Fortunately, her son gave a negative answer, so she stopped her horrible guess, but then she became worried again. What if her son had a grudge against Rong's family because of such a rebellious woman? After all, it was her mother's family.

Yang Yan understood her worries and quickly comforted her: "Don't worry, mother, I won't blame the Rong family for this matter, but my cousin..."

"What cousin?" The queen said coldly, "How can she be worthy of being called 'cousin' by you if she dares to do such a shameful thing? This swordsman, I will never let her go easily, and the Rong family can't tolerate such a woman who ruins the family reputation!"

"I know," Yang Yan did not doubt this. As long as the people of the Rong family had no problems with their brains, they would never protect Rong Yinhua. But what he wanted to say was, "I hope that mother will agree to me, and I will deal with her personally at that time."

The original owner had three wishes, one was to prevent Shao Yangji from rebelling successfully, the second was to protect his father, mother, wife and children, and the third was about Rong Yinhua.

This kind-hearted prince hated her betrayal the most. He didn't want her to die easily. He wanted her to suffer the consequences and live in regret for the rest of her life.

"Are you still thinking about her?" The queen asked suspiciously, "My son, this woman is not even worthy of your hair. I will never allow her to get close to you again!"

"Mother, what are you thinking about?" Yang Yan didn't expect that she had misunderstood him. He was a little amused, "I have never had any romantic thoughts about her."

"Really?" The queen was skeptical.

What she feared most now was that her son had feelings for Rong Yinhua. After all, the two of them grew up together. Thinking that this was caused by her wanting to pull her family back, she regretted it so much that her intestines turned green.

"Mother," Yang Yan explained, "Now I have determined that Shao Yangji intends to rebel. Since she colluded with him, she has betrayed us. I just want to deal with her personally and make her suffer."

"Okay, I'll do as you say." The queen suppressed her doubts and agreed. Anyway, she would send someone to keep an eye on it. If the prince was soft-hearted, she would do the evil again.

Knowing that her son had been prepared for a long time, she was relieved and called her confidant to make some arrangements to prevent the chaos outside from disturbing the harem. After that, she continued to guard the Xianzhuang Palace.

As the prince, Yang Yan still had many affairs to deal with, and the court officials also wanted him to come forward to appease them. Seeing that the emperor was still being treated, he had to entrust this place to his mother, and went back to the prince's palace to take care of it and then went to meet the court officials.

Since Emperor Zhengrui was in his prime, no one expected that he would be so seriously ill, so the people who served him did not deliberately conceal it at the beginning. As a result, everyone in the court knew that the emperor was ill, and it was said that he was seriously ill.

For a time, everyone was worried. Originally, the morning court was cancelled today, but many ministers still came and lingered until now.

Since it could not be concealed, Yang Yan simply told the emperor that he was very ill. Of course, he did not say anything about the discovery of the poisoner and the acupuncture of the imperial physician. It was not known whether there were people from Shaoyangji among the court officials. Now that there was insufficient evidence, he could not arrest anyone and should not alarm the snake.

The ministers had some spies in the palace, but now that the prince had admitted it himself, they instantly realized that the emperor's illness might be more serious than they imagined. For a time, they all showed worry. They said that the emperor would be blessed by heaven, but they flattered him more than before.

After all, if the emperor can't make it, the prince will be the new emperor they need to serve in the future.

Yang Yan knew the reason for their change of attitude, and did not become flattered. He properly expressed his worries about his father's serious illness and then discussed political affairs with them.

The original owner had been involved in political affairs as early as the age of sixteen. Although he had never tried to be independent, he was familiar with the domestic policies. Yang Yan himself had managed a large enterprise with tens of thousands of employees, so he got used to these things quickly.

The ministers originally focused more on the emperor's serious illness and the prince's possible access to the throne soon, but slowly found that they could not keep up with his thoughts when they were distracted.

For a while, no one dared to think more, and concentrated all their minds on discussing political affairs. Gradually, they forgot about those trivial matters and immersed themselves in it. In the end, they still felt a little unfinished at the end.

I didn't expect that the glory of the emperor would be overshadowed by such a dazzling brilliance. The little talent shown by the prince alone showed that he was definitely a wise ruler!

All the ministers looked at him with a cautious look. Some ministers who were loyal to the emperor were even so excited that tears welled up in their eyes. As for those who had their own plans, they would probably think more before making a decision after this.

Yang Yan took in everyone's expressions, waved his hand and told everyone to disperse, and then left first.

When he returned to Xian'an Palace, he found that the atmosphere here was more solemn than before he left. He knew that something must have happened. Sure enough, someone soon came forward to report that the emperor had woken up.

However, although he woke up, because the silver needle stayed in the acupuncture points of the brain for too long, it still caused severe stroke symptoms. Now his limbs are numb, his mouth is crooked, his eyes are slanted, and he can't speak. Only his eyeballs can move to express emotions.

"Father," Yang Yan strode into the bedroom, sat beside the dragon bed, stroked the emperor's hand and comforted him, "Don't worry, the imperial physician will definitely cure you."

After seeing him, Emperor Zhengrui's eyes rolled violently several times, and he made a "ho~ho~" sound. Although it was hard to tell what he wanted to say, the suspicion in his eyes was clearly revealed.

Yang Yan was stunned for a moment, but he was not surprised. He had thought about it before. Logically, he was the biggest beneficiary of the emperor's accident. Many people who didn't know would guess that he was the one who did it.

He just felt sorry for the original owner. The young man lost most of his soul power, became weak, and had bad luck for several lifetimes in exchange for him to turn the tide. The wish he left behind also included protecting his father.

But when the emperor learned that he was being plotted against, he first suspected him. If the original owner was still alive, he would not know how sad he would be!

Not wanting the original owner to become a person who would do anything for power in the eyes of his respected father, Yang Yan leaned down and whispered what he had discovered.

Although he did not explicitly doubt his second brother, the emperor himself linked him to the deputy commander of the imperial guards when he mentioned that he had been the guard of the deposed prince and that the imperial physician who harmed him was related to the Xiao family.

Evidence is sometimes only presented to outsiders, but now Emperor Zhengrui believed his words without any need for them, and the anger in his eyes was about to turn into substance.

People who have suffered a stroke should not have too much emotional fluctuation. Yang Yan comforted him to calm him down a little, and asked the imperial physician to check him. Seeing that his condition had not worsened, he mentioned the next plan to him.

"The man behind the scenes used such a cruel method on my father, but on the surface he covered it up as a serious illness. I think there should be a backup plan next. I want to ask my father to play a show together to lure him out and catch him in one fell swoop."

The emperor blinked his eyes quickly, and it was unknown whether he agreed or disagreed.

Yang Yan thought for a moment and said, "If you agree, please blink once. If you disagree, please blink twice. Do you understand? If you understand, please blink once."

The emperor blinked quickly, and then held his eyes without moving.

Yang Yan said again, "I plan to lie to the outside world about your father's death so as to draw out all the people in the dark. Do you agree?"

The emperor's eyes were wide open, and his eyelashes were trembling rapidly. It can be seen that he was struggling with his conscience.

This is not difficult to understand. He was probably afraid that his son would make a real play and really kill him so that he could ascend the throne.

But he didn't think about it. If Yang Yan really wanted to kill him, why would he spend so much effort to save him before? Even the silver needle in his brain was discovered by the imperial physician only after Yang Yan reminded him, right?

But Emperor Zhengrui didn't hesitate for too long. He probably understood the current situation. Whether he agreed or not, he couldn't stop his prince from doing anything.

He blinked hard once, and then waited for a long time before blinking again. Yang Yan knew that he agreed, so he comforted him again, and asked the imperial physician to treat him as much as possible, and then slowly left the room.

The queen was waiting outside the room. Her eyes were red, and it was obvious that she had just cried. Although she acted sad, Yang Yan knew that she was definitely not as sad as she appeared.

Sure enough, after turning her back to people, the pain she pretended to be was instantly retracted, and she showed a little joy.

"The doctor said that your father's chances of recovery are very low," the queen tried her best not to laugh out loud, but the corners of her mouth kept rising, "Although his life is not in danger, I'm afraid he will have to spend the rest of his life in bed, and he won't even be able to hold a pen or speak clearly."

That is to say, Emperor Zhengrui will definitely not be able to be the emperor. An emperor who can't attend court, can't review memorials, and can't discuss state affairs with court officials has completely lost his role. Even the most loyal people can't convince themselves to continue to support him.

Fortunately, she agreed to her son's soft-hearted approach before. Now her son not only doesn't have to bear the debt of conscience for not saving his biological father, but also can get what he wants. Even God is helping them!

"Mother," Yang Yan said helplessly, "There are only two of us here. If you want to laugh, laugh!"

It's scary to want to laugh but hold it back, and your face is twisted, isn't it?

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