On the other side, Xu Zhengyang was also curious about his friend's attitude: "Sanhuo, when you talk like that, are you too, uh... too arrogant?"

Judging from my recent interactions with him, he is not that arrogant. When he met other people before, he behaved in a low-key and polite manner, but why did he directly attack them just now?

"Isn't what I said the truth?" Yang Yan raised his eyebrows and said, "Both of us have killed more than a hundred strange beasts, and the eight of them together only have a hundred. How can we be so shameless?" To show off in front of me?”

"It seems so..." Xu Zhengyang thought that he couldn't understand the attitude of those people. He thought that when the leader reported the number of strange beasts they had captured, the people behind him looked so proud. I also thought it was a bit funny. If they knew about their friend's record, I don't know how shocked they would be.

The other party didn't do anything excessive. He just made a few remarks and then completely forgot about the group of people. The two of them continued their experience without being affected at all.

A more correct statement is that Xu Zhengyang felt that he was the only one who came to practice, while Si Yangyan came more to play. Whenever he encountered a strange beast, he would fight it alone, and he would Watching a show nearby.

However, he did not feel dissatisfied because of this, but was very grateful. He had seen his friends fight against the alien beasts, overwhelming them with absolute strength. If he wanted to, he would not even have a chance to fight against them.

The military academy will arrange such experiences, firstly, to let them understand what they will face in the future, and if they can't stand it, they will have the opportunity to quit; secondly, to see their potential, so that they can carry out targeted training in the future. .

If you really don't give him a chance to perform, it will really ruin his future. But now he can not only improve himself while fighting against strange beasts, but he also doesn't have to worry about his life being in danger when someone is raiding the formation beside him.

The only bad thing is that the psychological pressure is a bit high. He is fighting to death here, but he is leisurely and leisurely over there. The contrast is too strong. Xu Zhengyang feels like he has eaten a big box of lemons every day.

Fortunately, these days are coming to an end. There are still three days before the end of military training. Yang Yan's transmitter on his waist sends a notification, telling everyone to be ready to leave.

"Finally we can leave!" Xu Zhengyang's own transmitter had been destroyed by the alien beast. After hearing the news from his report, he immediately beamed with joy, "It's really not a human life on the deserted star. After I go back, I have to first Take a hot bath, eat a good meal, and sleep for three days and three nights!”

"It sounds like when did I starve you?" Yang Yan didn't feel too much. Although they had to do everything by themselves on this planet, there was no shortage of abundant resources.

"That's not true. Thank you Sanhuo for your support and care." Xu Zhengyang said with a smile, "The main reason is that I have been here for three whole months and my nerves have to be tense at any time. It is really tiring. I can relax when I go back. Relax a bit.”

Yang Yan saw that although his body was much stronger, his eyes were slightly green and black, and he was indeed quite haggard. He reflected on himself and silently cast a spell to isolate the aura on his body.

They didn't encounter any strange beasts in the next three days. Xu Zhengyang didn't know that any of his friends had moved his hands or feet. He was amazed for a long time and sighed that the strange beasts were also very sensible. They knew they were leaving and didn't bother them.

Yang Yan just smiled faintly at this, hiding his merit and fame.

There were still a few hours until the time for the spaceship to pick them up. The two of them sat together relaxedly, chatting and laughing, discussing what they would do after returning to school. Of course, Xu Zhengyang mainly talked and Yang Yan listened.

When he was talking enthusiastically, Xu Zhengyang suddenly looked up and saw a group of people walking towards them. The leader looked slightly familiar and was looking at them with a very strange look. To be more precise, he was looking at them. It’s the friends around me.

It's hard to describe the emotion in that look. Although it only passed for a fleeting moment, he could feel that it couldn't be called kindness, and he suddenly became vigilant.

Yang Yan had long noticed that someone was coming. Seeing that his body was tensed, he turned his head along his line of sight. When he saw the person, he understood immediately. Then he put his hand on his shoulder and comforted him: "It's okay. There's nothing he can do."

Just a word with a calm tone, but Xu Zhengyang felt strangely relieved, and his tense muscles slowly relaxed, but he was still secretly on guard.

"Meet you two again, we are really destined!" Wei Cang seemed not to notice that he and others were unwelcome, and walked over to say hello with a smile.

Xu Zhengyang found that there were more people following him, almost twenty people. Several of them had met them before and wanted to act with them, but they were rejected by their friends.

"It's quite fate," Yang Yan looked at him expressionlessly, "At this time, everyone is waiting on the spot to prepare to return. You are still interested in wandering around, wouldn't we just meet him?"

Although the words didn't say anything, they always sounded strange and strange, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Wei Cang still looked gentle on his face, but he was confused in his heart. Is the male protagonist also reborn? If not, his personality seems to be very different from his previous life, but if so, shouldn't he be filled with hatred when he sees himself?

Even if he wanted to take revenge and held back temporarily, he should have pretended to relax his vigilance first, and then give him a head-on blow after gaining his trust. How could he act so coldly, as if he didn't want to talk to him at all?

Unsure of the situation for a moment, Wei Cang could only continue to talk to him, trying to find out whether he had those memories, but he blocked them all indifferently, which made him even more confused.

People on the same team didn't know that he had other motives. They just saw that he kept putting his hot face on others' cold buttocks. Some people suddenly became unhappy: "You are so arrogant! Brother Wei is talking to you to give you face. What do you mean by looking like that?"

Yang Yan also has teammates. Before he can speak, Xu Zhengyang has already stepped forward: "Is there any law that stipulates that when you talk to others, others must greet you warmly? If you are unhappy, don't talk to our brother Yan. Talk to me!”

Usually when I get along with my friends, I always call him by my own nickname, but now I have to call him by his own nickname just to make him look good, which is quite smooth.

"You kid is looking for death!"

"I have to give you some color today!"

One sentence was like poking a hornet's nest, and the people on the opposite side instantly shouted and surrounded the two of them.

Xu Zhengyang was not afraid at all. He squinted at those people with his eyes raised: "Come if you have the guts! I want to see what colors you can show us!"

He was not guilty at all. His little friend was a ruthless man who could smash alien beasts with his fists until they howled. Even if they were surrounded by three or four beasts, they would all be knocked away with one punch. Although there were many people in front of him, he really didn't think he could. become a threat.

Now, the people on Wei Cang's side were a bit stuck. Longteng Military Academy prohibited internal fighting. Even if they were freshmen, they knew this. After all, some people had been expelled for fighting before.

Their original intention was to scare the two of them. Most people would have surrendered if they were surrounded by ten times more people. As long as they apologized, it would be fine, but they were so stubborn.

It is not easy to get into the military academy, not to mention that they have just survived the entrance military training known as the devil's training. It is really not worthwhile to be kicked out of the school for a few words.

But Xu Zhengyang looked so irritating, as if he was convinced that they would not dare to take action. His eyes were full of disdain and contempt, and his hatred level was full.

"Damn! Even if I drop out of school today, I still want to teach you a lesson!" However, the young man was so angry that some people couldn't help it. A baby-faced boy roared and raised his fist, trying to charge over.

Xu Zhengyang started to fight without fear, but the fight did not break out in the end. Wei Cang reached out in time to stop him.

"Brother Wei, don't stop me," Baby Face said unconvinced, "This kid deserves a beating, I have to teach him a lesson today!"

"Haha!" Xu Zhengyang sneered, "It's not certain who will beat whom. Who can't tell lies?"

"What the fuck!" Babyface was really about to explode with anger now, and threw himself at him with all his strength, but thanks to Wei Cang's strength, he didn't succeed.

"Don't be impulsive Yu Jie!" He suppressed the person with force, and stopped others who were about to move, and said, "I appreciate everyone's kindness, but have you ever thought about it, if you are kicked out of the military academy for standing up for me? How guilty will I feel if I lose my future? How can I have the nerve to continue to stay in school?”

The baby-faced Yu Jie didn't listen and was still struggling. He lowered his voice and said in his ear: "Now our every move is being watched by the school. Maybe they just want to tempt us to take the lead. Do you really want to do it?" You just fell into their trap.”

Yu Jie immediately calmed down after hearing this, gritted his teeth and said, "How insidious!"

Wei Cang let go of his hand, patted his shoulder, and whispered: "It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. If you see that they are unhappy, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. There is no need to involve yourself now."

Yu Jie understood what he meant, nodded, and had no intention of doing anything again, but he looked at the two of them with a sinister look in his eyes, thinking that he would find a place where no one could see him and teach them a lesson.

Wei Cang said something more to persuade the others to stop, and then he apologized to the two of them with some embarrassment: "I just wanted to make friends with you, but I didn't expect that I made you feel disgusted. I'm really sorry."

He acted very sincerely, but he didn't know that all his words that he thought were quiet enough were heard by Yang Yan. He only had two words in his heart at this time: Haha!

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