.

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