Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 297 The True and False Prince 14

Zhang Laizi was not a tough guy to begin with. When the county magistrate heard that an official had been victimized, he rushed over overnight to seize the person. Before he could finish the killing blow, he started to attack with snot flowing from his nose.

According to his confession, the government officials went to the town to pick up the person, but unfortunately the inn was already empty. After comparing the name of the person's place of origin registered when he checked in, he found that it was completely false. The clue was cut off, and he could only vaguely find out about his approximate name. It's from the capital.

The county magistrate couldn't find anything more, so he came to apologize tremblingly. Yang Yan had already expected this result, and was not angry. After a little comfort, he went to Beijing to cry to the emperor.

In the past six months, the prince's knowledge and knowledge have greatly improved under his guidance. The most important thing is that the physical problem that the emperor has been worried about has also been solved.

Today's prince is no longer as ill as he was before. Although he is still not as strong as ordinary people, he has improved significantly, and he can expect to live a long life if he continues.

The emperor had long since put away his initial contempt for the young man, and was only waiting for a suitable opportunity to confer him the title of Taifu. Now that he heard that a minister he valued was almost killed under his nose, he was immediately furious and ordered the Ministry of Punishment to punish him. Investigate the matter.

The level of the Ministry of Punishment is naturally not comparable to that of a small county magistrate. Zuo Yangan was already suppressed by the original owner in the past, and it was only after he left the government in the past two years that he was able to breathe and gather some support around him.

However, his manpower was good at dealing with flexible people like the Su family before, but they were not enough in the eyes of the people in the Criminal Department, and they were caught out in less than three days.

Even the fact that he hired someone to tamper with the carriage, causing the original owner to fall off a cliff and break his leg, and bribed a doctor to deliberately distort the bones and cause the person to be disabled, are all coming to light.

Although Zuo Yang'an was a concubine of the Hou family, he was still a white man. He was convicted of murdering an imperial official, quickly completed the process, and was sentenced to exile at the border.

The emperor was paying attention to this matter, and Jin Shouhou didn't even dare to change the situation for him. Instead, he came to find his adopted son who was a slave owner out of love for his son. However, Yang Yan gave him two choices. One was to admit his son. He saved his son from the crime of lax parenting, and secondly, he interceded with the emperor on his behalf to suppress the imperial censor's interference with him.

He entered the official position under the influence of his ancestors, and he managed to reach the third rank after working in the court for many years. He has no irreplaceable talents. If he is really accused of being lax in educating his children, his official position may be revoked. With his There is no possibility of recovery after the age.

After hearing this, Marquis Jin Shou left without saying a word and never came to see him again. The choice he made can be imagined. Compared with one of his several sons, his own official career was of course more important.

A month later, Zuo Yang'an was escorted to the border. The Marquis of Jinshou had already removed him when he was convicted. From then on, his prosperity and wealth had nothing to do with him. He could only earn a meager income through heavy labor to survive.

It's just that the disappearance of a concubine from the Hou family did not stir up any waves in the capital of Nuoda. Now people are paying attention to the once most talented person in the capital. The genius who they thought had fallen has actually entered the emperor's palace quietly. In the end, he became the lecturer of the East Palace and returned strongly.

Although his official position is not high in the capital, which is full of distinguished officials, it is known that the emperor attaches great importance to his only son, and as a person close to the prince, he can get justice for him personally from the emperor. This alone is enough. It attracted people's attention.

As soon as Yang Yan bought a good house in the city, people came to send gifts and congratulations in an endless stream. The reclusive dog who was once secretly laughed at became a new rich man who was fawned over by everyone.

Qin Shuiyao couldn't believe her ears when she heard about this. Where did this Su Yangyan get such great ability? He revealed his life experience in advance and intercepted the rescue effort, but he failed to stop his Qingyun Road.

Mrs. Hou of Nanxiang didn't know what her daughter was thinking, and was still laughing at her stepdaughter's lack of luck: "At the beginning, out of good intentions, I suggested that since the original person I was talking about was Su Yangyan, I asked the Marquis to marry her to him. Don't let anyone say that Our family dislikes poverty and loves wealth.”

"At that time, the Marquis even reprimanded me, saying that the poor boy was not worthy of the Marquis's legitimate daughter, and he refused to agree to it, life or death. What is this called now? Things are changing, who would have expected that a boy with no foundation could actually have such a good life? Such a great blessing?"

"On the other hand, I think the heir apparent of the Jin Shouhou Mansion is becoming more and more disgraceful. A good gentleman went to work as a second-class bodyguard, but he is so much shorter than the eldest son who was born in a farmer's family. Your father is probably a weakling now. I'm sorry."

Qin Shuiyao was too lazy to answer her words. She knew her mother very well in two lifetimes. It was rare for her stepmother and stepchildren to get along truly harmoniously. Her mother was not that generous. The reason why there was no incident in their family that Mrs. Yuan was treated harshly. The matter of mates was all due to the close attention that father paid to Qin Yunxin, his brother and sister.

Seeing that her stepdaughter's marriage was frustrated and she was in a dilemma, it was too late for her mother to see the joke! How could her original proposal be out of good intentions?

She didn't want Qin Yunxin to marry well and help her eldest brother, so she used the rhetoric of "dislike the poor and love the rich" to try to get rid of him. Unfortunately, her father was not that confused yet, so naturally he didn't go as she wished.

Now that the identities of Su Yangyan and Zuo Yangyi had changed, she only acted as an afterthought and tried to put money in her own face.

Mrs. Nanxiang Hou didn't know what her daughter was thinking. She smiled for a while and looked at her face to persuade: "A woman's marriage is like reincarnation for the second time. You have also seen your sister's situation. How can the second son of Prince Nan be better?" Are you serious about becoming the heir to the royal family?"

Qin Shuiyao was already upset, and when she heard her bring up this matter again, she frowned and said impatiently: "It is because of my sister's example that we should know the truth of 'don't bully the poor young'. How can mother know that the second son of the Southern King will not be better than the Prince of Cheng in the future?"

Although she has been reborn for more than ten years, she has never been able to forget the torture she suffered in the Prince of Cheng's mansion in her previous life. When she heard those words, she couldn't help but feel angry, and her tone was inevitably very aggressive.

Nanxiang Hou's wife was almost furious at her daughter's retort. She frowned and said, "Su Yangyan is just an exception. How many lucky people can there be in this world? Moreover, this one was missed."

"The second son of the Nan Wang has never been known for his talent. In the future, the Nan Wang Mansion will have a prince to inherit. He can only share three-tenths of the family property with a dozen or so brothers. How many will fall into his hands?"

Nanxiang Hou's wife was also very earnest for her daughter's plan. Pointing at her, she said, "You are enjoying the share of a legitimate daughter at home now. You eat everything exquisitely and wear luxurious clothes. Can he support you with his little family property in the future?"

Qin Shuiyao thought that he would be the king of a country in the future. If even he couldn't afford to support a woman's food and clothing, who else could?

She felt a little more comfortable thinking about it. What's the use of Su Yangyan currying favor with the prince and the emperor now? Anyway, neither of them will live long. After a few years, when they die, their lovers will take over. Then she can just whisper in their ear and deal with him.

However, this is her biggest secret, and even her biological mother cannot tell it. She just smiled and said, "How can mother know that he won't suddenly get lucky? Let's wait and see!"

Seeing that she was really determined, Nanxiang Hou's wife was puzzled: "I don't think her appearance is particularly outstanding, how can she be so obsessed with you and marry you? Did you do something good behind my back? You must not hide it from mother!"

If it was an ordinary fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, she might not understand what she meant, but Qin Shuiyao was an experienced person. She understood it with just a slight mention, and her heart began to turn.

After experiencing a lifetime, she certainly understood men. When they are emotional, they want women to become sluts, but when they think about it later, they will feel disgusted and doubt her chastity.

Therefore, although she knew that the second son of the Southern Prince would become the emperor in the future, she would definitely be affectionate and polite when getting along with him, and she would keep her duty, so as not to plant the seeds of disaster for herself.

But the Southern Prince's Mansion had been in contact for more than half a year, and her father had not given a definite answer. Her mother was also very dissatisfied with this marriage. She was really afraid that the two would force her to marry into the Cheng Palace regardless of her wishes.

If they thought she had lost her virginity, then all this would not be a problem. Her father wanted to get close to the Cheng Prince instead of making an enemy of him, and he would definitely not dare to force his daughter who had lost her virginity into the palace.

In a flash, Qin Shuiyao had already thought a lot in her mind, so when facing her mother's temptation, she did not say a word, lowered her eyes, and forced her face to turn red.

The wife of Nanxianghou was just asking out of confusion, but she didn't expect to get such a reaction from her. She immediately widened her eyes and looked incredulous: "You-you-"

She swallowed all the remaining questions back into her stomach for fear that the other side of the wall could hear her. She only pointed at her daughter and trembled with anger: "You are so good! Look at what you have done!"

Once the arrow is shot, there is no turning back. Since Qin Shuiyao made this decision, she knew that she had to bear the accusations of her parents. She knelt down softly on the ground, her shoulders twitching slightly: "Mother, I know I was wrong..."

Both mother and daughter lowered their voices very low. The little maid outside the house didn't hear anything. She just felt that the lady and the young lady were locked in the house for a longer time than usual today.

After a long time, Qin Shuiyao came out of the house. She frowned slightly, her face was normal, and her behavior did not show any abnormality, so no one suspected that anything had happened.

The wife of Nanxiang Marquis stayed in the room alone for a long time before she raised her voice and ordered, "Go and guard the gate. When you see the Marquis return home, ask him to come over."

When Nanxiang Marquis returned home from duty, the couple locked themselves in the room to discuss for a while, and the next day they went to the Nanwang Mansion together. Then it was reported that the two families had discussed and decided on something. The marriage that had been delayed for half a year was finally settled.

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