Seeing that he was still arrogant, the star thieves completely lost their patience. The captain gave an order and aimed their artillery fire at the cockpit of the small spacecraft, preparing to give him some color.

It seems that the arrogant young master was so frightened and begged for mercy after seeing the artillery explosion in front of his eyes, and then respectfully opened the connector to welcome them in.

The star thieves all had joking smiles on their faces. They were so ignorant that they wasted ammunition. When they caught him, they would make the young master suffer a lot, and the ransom they asked for would have to be doubled. OK!

However, after the cannonballs were fired, the imagined severe damage to the spacecraft did not happen. Their attacks were like water dripping into the sea, without even a splash, and they disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"What's going on?" The captain's smile froze on his face, and he looked questioningly at the deputy next to him. The man waved his hands repeatedly and said, "I just checked this morning and there is nothing wrong with the weapon."

"Old, boss..."

At this time, a weak voice came from behind, and the captain returned impatiently, only to see a group of men with frightened faces, trembling fingers pointing forward, and stammering: "It, it, it changes, it changes..."

The captain couldn't wait for him to express himself clearly, and turned his head sharply, and then his expression became as if he had seen a ghost. He looked no better than his men.

I saw that the inconspicuous little spacecraft had transformed into a huge steel monster, and the original cabin turned into its head, which only accounted for less than one-tenth of the whole body. I don’t know what the torso, hands and feet were before. Hidden somewhere.

Just now, the star thieves ignored other people's spaceships because they were small, but now it has become several times larger than theirs. With its tall figure standing there, their spaceship looks like a human toy. Same.

The overly handsome young man sat in the giant's head and looked at them coldly through the transparent cover. His eyes seemed to say: "You are dead!"

The captain subconsciously pressed the weapon launch button, and the shells poured out for a while, but unfortunately it did not cause any damage to the opponent.

This time they saw clearly that it was not that there was something wrong with their weapons, but that the fired shells seemed to have hit an invisible shield and were absorbed by that shield!

Cold sweat suddenly ran down the foreheads of the star thieves.

"Gulu——" At this time, he had sobered up. A man with half of his face covered with long scars swallowed hard and said in a trembling voice, "Do you still remember the news that was circulated on the dark web recently? ”

"I heard that a small spaceship appeared a few years ago. It looks ordinary, but its force value is terrifyingly high. I don't know how it got into enmity. It is specifically trying to fight against us star thieves."

"Every one of the Star Thieves who have bumped into his hands over the years has failed. Could it be that the legendary Star Thief Terminator we encountered was right?"

If Yang Yan heard what he said, he would definitely feel that he was wronged. He had never taken the initiative to hunt down the star thief, right? Every time it was like today. The star thieves he met thought he was easy to bully and wanted to rob him. Wasn't he allowed to resist?

However, when the first shot was fired, the star thieves of the Gust Group were the first to cut off the communication, in order to appreciate the way the other party was frightened by the gunfire and wanted to surrender but could not contact them and regretted it.

But they didn't expect that they were the ones who were frightened now. Of course they had all seen the news, but because there was no image, no detailed description, just such a short sentence, most of them were skeptical. .

Now after listening to the words of the scar-faced man and looking at the transformed appearance of the small spaceship, everyone immediately believed that such a powerful weapon that could not be attacked by artillery fire would be a weapon that no other group of star thieves could encounter. You have to kneel!

"Surrender, boss," the Star Thieves suggested tremblingly. "We won't be embarrassed if we lose to the legendary Star Thief Terminator. We can keep the green hills, even if there is no firewood."

The captain's strong body fell on the chair, his rough face full of despair: "It's not that I didn't want to, he didn't answer my communication request."

The Star Thieves suddenly looked desperate. According to legend, the Star Thief Terminator hated the Star Thieves very much. They had offended each other severely before, but now it seemed that they were finished, completely finished.

In a state of despair, the last thing they saw outside was a huge hand grabbing at them. After that, there was only pure darkness outside. After a while, the power supply to the spacecraft disappeared, and nothing could be seen inside. Not here.

The members of the Storm Star Bandits thought that they would be crushed to pieces and turned into dust floating in the universe. Unexpectedly, not only did they not die, they would actually see the light again.

However, this light came from the garrison. The entire Star Thief Group was arrested and brought to justice one by one. After trial, those who deserved to be sentenced were sentenced and those who deserved to be jailed. Years of illegal gains were also returned after counting the victims. Some of it went back, and the rest was of course squandered by them.

The luckiest thing was that the merchant ship they had just robbed, a lot of the goods returned to the original owner, and the damaged spaceship was covered by insurance, so there was basically no loss other than the shock.

After the crew members returned, not only were they not held accountable, but they also gained the attention of the company because of this legendary experience. Most of them had their positions promoted, which can be said to be a blessing in disguise.

As for Yang Yan, who once again captured the entire Star Thieves group by himself, after handing over the people to the garrison, he showed his ID and got permission to leave early. After that, he didn't encounter any "fat sheep" along the way. , and finally returned to Dawn Star smoothly.

"I'm finally looking forward to having you back. I've worked hard for you all these years." When Chen Suo saw him, a rare smile appeared on his usually expressionless face.

His appearance is almost the same as that of ten years ago. The average life span of humans in the interstellar era has reached three hundred years. From the age of thirty to the age of two hundred and fifty, he will maintain his youthful appearance, and then slowly... The earth shows mourning for old age until the end of life.

Chen Suo is only over 150 years old this year. He is still very young, but he has already achieved achievements that many people cannot achieve in their lifetime. And perhaps because of his perseverance, he who could not draw Qi into his body before has already achieved achievements. The cultivation of the seventh level of Qi Refining also means that his lifespan will definitely be extended, but he, including others, do not know this yet.

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life." Yang Yan smiled back.

In ten years, he traveled around the stars and found five more planets with spiritual energy, averaging one every two years. Compared with the other three who found a total of seven planets, it was quite efficient.

Now with the addition of the Dawn Star, there are a total of thirteen aura planets, which are more than enough to make aura bombs to deal with the monsters coming from the space rift.

However, people in the interstellar will sooner or later discover that absorbing spiritual energy for practice can improve physical functions and increase lifespan. In the future, more and more people will definitely want to practice, and the demand for spiritual energy will only grow in the future.

Through this period of searching, he discovered that there were very few planets with spiritual energy in the entire interstellar world. Is it feasible to transplant spiritual plants and artificially cultivate spiritual energy?

Of course, this is all a later story. Chen Suo came back this time because of another thing. After more than ten years of hard training, someone was about to break through to the second level.

"How is Guan You doing now?" After a few brief greetings, Yang Yan asked directly.

The first group of people who practiced had all seen with their own eyes the massive thunder disaster he experienced at that time, and it was one of the guards who was about to be promoted recently.

The impression left at that time was too deep. When he realized that he had touched the barrier, he became extremely restless.

Although Chen Suo didn't know that he needed to maintain a good mood during the calamity, his intuition made him think that the person was not in the right state, so he immediately contacted Yang Yan and asked him to come back to see if he could provide some help.

Yang Yan was of course obligated to do things like this. He was the one who led people to this path in the first place. He couldn't just let it go, so he rushed back as soon as he got the news.

However, he was a bit far away at that time. Although he was already on his way at full speed, it still took him nearly a month to arrive. But it was probably not too late to see Chen Suo like this, and he was silently relieved.

"You'd better go and see for yourself!" Chen Suo didn't know how to describe it, so he could only reply, "Come with me."

"Okay." Yang Yan knew that no matter how smart he was, he was still a newbie in the field of cultivation. It was already good enough that he could sense that Guan You was in a bad state and call him back, so he didn't ask any more questions.

The two went to the residential area side by side because of the "Report on the Recycling and Maintenance of Spiritual Energy" that year. Although there have been many new faces on the planet over the years, everyone was very careful not to damage the original ecology.

They only dare to choose barren mountains as a place to live. There are nearly a hundred of the most popular tourist convenience houses in the world lined with bare stone mountains. From the outside, they look only a few square meters in size. When you go inside, you find that this house uses space folding technology. In fact, It's a suite of about a hundred square meters.

I heard from Chen that they now don't even kill animals outside easily. All food, drink, and supplies are delivered via spacecraft, and all garbage is transported to space for processing.

Yang Yan was a little surprised: "You don't have to do it to this extent, right? In fact, the main thing is to maintain those spiritual plants. Drinking water and eating meat will not affect it."

"You don't understand," Chen Suo smiled bitterly, "The ecological chain is very fragile. Sometimes it seems like just doing an unrelated thing, but it may bring a devastating blow. This is also the complete destruction of humankind's home planet. After that, everyone understood the truth.”

Yang Yan thought of the few words about the demise of Blue Star in the history books, and vaguely understood his pain, so he didn't comment on it anymore.

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