In this life, Yang Yan lived to the age of ninety-nine. Before he felt that his life was about to end, he gave the last lesson to all the teachers and students in the school. He waited until he returned to the lounge before closing his eyes and passing away.

He never got married in his life, but he had students all over the world who were taught by him. Countless people came to see him off at the funeral, which was not deserted at all.

The Su family later developed into a wealthy family because of the four Jinshi brothers, and with his legacy, they would be worry-free for at least a hundred or two hundred years.

After being separated from his heavy body, Yang Yan did not directly enter the next world as before, but took a rest in the void space. Even if his soul was strong, he would feel tired if he kept spinning.

When he wakes up from sedation, he will feel a sense of smoothness throughout his soul and body. Those experiences and emotions in various worlds have settled down. Although he remembers them, they will no longer affect him in the slightest.

"Tianzun Tianzun," Guangtong Xiaoyi jumped up and down in front of him, "The master contacted me. She asked Tianzun how many soul fragments he still has not recovered."

Yang Yan looked inwards at the soul and replied after a moment: "There is still about an arm's worth."

"Ah!" Xiao Yi buried his head in calculations for a long time, and then said with great sympathy, "Does Tian Zun still have to go through ten or twenty worlds to gather his soul? It's so hard!"

Yang Yan laughed, and flicked it out with a slight movement of his fingers. Then, ignoring its exclamations and whispers, he stood up and entered a new world.


As soon as he possessed the new body, before Yang Yan had time to receive the memory, a piercing alarm sounded in his ears. He opened his eyes suddenly and was surprised to find that he was lying in a narrow cabin.

If it weren't for the soft light that appeared in front of him when he opened his eyes, he would have thought that his body in this world had died and was now put in a coffin.

"Warning, warning, the spacecraft is damaged, emergency escape plan is activated, the life capsule is about to pop up, passengers please relax and don't be nervous, countdown: 10, 9..."

Seeing that he seemed to be in no danger for the time being, Yang Yan closed his eyes and decided to fuse the memory of the original owner first to understand his situation.

This is a future world that he has never been to. More than three thousand years ago, humankind's technological level reached a new height, and the dream of traveling among the stars was finally realized.

Since then, mankind has entered the interstellar age, and the calendar was changed to the star calendar that year. Just like the Age of Discovery, mankind has traveled around the interstellar space and occupied planets with resources one after another.

Everything went very smoothly at the beginning. Human beings did not encounter aliens who had been wary of technological advances far beyond their own, nor did they find any creatures that could rival them.

But just as everyone was gradually relaxing their vigilance, about a thousand years ago, a creature that was later named an interstellar beast appeared out of the sky.

They don't know their origins, but they appear suddenly in space. They are huge and about thirty meters long, and their eight legs are equipped with sharp claws, which can easily tear apart the shell of a starship.

Moreover, their weapons are particularly strong. Few of the weapons loaded on the starships can cause harm to them. At first, humans were caught off guard. Dozens of spaceships and starships were destroyed by the claws of the alien beasts. The people inside All become their food.

Fortunately, there were not many interstellar alien beasts at that time. Humanity united and tried their best to eliminate them. They also obtained the remains for research and created mechas that could rival them.

Since the advent of mechas, the interstellar alien beasts were restrained for a time, but the good times did not last long, and soon humans discovered that their appearance began to appear more frequently.

As the number of interstellar alien beasts increased, humans united to form a federation in order to survive, formed a federal army, and opened military academies. Every year, they invested a lot of manpower and material resources to train soldiers.

The original owner, Si Yangyan, had just been admitted to a military academy and was sitting on a starship heading to the campus. From his memory, he learned that he was born in an ordinary family. What was extraordinary was that he was born with an extraordinary physique.

People in the interstellar era have used technology to the extreme. A substance called transformation fluid can strengthen people's physique and extend their life span. Normal people today can live to be 300 years old.

Moreover, the strengthened body is very strong. Nowadays, people rarely get sick. Ordinary sharp objects cannot even scratch the skin. They are so strong that they can easily break mountains and split rocks with their hands. They can persist even in an environment without oxygen. half an hour.

That is still the state of ordinary people. Like the original owner, who was born with a super strong physique. After taking the transformation fluid and forging it, the strength of the body can reach a terrifying level. Even the sharp claws of the interstellar beasts can barely resist for a while. ,two.

Therefore, he was taken seriously as soon as he entered the military academy. Everything went smoothly at first. The original owner had a cheerful and generous personality and made many friends. The four major legions also extended an olive branch to him.

If there are no accidents, after all, he will choose to join a legion and fight on the front line against interstellar alien beasts. If he survives, he will either wait until he retires when he is older, or he will gain honor and enter the top. Even if he unfortunately dies in battle, he will still be a hero of mankind. , will be written on a monument and respected by others.

However, he did not wait for rescue during a difficult battle, and finally came back with a narrow escape, only to find that he had been labeled as a radical who arrogantly entered and dragged down his comrades, and was about to face a military trial.

He originally hoped that the friend he had pushed out for help when the war first started would testify for him, but he didn't expect that person to testify in court, confirming his guilt.

The original owner escaped on the way to prison, and then became a wanted criminal and was chased by the entire alliance. Those people kept biting him to death, and finally, with no way out, he drove his spaceship into the turbulence of the asteroid and died.

He never understood why his friend suddenly betrayed him. It was not until he saw a novel after his death that he realized that the world he lived in was also a novel in the eyes of some people, and he was supposed to be the male protagonist of this book. The good friend who showed kindness to him from the first meeting was just a cannon fodder.

However, that person traveled from his own world to theirs and replaced the identity of the cannon fodder. He wanted to be the protagonist, so he naturally had to step on himself, the original protagonist.

Yang Yan quickly integrated the original owner's memory, and then found that something was wrong. Whether it was the original novel or the plot changed by the book man after he came, he did not encounter any accidents on the way to the military academy and arrived smoothly.

But now the spaceship he was on was damaged. Although the future is not immutable, and a slight difference may cause a big change, he had just arrived in this world and had not done anything yet, so this change was definitely not caused by him.

Then who or what would affect the process? Yang Yan knocked on the bulkhead and felt a little interested.

Soon he knew the reason why the spaceship he was on was damaged. He saw a spaceship with a huge wasp pattern painted on the shell, which was circling the passenger ship and bombarding it repeatedly, and it was broken into pieces in a few hits.

Yang Yan, who had the memory of the original owner, immediately recognized the identity of the enemy. They were star pirates who wandered in the interstellar space and made a living by robbing. Their symbol should be a giant bee group.

But the strange thing is that when you encounter star pirates, as long as you don't fight them hard and give up the property in the spaceship, they will let you go. After all, their purpose is to make money. Except for some who like to kill, most of them are unwilling to offend the public and attract the regular army to be chased and beaten.

But now the people of the Giant Bee Group obviously did not intend to let them go. He had seen that after the spaceship was severely damaged, the space pirates turned around and began to retrieve the life capsule that was ejected.

Seeing that they were trying to break the hatch in space, it was obvious that they did not want to take them as hostages, but wanted to take their lives.

In a flash, a hook had been attached to the life capsule where Yang Yan was. Almost instantly, he was dragged to the side of the space pirate ship with the capsule. A man in protective clothing jumped out of it, raised a laser gun and cut towards the hatch.

As the last line of defense for humans in space, the life capsule is very difficult to damage. It can even withstand the impact of asteroids. However, the switch at the hatch is the weak point of the entire cabin.

In less than a minute, the switch was damaged, and the hatch bounced open. The Giant Bee Group pirates showed a ferocious murderous intent on their faces behind the transparent armor, raised the particle gun and prepared to kill the people inside.

However, Yang Yan turned over with force on his waist at the moment when he raised the gun. The green light passed by him and fell on the empty lifeboat behind him. The things inside turned into ashes and only an empty shell remained.

Before the star pirate could react, he had raised his fist high and punched him hard in the chest. The strengthened body could not withstand his seemingly ordinary punch.

The disdainful expression on the star pirate's face was instantly replaced by pain. The gun in his hand floated in the air without being able to hold it. He covered his collapsed chest with both hands. Blood came out of his seven orifices and quickly filled the transparent mask.

After throwing that punch, Yang Yan did not look at him again. He lightly touched him with his toes and shot at another star pirate like an arrow with the help of this thrust. He still solved it with one punch and continued to pounce on the next one.

The dozen or so pirates who left the spaceship soon died. They were hung on the spaceship by long ropes like sausages hanging in the sun, floating in space. They didn't understand until they died why their protective clothing, which could resist some swords and guns, was like paper in front of this killer.

"Close the hatch, don't let him in!" The situation outside was discovered by the pirate leader, and he gave the order in a panic.

However, it was too late at this time. Yang Yan went in at the last moment before the hatch was closed. Facing a circle of pirates holding weapons around him, his mouth curled slightly, indicating that the killing officially began.

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