Male supporting role is not a stepping stone

Chapter 58: Xianmen Senior Brother 18

An interesting soul cannot lack arms and legs, and subscriptions that show love cannot be given up halfway~ Yang Yan did not know that his younger brother was doubting his life because of his small act of revenge. He had already received complete delegation from his father, and he was in high spirits and ready to let go as soon as he arrived at the company. Let's do a lot of work.

In the days that followed, people from the other three major families were surprised to find that Mushi Group was constantly launching new projects as if they were on a roll.

But they soon discovered that most of them were small investments. They thought it was a practice exercise for the new president after he took office, so they didn't pay much attention to it.

The head of the Yang family even laughed at Mu Huai behind his back for being too petty and not willing to invest more capital in raising his son, which made him so petty.

Late at night in a club favored by rich kids, Yang Wendong vividly recounted to Yang Yan what his father said, and finally put his arms around his shoulders and said with a smile: "The old man looks down on you so much, brother, you have to work harder! I'll wait. I'll slap the old man in the face."

"If Mr. Yang knew that you were so looking forward to seeing his jokes, I'm afraid he would be furious again." Yang Yan said helplessly.

"Ha!" Yang Wendong sneered, "The old man had better be angry to death someday!"

Yang Yan shook his head and said nothing. This man was the eldest son of the original owner and the eldest son of the Yang family, one of the four major families. However, this man's luck was not very good.

The leader of the Yang family had been wild and uninhibited when he was young, and did not restrain himself after getting married. In the end, he forced his first wife to die in depression.

Yang Wendong was only ten years old at the time, and he had not yet recovered from the early death of his mother. His father married a new wife less than three months after his death, and brought back two children who were only two years younger than him. twin brother and sister.

The anger of the young boy can be imagined. He hated his father's unkindness and unrighteousness. He was extremely hostile to the new members of the family and worked tirelessly to oppose them.

And his stepmother is not easy to get along with either. She goes back and forth between father and son, making the relationship between the two even worse, and now it has almost reached the point of incompatibility.

Yang Wendong has been at odds with his father for many years. The more he dislikes something, the more he has to do it. When he was young, he was a hot-eyed, murderous boy, but now he is a swinger who has achieved nothing.

Yang's father was also unique. He directly deprived his eldest son of his heir qualifications and took his second son with him to train him early, preparing to leave all Yang's enterprises to him in the future.

So what Yang Wendong likes to do most is to watch his own jokes, wishing they were unlucky!

However, his ending in his previous life was not very good. Two years later, Yang's father suffered a stroke and passed away. His illegitimate brother kicked him out of the Yang family and ruthlessly defrauded his mother of all the inheritance left to him.

At that time, the original owner was too busy to take care of himself and could not do anything to help him. By the time he learned the news, he had already left the capital in poverty and never appeared again.

"Didn't Aunt Gao leave some money for you?" Yang Yan thought for a moment and said, "Why don't you invest in my new project and I'll give you a share."

In his previous life, when he learned that something happened to his original owner's company, he planned to lend his mother's inheritance to his brother for turnover. However, he had already been tricked by that time, and when he planned to get the money back, the other party had already taken away the money and ran away.

Although the original owner did not get his money in the end, it was commendable to have such a heart, and now Yang Yan is willing to give him a hand.

"Forget it!" Yang Wendong refused straight away, "You are not short of funds. If you ask me to invest, wouldn't it be taking advantage of you in vain? I can't do such a shameless thing."

Although many in the upper class look down upon his playboy style, he is actually very affectionate and able to help his brothers when they are in trouble, but he does not covet things that do not belong to him.

Others don't understand why a "promising young man" in their eyes has been friends with such a "promising" second generation for so many years. It's just because they don't see the valuable qualities in him.

"To be honest, I really don't understand why you continue to stay in the Yang family?" Yang Yan asked puzzledly, "Aren't you fed up with all these years of idleness? Or do you think Yang will always change his mind?"

Then he could tell him responsibly that that would never be possible. In the memory of the original owner, Father Yang did not leave a penny to his eldest son.

"You don't understand!" Yang Wendong said cheerfully, "I just like to see the old man jumping up and down when I am angry, but he can't do anything about it!"


Yang Yan really didn't understand. Killing a thousand enemies and injuring yourself eight hundred times, what's there to be proud of?

"What I told you before was serious, please think about it." He did not continue to persuade, but said seriously, "I am not short of funds, but I am short of trustworthy people. These projects are not looking good now. It’s small, but it will definitely become bigger within three years, and I won’t have that much energy to manage by then.”

"I have trust in your ability. Needless to say our brotherhood for so many years, you are my most promising helper."

Seeing that he seemed moved, Yang Yan added fire: "I think if Aunt Gao is alive in heaven, she would also hope that you can come out and live your own life."

"Ha!" Yang Wendong laughed self-deprecatingly, "Only you can say that you can trust me. Come on, let me think about it!"

After that, the two of them did not continue talking about this topic. After chatting for a while, they were about to leave. When they could walk out of the private room, a staggering figure bumped into them.

"Be careful!" Seeing that she was about to fall, Yang Yan subconsciously gave her a hand.

The visitor's slender waist fell into his arms, and he raised his head in a daze. The long hair hanging on both sides slid away, revealing a familiar face, which turned out to be the heroine Du Yunxin!

Yang Yan's heart skipped a beat and he let go of his hand without thinking.

Du Yunxin suddenly lost her support and fell backwards. The remaining consciousness in her mind told her to stretch out her hands and grab at random in the air.

Yang Yan quickly took a step back and escaped, but Yang Wendong who followed him out was not so lucky. He was caught with the tie around his neck and fell down with her without any defense.

The two fell down one after another, making a huge noise. Du Yunxin was unlucky, his head hit the ground hard, and he fainted completely without even making a sound.

Fortunately for Yang Wendong, he was able to support his body with Yang Kai's arms at the last moment, hanging dangerously and not pressing down. Otherwise, coupled with his weight of more than 100 kilograms, it would be enough for the heroine to bear.

However, the posture between the two of them was a little too ambiguous. At first glance, I thought he was planning to do something inappropriate to the girl below!

Sure enough, the person who happened to come out of the next room misunderstood. Before Yang Wendong could react, he heard a loud shout: "What are you doing!"

He turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw a shiny leather shoe zooming in front of his eyes, kicking straight towards his head.


Yang Wendong hurriedly tried to hide, but as soon as he tried hard, he fell back because the tie was still tightly grasped in his hand. At this time, the foot was less than two centimeters away from his head!

I'm going! Isn't this too unlucky?

This thought flashed through Yang Wendong's mind, and he opened his eyes wide in preparation for the coming pain.

Fortunately, he still had good friends at the critical moment. How could Yang Yan see him suffer such an unreasonable disaster? He quickly stepped out to help, kicking away the leg that was attacking him.

After a muffled groan, the person fell backwards. Fortunately, the person behind him caught him in time to avoid falling and embarrassment.

All of this sounds long, but actually happened in less than three seconds.

After Yang Yan stopped the person, he quickly leaned down and pulled Yang Wendong's tie out of the unconscious woman's hands, then helped him up and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, thanks to your quick reaction." Yang Wendong responded, vigorously brushed his short, somewhat messy hair, and looked at the man who just attacked him with an unkind expression.

"Young Master He is so powerful, he comes up and beats people indiscriminately!"

The person who came was none other than He Zimo. He stood up straight with the help of the people around him, glared at the two of them sinisterly, and stepped forward to check on Du Yunxin without saying a word.

After discovering that she had fainted, his face became even more ugly: "What did you do to her?"

"What do you mean by that?" Yang Wendong almost jumped up. "She bumped into her and fell accidentally. What does it have to do with us?"

He Zimo obviously didn't believe it. He sneered, picked him up, and said, "I won't just let it go!" and hurried away.

Although Yang Wendong felt he was wronged, he couldn't stop someone from seeking medical treatment at this time. He could only look at his back and jump: "I can't just let it go! I'm crazy!"

"You are really getting more and more promising! Brother." The young man who was following He Zimo just now suddenly said in a sinister tone.

Yang Wendong felt that he had nowhere to vent his anger, but at this moment someone came to make trouble. He suddenly turned his head and said in a cold voice: "Don't have such a random relationship with M, there are no bastard brothers in labor and management!"

The young man's face was green and red, and it took him a long time to suppress his anger and said: "I will tell my father exactly what happened today. Yang and He were discussing business, and you actually molested Mr. He's fiancée in public. , if this affects the cooperation between the two families, I wonder how you can explain it to your father!"

"Go ahead and tell that old guy and see if labor and management will blink." Yang Wendong sneered.

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