Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 53: Xianmen Senior Brother 13

Sheng Zhuxuan quickly ordered the three brothers and sisters to hide, but it was too late. The person who came had obviously discovered their traces, and flew directly towards them after pressing the flying sword.

"We'll fight him!" Seeing that she couldn't escape, Sheng Zhuxuan took out the Muyun flute and held it in front of her mouth, planning to fight to the death.

Others followed suit and took out their weapons to prepare for battle.

The visitors arrived very quickly, almost as soon as they made up their minds, they were in front of them, their footsteps lightly lifted to the ground.

After Sheng Zhuxuan blew a note, she realized that the person who came was not an enemy, but an old friend who had been away for a long time. But when she wanted to take back the attack, it was too late. The note turned into energy and shot straight at the person.

Fortunately, Yang Yan reacted quickly and dodged after a moment's movement. He looked at her helplessly: "Little junior sister, we haven't seen each other for so long. Is this how you greet your senior brother?"

Sheng Zhuxuan stared at him blankly for a long time, then suddenly threw herself into his arms with a cry of "Wow--" and cried bitterly: "Elder brother, why did you come back?"

Yang Yan was caught off guard and was jumped by her. Seeing her crying so sadly, he quickly patted her shoulder and said: "Stop crying. The people from the sect I arrived first have been driven away by me. Master Zun, Master, and the others are fine, and all the disciples are also safe."

"Really?" While Sheng Zhuxuan was still stunned, the other three disciples had already gathered around excitedly, asking questions.

Yang Yan briefly talked about what happened before, and when he learned that those arrogant and powerful enemies had been beaten to death by his senior brother and escaped with serious injuries, the eyes of several people turned to starry eyes when they looked at him, and they were filled with admiration. .

Sheng Zhuxuan also slowly stopped crying. Later, she discovered that she had thrown herself into the arms of her elder brother unconsciously. She rushed out with a blushing face. When she saw him, his face was indifferent, as if nothing had happened. Same, I suddenly felt lost.

Yang Yan tried his best to pretend not to see her resentful eyes, and said with a normal expression: "The people of Luohai Palace have suffered such a big loss, and they will definitely not let it go. Now I am preparing to take everyone in the door to leave here." "Come back with me and clean up."

After hearing this, several people were in trouble. Just now, they were only focused on escaping and exhausted all the spiritual energy in their bodies before stopping. Only Sheng Zhuxuan still had some energy left because of her higher cultivation level, but she could not support her to return to the sect with her sword. But how can the senior brother bring the four of them with one person and one sword?

At this time, Yang Yan raised his hand and threw something. It was a small boat as big as a palm. After hanging in the air for a moment, it suddenly rose up in the wind, and in an instant it turned into a large boat ten feet long.

"Is this the legendary flying boat?" Everyone was surprised, and after getting permission from their senior brother, they jumped on it one by one and looked around curiously.

This flying boat is divided into two floors. The upper floor is a wide hall and a viewing platform, and the lower floor is a living room. Everyone counted hundreds of rooms.

Moreover, the materials used are exquisite, and the hull of the ship is covered with mysterious and beautiful patterns. This ship is actually more impressive than their sect.

"It's so gorgeous!" Everyone exclaimed.

Is this called gorgeous? Yang Yan laughed. He didn't know how surprised he would be when they went to Yunjiang Mountain and saw the flying boat left by the ancient power.

Even though he has been a man for two lifetimes, it can be said that he has seen a lot. When he saw the flying boat that could accommodate a thousand people, he was a little lost. It was so exquisite and spectacular.

It's a pity that taking out such a treasure rashly may cause others to covet it. They are not strong enough to protect it now, so he has no choice but to reluctantly give up.

After that, he spent more than half a year to thoroughly study the principles of the flying boat, made a smaller version of it himself, and carved dozens of protective formations on it, in order to bring everyone there at once.

Otherwise, it would be too eye-catching to bring so many people with them to wield swords. Moreover, there were too many low-level disciples in the sect, and it would be too difficult for him to protect them by himself.

"Senior Brother, will we live on the boat from now on?" A young disciple asked with expectation.

"No," Yang Yan explained, "I found another place with abundant spiritual energy as the sect's base. This flying boat is only used to carry us there."

"Oh——" the young disciple was a little disappointed, "I thought I could live in heaven from now on!"

"Do you like living in the sky?" Yang Yan asked curiously.

"That's right! When I was young, I heard stories told by storytellers. I heard that immortals live in the sky. I was so envious!" The young disciple said with regret, "But when I entered the sect, I realized that storytellers are all It’s a lie.”

"Actually, it's not impossible." Yang Yan said thoughtfully.

The book about this world that the original owner had read mentioned that one of the sects among the superior immortal sects was suspended in the air. After returning to Yunjiang Mountain, he might try it and use formations to lift the mountain to the top. in the air.

"Senior Brother, what were you talking about just now?" His voice was too soft and the junior disciple did not hear him clearly.

"It's nothing, I'm thinking about something." Yang Yan brushed him off casually. Now that he was not sure he could complete it, it was better not to tell him yet, lest he would be disappointed if he failed.

"Oh, then I won't disturb your senior brother." The young disciple didn't think too much and ran happily to enjoy the scenery. He had no idea that, just because of his unintentional words, the future sect would actually turn out to be real. It became a fairy gate suspended in the air.

While several people were talking, the Donghe Gate was already in front of them. Yang Yan carved several flight and acceleration formations on the flying boat. Its speed was more than ten times faster than Sheng Zhuxuan and others walking with swords.

The only drawback is that it consumes some spirit stones, but he has a full warehouse in Yunjiang Mountain, so he doesn't care about this consumption.

Suddenly seeing such a behemoth appearing in the sky above the sect, the disciples in the sect thought it was the woman from Luohai Palace who was looking for help so quickly. Just when they were panicking, fortunately, they soon saw a familiar face. Wave to them from above.

Like the previous disciples, all the disciples were amazed after seeing such an impressive flying boat, and then quickly ran back to the room to pack their things.

Previously, they thought they were running for their lives barefoot, so they only picked up the essential things when they were packing up. Many of their beloved things that they were originally reluctant to part with had no choice but to give up.

Now that they have such a big flying boat to carry their things, what else do they have to be afraid of? Of course you can take whatever you want!

So Yang Yan was lucky enough to see a grand scene like locusts passing through. These boys (maybe they shouldn't be called boys?) not only moved everything in their house.

If he hadn't stopped him, he would have even dug up the trees in the yard and moved them away, but he failed when he stopped them from moving the stone benches and tables, and watched helplessly as they carried them onto the boat with "Hey, hey, hey, hey" .

Yang Yan: "..."

Come on, as long as they don't regret it when they go to the new sect.

However, the disciples were still cautious and knew that a powerful enemy might come at any time. Although they moved a lot of things, their speed was not slow. By the time Zhuang Jingfu and the others woke up from their trance, they had just finished moving.

The headmaster and the two elders did not know that his eldest disciple had made the decision to move the sect and had taken action. Facing the sect passing by like a typhoon, they were a little confused for a while.

However, this kind of thing can be explained clearly in a few words, and a few people quickly figured out the whole story. Although they were a little reluctant to leave the master who had lived for hundreds of years, they did not know when a powerful enemy would come knocking on their door. Now, of course, it is important to escape.

Moreover, they had already been mentally prepared for this, but they quickly adjusted their mentality, picked up their belongings, and boarded the boat together.

After everyone got on the flying boat, Yang Yan did not follow immediately, but said: "Wait for me for a moment."

Then he took some things and placed them around the sect, then Shi Shiran walked up, started the flying boat and left.

This trip went smoothly. Their flying boat was very impressive in the eyes of the Donghe disciples, but it was very inconspicuous in the world of cultivation.

There were monks who made a living by blocking roads and robbing people. Those with high cultivation looked down on such an ordinary flying boat. Those with low cultivation were looking for death when they bumped into it. Instead, they were robbed completely by Yang Yan.

However, the people of Donghe Sect saw for the first time the cruelty of the world of cultivation. It turned out that not all monks meditated and practiced every day like they did. They would also be driven by desire like ordinary people and do things such as robbing their homes and robbing their homes.

They will even do evil things that kill people for the sake of spiritual stones and treasures.

A group of disciples felt sorry for each other. They admired the senior brother for being able to wander alone in the world of cultivation for three years. Not only did his cultivation level increase greatly, but he also bought a treasure like a flying boat.

Of course, when they arrived at Yunjiang Mountain and saw the magnificent future sect, this admiration turned into admiration, and he was definitely the number one person they admired, and no one could compare to him.

"Brother, head master!" Sheng Hongzhen patted Zhuang Jingfu on the shoulder again and sighed, "You really have a good apprentice!"

Zhuang Jingfu still looked shocked: I am very pleased that my apprentice is capable, but he is so capable that I am also very stressed, okay? If I have a master, a disciple, a disciple, and a disciple of a martial art, what use is there for me as a master? What is it for?

The masters and disciples of Donghe Sect were overjoyed to make arrangements, but they didn't know that their reputation had spread throughout the world of cultivation.

Shen Weiyang escaped quietly that day, fearing that she would be chased and fled all the way to a thousand miles away before stopping. After that, she found a place to heal her wounds while sending a message to Luohai Palace for help.

However, the distance here was too far. When the palace lord learned that something happened to his beloved daughter, he rushed over seven days later. By that time, the entire Donghe Gate had long since fled without a trace.

All that was left for them were a few plundered courtyards and formation traps hidden everywhere.

Although there were no casualties in the Luohai Palace due to the presence of the palace master, and the most serious one was only a broken arm, this was undoubtedly a provocation to the majesty of the superior immortal sect.

Palace Master Luo Hai was so angry that he issued a pursuit order, and the Donghe Sect went from being a small sect that no one knew about to becoming famous all over the world.

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